Chapter 16

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Lancelin’s P.O.V “Hello brother,” Acelin came to stand beside me on the veranda as I watched Amber Rose walk around the hall with Sanaya by her side; both women were laughing and talking like they had been friends for decades instead of having just met. “They seem to get along just fine.” I took a sip of my whisky that Acelin handed me, while keeping an eye on them over the rim of my glass. “Poor Lance…” Acelin sighed before grinning from ear to ear. “You two seem to be getting along just fine recently.” “And I guess I have you to thank for that.” I finally turned to face Acelin. “I don’t think Sanaya would like it very much when she learns that her previous Boss and friend had plotted her into ReefWood Inc. all along.” “Into your arms, you mean?” If possible, his grin got even wider and he ran a hand through his blonde locks to get them out of his eyes. “I always felt she was perfect for you. And your infatuation with her had been obvious from day 1, when she had just started working as my secretary. But I do have to ask brother, what do you find so special about her? You have thousands of suitors, both mortal and immortal. Then why her?” “Looking out for her, are we?” I raised an eyebrow at Acelin. He shrugged nonchalantly. “I have to. She lost her father at a very young age and she needs someone to take care of her even though she might say otherwise.” “Will you tell me everything you know about her?” I asked Acelin sincerely. “I don’t want to end up hurting her unknowingly.” “Unfortunately Lancelin, those aren’t my secrets to tell.” Acelin took a sip of his wine and we both turned away from the crowd, knowing that Sanaya was in safe hands. “And if you want to have a sincere and successful relationship, then you have to learn as you go. Of course you’ll make mistakes. Of course there will be times when you screw up, you both will. But relationships need effort and participation from both sides. Sanaya has always been drawn to you too, even though she might not notice it. It was a surprise for me considering that she is immune to immortal charm.” “Is she?” I looked at Acelin and then to Sanaya doubtfully. “Have yo tested it? Because I want to be sure that any feelings from her side is because she wants it to be and not her brain getting attracted to the predator in me.” “Brother, you do know that I can be quite charming myself, right?” Acelin raised his eyebrows at me. “She had been with me for five years and she hadn’t shown any interest in me, not even for once. And to top it off, I’ve had several meetings with several high ranking Incubus as well as mages and vampires, but Sanaya had stayed unaffected. The only time I’d ever seen her flustered was when she met you for the first time.” A feeling of satisfaction filled my chest. “Good.” It sounded absurd to say it out loud but I had been worried that the passionate kiss we shared just moments ago might have only been because of her attraction towards me as an Incubus. I hadn’t thought it was possible to feel this much sensation from just a kiss. I’ve kissed thousands of women in my five hundred and seventy two years on Earth but none of them had held so much passion, so many emotions like this kiss with Sanaya. I had to control myself with iron will to take things slow, because I didn’t want to scare her off when we were finally making progress. I’d waited three years for this moment and I couldn’t afford to make mistakes now. I could still remember when I’d met her for the first time at a charity dinner. She’d been a quite presence by Acelin’s side and yet, she had the strongest presence. Yes, Acelin was right; I had thousands of suitors, both mortals and immortals alike. “I knew it was her the second I laid eyes on her.” I told my older half-brother the answer to the question he had asked previously. “I’d been so certain before that I was going to end up having a political marriage like our mother, but then I saw her and everything just faded away. Everyone else in the room just faded away and she was the only person I saw.” “That sounds awfully like an imprint.” Acelin paused with his drink half way to his lips. “I haven’t heard of an Incubus imprinting on anyone for centuries.” “You’ve heard about it before?” I asked him, genuinely interested. “Yes.” Acelin nodded. “Every race had this phenomenon, even humans but they like to term it ‘love at first sight’. Other races usually have different terms for it but ‘imprint’ is the most commonly used term. I’ve only heard two other Incubi mention the term before, both over a thousand years old and both had experienced it firsthand. And surprisingly, both are still with their chosen mates for over five hundred years. I think you’ve met them, Ramos Crimson and Devi Chaturvedi. Both are currently running for a position in the Advisory Council for the King.” “Yes, I’ve heard of them,” I told Acelin. “Father was considering-” “I’d rather stay out of the political matters, Lancelin.” Acelin gave a polite smile. “It’s a matter between the current and the future kings.” I stared at Acelin’s face for a good few minutes but his expression didn’t falter. “I know I don’t have the right to ask you this, but do you regret-” “Let the past stay in the past, little brother,” Acelin placed his hand on my shoulder and I felt like a burden had been lifted off my chest. “It’s been six hundred