Chapter 14

2075 Words
Sanaya’s P.O.V “You got invited where?” Tanya and Sophia gasped in unison. “To Ms. Amber Rose Verborg’s party?” I looked at the two women in confusion as their mouths hit the floor. “Okay, what am I missing?” “Honey!” Sophia put her hands on my shoulders and gave me a little shake. “You’re wearing an Esteem Amber lipstick from the Deluxe collection! How could you not know the owner of the company?” Oh! “Wait…how do you know I’m wearing Esteem Amber?”I frowned at Sophia. “That colour is unique to Esteem Amber.” Tanya told me. “I would’ve bough it already if it wasn’t that damn expensive. I’m saving up my bonuses.” “Me too!” Sophia chimed in. “But, let’s discuss that later, shall we? Sanaya needs help and I think we have just the right thing for you.” “Yup!” Both Tanya and Sophia took a hold of each of my hands and dragged me after them. We took a different elevator this time and moved up to the tenth floor where most of the staff had their lockers. There was also a different room for female employees with a cabin off the side where new moms could breastfeed their young and a separate changing and shower room. Tanya let me to her locker while Sophia went to hers to get her makeup case; meanwhile I stood in the centre of the room, unsure of what to do as the clock ticked away. Both of them returned about five minutes later, Sophia with a ton of makeup kits and brushes and Tanya came back with a black dress that looked too outrageous even from inside the bag. “NO!” I glared at her. “YES!” She glared back. “If I had boobs like your girl, I’d be flaunting them!” “It’s a deep V!” I whined. “Which barely shows your cleavage.” She thrust the bag into my hands. “It’s the only one I have that is your size. Go and change! We don’t have much time.” Realizing that she was right and that I was fighting a losing battle, I took the dress and headed into the changing room. I gave out a sigh as I took the dress out of its bag. The dress was gorgeous, to be honest. It reached to my knees and had full sleeves but the front was a bit plunging and the back had a zigzag interlacing of laces. Paired with the black heels I’d chosen to wear today, they would look great. Since time was actually running out, I breathed out another sigh and took off my clothes before putting on the dress. It fit me like a glove. The skirt had a slight twirl to it when I turned around and the sleeves came just a couple of inches above my wrist, but the front was what grabbed attention. The dress hugged my curves in all the right places and it made my boobs look gorgeous. The only problem was…it showed more than my preferred amount of cleavage and made my boobs look bigger. “Are you done?” Sophia knocked on the door at that instant and I knew my time was up. “Yes.” I told them as I exited the door and both of their eyes went huge. I tugged up the neck-line of the dress nervously. “See? I knew this was a bad idea. Do you have any-“ “Put your hair down.” “Huh?” I looked at Sophia as she finally picked her jaw off the floor and rushed towards me. “Put your hair down!” She was tugging at my top-knot before I had a chance of refusing her and within a second, my hair was free of its bounds and hanging freely around my head. “Wow!” Tanya clapped. “Why do Indians have such gorgeous hair? And to think you always keep it tied up!” “Because if I don’t, my hair will become a bird’s nest by the end of the day.” I told her seriously. “Guys…I appreciate the compliment, but I’m going as Mr. Eustein’s secretary. I think I should be a bit more professional.” “Honey, you’re going to Ms. Verborg’s party!” Sophia reminded me. “A party mostly frequented by celebrities and not to mention, high ranking Incubi! You can’t look anything other than an eye candy…which you totally do, by the way. I’m sure there’ll be a lot of jealous looks your way tonight.” “Wait…Incubi? Is she one of Mr. Eustein’s clients?” I asked Tanya, who seemed to be the one who knew almost everyone. “No! She’s our Sire’s cousin, from his mother’s side.” Tanya informed me. “In fact, I’ve heard they aren’t even that far apart.” “Yes.” Sophia answered as she slid a brush through my hair, untangling any knots. “Even less than fifty years. Considering just how rare Incubi births are, that’s almost like them being twins.” Fifty years? That’s more than half of any human being’s life time. Thinking that Lancelin had lived more years than most of my forefathers had been alive…it made a sudden tightness form in my chest. “What’s wrong?” Sophia paused with her brush on my head. “Did something we say upset you?” I blinked back my surprise as I turned to look at her face. “How did you know?” “One of my latent abilities is being able to sense emotions.” Sophia gave a small smile. “It doesn’t happen often and it’s limited to very close proximities. So just like I can sense your sadness, I can also sense Tanya’s anxiousness. So, will either of you tell me what’s going on before it drives me crazy?” “Wow!” Tanya blinked at Sophia. “I didn’t know you had that talent.” “Well, now you know that I do, so spill.” Sophia said sternly. “Sanaya?” “It’s nothing really.” I shook my head. “It’s just something lame. I was just thinking about