Chapter 15

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Sanaya’s P.O.V Acelin took one look at me and his lips turned up into a ridiculously large gleeful smile. If I hadn’t been so flustered, I would’ve thrown a champagne flute at his head, but sadly, Lancelin had his arm around my waist and Acelin was safe and sound with his obvious joy…for now. Even Martin had given me a smirk when he had seen me get into the car after Lance. It had caused me to check my appearance several times in my compact mirror, but everything had seemed fine…except for the blush on my cheeks that refused to disappear and the tiny but noticeable mark on my neck…which I had fixed with a tiny bit of concealer. Lancelin had frowned at the concealer but had otherwise said nothing. Surprisingly, Lancelin had held his hand out for me when we got off the car and he had had his arm around my waist ever since. I didn’t quite know what to make of it. I could still feel it, the sensation of his lips on mine, even though it has been over half an hour. And butterflies still tingled in my tummy. I’d felt like this before, so desired and wanted. It made me feel special and I hoped I wasn’t making a mistake trusting an Incubus. * Lancelin’s fingers threaded through my hair as his lips moved over mine. I was momentarily stunned by Lancelin’s sudden advances, mostly because I had never though it possible that a devastatingly handsome Incubus would ever take any interest in me, but the sparks flew instantly and without hesitation, I wrapped my arms around his nape. I felt him smile into the kiss, like he knew I couldn’t resist him. But at that moment, I didn’t care that he was feeling a little conceited about his kissing skills. It’s been far too long and my starved body reacted to his touch like a volcanic eruption. Lancelin pulled me even closer as his other hand wrapped around my waist, digging into my skin as his lips turned urgent, like he had been starved just as much as I had been. Sensations filled my mind that I never felt before, fireworks exploded in my bloodstream; the need to get even closer to him kept overwhelming me as I rose on my tippy toes to get even closer to him. My breasts were practically squashed against the hard muscles of his chest as I was completely plastered to his form, my fingers wound into the silky softness of his hair and I tugged at them, hard. Lancelin hissed, but not out of frustration because his arousal was quiet evident against my navel. Liquid heat accumulated at the juncture of my thighs and I wanted him to forget about everything else and take me right then and there. I’d never felt so greedy before, so needy. Lancelin tugged my head back, breaking the enticing contact of our lips but he didn’t stop. Instead he moved down my neck, placing tiny kisses along the way. A moan escaped my lips as he kissed me between my collarbone and I felt him pause there before he used his teeth. I gasped as the butterflies went wide in my belly, as I pressed my thighs together to keep myself from exploding. And then Lance was sucking lightly on the spot, making me wild with desire. He kissed his way up to my lips once again and this time, we kissed each other with fervor, like we’d both been starved for centuries and had finally found what we had been looking for. Finally, Lancelin was the one who pulled back as we both gasped for air, still desperately clinging to each other. My brain was pretty much fried crispy but with whatever grey matter I had left, I realized that I just had an extremely steamy make-out session with my boss and I jumped back, tidying up my hair and clothes and trying to pretend like nothing had happened, but my lips were plump and swollen and I was pretty sure my neck was red. Thankfully my tanned skin tone would hide any evidence of what had been going on. When I looked up at Lancelin, it was to find him in perfectly pristine condition with a satisfied smirk on his face. “Looks like the lipstick passed the test.” It had taken me a while to understand what he had said but when I had, Lancelin was already walking out the door and I had to pull myself together before following him to the car. * “Glad you guys could make it.” Acelin gave me a wink before calling over a waiter and handing us two flutes of champagne. “Lance usually hates parties but I guess he decided to show you off.” Huh? Show me off? I was about to ask Acelin exactly what he meant when a woman came up from behind us and placed her hands on Lancelin’s face, covering his eyes. “Guess who?” I had to grit my teeth and subdue the urge to throw her off of Lancelin. The jealousy I felt was so sudden that it temporarily threw me off balance. And it didn’t exactly help that the woman was drop dead gorgeous. Her short red hair was in delicate curls around her face and just about reached her shoulders. Her bright blue eyes were like sapphires and fit her delicate features perfectly. She was short, about five feet three but she wore six inch high heels and a gorgeous black lace bodycon dress with long sleeves. She had large gold hoop earrings and gold heels, paired with a gold braided belt. The dress reached mid-thigh, exposing slender legs. The theme of the party wasn’t black clothing but most of the guests were wearing black, except for the few lighter tones. Nothing too loud…except, of course, for Acelin, who had chosen his signature white trousers and jacket with an aquamarine silk shirt underneath. Lancelin had an everlasting dark theme for his attires and Sophia had chosen a black dress for me tonight. Even the woman who was currently plastered to Lancelin was wearing black. “Amber Rose, you’re too old for such childish behavior.” Lancelin sighed and removed her hands from his eyes and all my jealousy vanished instantly. Amber Rose Verborg, the hostess of today’s party and Lancelin’s cousin, pouted as she came to stand between her two brothers. “You are such a buzzkill!” “Now, now, dear Amy,” Acelin ruffled her hair, much to her dismay. “Let’s not spoil the mood for the party, shall we? Congratulations on the launch of your new cosmetic range.” Amber Rose grinned widely before her gaze turned to me and her whole face lit up. “You must be Sanaya Johnson! Hi, I’m Amber Rose Verborg, but please call me Amber or ever Amy is fine. I’ve heard so much about you from both my brothers that I was super excited to meet you! Finally, I get that chance!” Amber gushed and pulled me in for a hug. She was so energetic and vibrant that I didn’t feel nervous anymore and it felt more like meeting a friend than meeting one of Lancelin’s family members. “Good things, I hope.” I told her as we pulled away. “And thank you for the lipstick, it’s just awesome!” “Of course and my pleasure. You look stunning, by the way.” Amber beamed as she moved forward and touched her fingers to my hair. “Oh! Such stunning hair you have! Lance, do you mind if I steal her for advertising my hair products?”Amber turned to ask Lancelin the question before returning to me. “Just say yes and I’ll pay you 20% more than what Lance is paying you right now.” “Absolutely not!” Came Lancelin’s grumpy reply. “Go find your own employees.” Worried that Amber might take offence, I quickly tried to mend the situation. “It’s alright, Amber. I can always review your products for you, like the lipstick.” “Huh?” Amber looked momentarily confused while Lancelin cleared his throat and Acelin was beaming from ear to ear. Soon enough, Amber’s smirk stretched just as much as Acelin’s and I was left feeling confused at their reactions. “Why don’t you ladies chat cosmetics while me men discuss business? Please, excuse us.” Acelin told us politely while still grinning as he pulled Lancelin out of the hall and to the wide empty veranda at the end. “What happened? Did I offend you somehow? I’m really sorry if I did, that wasn’t my intension.” I told Amber in a hurry, trying to rectify whatever mistake I’d made. Amber threw her head back laughing and once she was done, patted my cheeks. “Oh honey! You are absolutely adorable.” She shook her head. “If Lancelin told you this lipstick was for a review, it’s total BS. There was no review. My brother specially asked about the deluxe brand for you and he has never asked anyone for favors, ever. It’s obvious he likes you.” I blinked several times as I tried to make sense of what was happening. I was a little unsure at first at what she meant but then everything became crystal clear. That kiss! Looks like the lipstick passed the test. If what Amber just said was true then Lancelin really had me fooled. That kiss had been genuine, not because he wanted to test some stupid ten thousand dollar lipstick. My boss had just kissed me because he likes me. Holy f*****g s**t!  
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