years already and I’m grateful for still being a part of your life. That is enough for me. And besides, I never had any interest in politics, so whatever I am now, I feel content with it.” “Thank you,” I told Acelin genuinely. I may be against his nosiness and may not always be on my best behavior with him but Acelin had always been my biggest support whenever I had needed him. “I just realized I don’t say that to you often.” “You don’t need to say anything and I’d still know.” Acelin smiled. “I’m your big brother after all. Although…I’m sorry but I have to ask.” Acelin hesitated, which was rare for him. “What if Sanaya rejects your advances? What if she doesn’t want to be a part of your world or be in a relationship with you?” “Then I’ll back off immediately.” My reply was instant because I didn’t have to think twice before choosing Sanaya’s happiness over mine. And if it meant to cut ties with her permanently, then I would do it, not matter how much I didn’t want to. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t try my best to win over her.” I added with a smirk. “Bastard.” Acelin barked out a short laugh. “Oh! Are we interrupting a moment?” Amber Rose’s voice came from the balcony door and we turned to find her approaching us with Sanaya in her toe. “Not at all.” Acelin took a sip of his wine. “What can we do for you gorgeous young ladies?” “Charmer.” Amber Rose shook her head and turned to face me as she hooked her arm around Acelin’s elbow. “Let’s switch partners for a while, shall we? It’s time for our social butterfly to flutter thy wings.” “Your wish is my command,” Acelin gave Amber Rose a mock courtesy and both of them headed towards the guests, disappearing into the crowd soon after, leaving Sanaya and me alone in the balcony. “So, are you enjoying the party?” I asked her to break the silence. “Yes,” her face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Amber is such a wonderful person! I could never tell she’s over five centuries old if I had met her on the streets.” “Are you calling us old, Sanaya?” I raised an eyebrow at her with a serious expression on my face. I loved teasing Sanaya, because she would get easily flustered and a blush would appear on her cheeks like it did right now. But she always counters with a valid point and a witty reply. “Immortals age different than humans, I understand that.” Sanaya said now. “But I have realized that some of the older Incubi are set in their ways and believes.” “Do I fall into that category?” I asked her, curious to find out about her opinion of me. “I don’t know you well enough, Mr. Eustein.” Sanaya looked up at me, her bright chocolate eyes appearing even darker in the moonless night. “Lancelin,” I told her, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her closer to me. “When we are alone; when it’s just the two of us, I want you to call me by my name and I’ll do the same.” Sanaya’s cheeks tinted red with a blush and the sweet scent of her musk grew stronger. “Go on, Sanaya.” I whispered her name into her ear and it sounded seductive even though I hadn’t meant it to be. “Say it. Call me by my name. I want to hear my name from your lips.” “La…” Sanaya hesitated, her voice barely above a whisper. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before whispering my name in a breathily. “Lancelin.” The way my name whispered out of her lips felt just perfect, like my name was always meant to be for her lips alone. My father had named me Lancelin, which meant servant of the Gods, but at that moment I was willing to be her servant for all eternity. Maybe I was moving too fast, but I had known Sanaya was the one since the first time I had laid eyes on her. In a room full of glamour and dazzle, her light still shines the brightest and it comes from the depth of her soul. I needed that light in my life to thwart away the darkness of ennui that being an immortal brings with it. “Lancelin!” Sanaya jumped away from me like we had just been caught red handed doing something naughty. I was annoyed at having Acelin back from the party so soon, but the urgency in his voice stopped me. And then I looked at his face. It was drained of colour and he was clutching his wineglass in his hands with a white knuckled grip. Acelin was one of those people who lost their composure very rarely. He was always calm and composed even in the eyes of a storm. To see him this rattled and shaken up was worrying me. “Acelin, wha-” “Lancelin! You have to come quick!” Amber Rose entered the veranda at that moment, cutting off my sentence. “It’s her.” “Her?” I narrowed my eyes at the two of them, trying to decipher if they were tricking me, but Amber Rose bore the same expression as Acelin, except she seemed on the verge of a panic attack. It was too real to be a trick. But who could’ve put that expression on their faces? “Her, Lance.” Amber emphasized. “It’s her.” And that’s when it clicked. Her. Cold rage filled my blood and I placed my glass on a nearby table and placed a hand on Acelin’s shoulder. He was shaking with rage, although it wasn’t that visible. I tightened my grip. “We all face her together.” I looked at both Amber Rose and Acelin. “As a family.” “Yes.” Acelin said, his shoulders relaxing a bit. And then, we all entered the hall as a unit with Sanaya by my side, to face the woman who had once uprooted my entire life.
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