how long your lives are and that one day, you guys will forget that you even met me. Maybe a hundred years from now, I’ll be nothing but a distant memory to everyone.” “Awww! Honey!” Sophia and Tanya hugged me from both sides. “It’s difficult for us too. Every friendship we make is difficult because we will eventually lose them.” Sophia said as she patted my head, reminding me once again that she was way older than she looked. “Almost all of us have gone through a phase in our life where we had left everyone behind and gone off wandering alone. But what we had soon realized was that humans, even though their lives were so short, were an integral part of our lives and we couldn’t live without that connection. So every connection is precious to us and we try to remember them as long as we can.” “Thanks, I guess that makes me feel better.” I gave her a small smile and we both turned to Tanya. “I didn’t think it was that obvious.” Tanya shrugged and then her shoulders dropped and she gave out a sigh. “Well, I’m a bit worried about Martin.” “Ah!” I remembered. “Mr. Eustein said something about him being called urgently back to his coven. Didn’t they refuse to acknowledge him as a coven member? Then why was he called back? Did they change their mind?” “I’m afraid not.” Tanya sighed, running her hands through her dark brown hair that almost looked black. “His grandfather isn’t doing so well so they called him to see him one last time. Poor guy was really close with his grandfather growing up. As far as I know our Chrone is too strict to go back on her word, so his grandfather must have sent in the request.” “That’s just horrible!” I told her, touching my hands to her shoulders. “Why don’t you guys vote her out?” Tanya gave a small laugh as she patted my head. “The immortal world isn’t as wonderful as it looks on the outside, I’m afraid. Certain laws are written to protect us all. It may seem cruel to some but we rarely revolt against them. The last revolt that happened was during the time when Acelin’s father was still alive.” “Huh?” I looked at Tanya and then to Sophia. “What happened during that revolt?” Sophia and Tanya both immediately looked alarmed and stared at each other. “That’s not our story to tell, unfortunately.” Sophia said at last. “You should ask one of the Sire’s sometimes. I’m sure if not Mr. Eustein then Mr. Billard might tell you about it.” “Right, but for now,” Tanya pointed out with a make-up box in her hand. “Let’s get you ready for the party!”   ****   “Mr. Eustein?” I knocked on the door and took a deep breath as I waited for his response. After Sophia and Tanya had just released me from their clutches after dolling me up in makeup and combing my hair. It was difficult to match my foundation shade so Sophia and Tanya had mixed together their foundations to get my shade. It had worked out perfectly in the end and the results were something even I couldn’t describe. Acelin had taught me to doll up but I’d never changed out of my ‘Secretary’ clothing even during occasions. But Lancelin had asked me to change into something different and party-appropriate so I had listened to him. I only hope that it fit the criteria of what I was supposed to do here because when it came to Lancelin Eustein I had no clue what he was thinking. “Come in.” I pushed the door open and nearly fell flat on my face. Lancelin had gelled back his hair so that not even a single strand was on his face. The thick, glossy mass looked like he had just come out of a very steamy shower…just like in my dreams. Tonight he wore an all black theme with a black jacket paired with black pants and a black shirt underneath. Even his leather shoes were a glossy black. The only thing that broke the dark trend was a white tie and his bright golden eyes…that were on me like he could attack me any moment. His eyes traced me from head to toe and back, lingering on my face rather than my breasts like I had expected. It would’ve been easier if I just lowered my gaze, but I held on to him when his eyes finally met mine. A shiver ran down my spine at the intensity, as the power that lived inside him shoved at my senses. “Is anything the matter, Sir?” I asked a bit nervously as I resisted the urge to pull up the neck-line without breaking his gaze. “Hmmm,” Lancelin came forward until he was standing right in front of me. The sheer strength of him was overpowering yet intoxicating at the same time. His cologne had a distinct masculine scent to it, a bit sweet but just as potent. I had to tilt my head up to look into his amber eyes and be captivated by their intensity all over again. “I was just thinking; how we never got to the last test.” His voice was husky, barely a whisper. “Test?” At this instant, my mind was completely blank. I couldn’t answer someone even if they asked me my birth date. My brain was fried just by the close proximity and he hadn’t even put his hands on me yet. “Yes, your final lipstick test.” Lancelin’s lips tugged upwards in amusement and before I could comprehend what the final lipstick test was…Lancelin Eustein had wound his hand in my hair and tugged me against him as his lips came over mine.
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