Chapter 22

1067 Words
Sanaya’s P.O.V “Sana?” I froze. A chill ran down my spine and I just froze on the spot. My mind went completely blank for a few seconds as the sound of his voice reverberated inside my head. Keith. Keith Salustri. I could never forget his voice. The voice of the man that I had loved for eight years. The man who I thought would stay with me forever. The man who I dreamed to get old with. And…the man who left me without a second thought, not even bothering to break up with me in person. “Sana.” Keith’s face lit up with a smile. I’d played out this scenario inside my head a million times, in a thousand different ways. I thought I knew what would happen when I met him once again. I thought I knew what he’d say and how I’d react to them. But nothing in my life could’ve actually prepared me for this day. He looked even more handsome than when I last saw him five years ago. It was like he was a completely different person. Gone were all traces of the man I loved, the boy I grew up with. It felt like our parting had no impact on him at all. He wore a dark blue shirt paired with black trousers. His tie was the same black colour as his shirt and he seemed to have ditched his jacket. His once sandy blonde hair was now a light shade of brown and he had gelled it back to give it a sleek, wet look. His hair was also a lot shorter. When we were young, he always liked to grow it out because he told me that he like it when I ran my hands through them. Now, his hair barely reached his neck. The beautiful honey of his skin was a lot darker, like he had gotten a tan. Overall, this wasn’t the man I knew. This wasn’t my Keith anymore. Something had happened to him and it felt like the person standing in front of me was an imposter. And yet, when his lips pulled back into a smile, I couldn’t help remember that this was exactly what I had missed the last five years. Whenever I was feeling down, Keith’s smile would always light up my world. Whenever I was sad, he would always smile at me and tell me that he would make everything better. It was the same smile…yet it looked to be coming from a different person. “It’s so good to see you again, Sana!” Keith smiled hugely as he took several quick steps towards me, arms spread wide by his sides as if he was going to hug me. That was when my mind kick started in full gear and I moved out of the way just in time to avoid Keith’s embrace. Keith stopped in his tracks, as if startled to find me not in his arms. He lowered his hands and blinked several times before turning to look at me accusingly. I couldn’t even fathom if I wanted to rip his guts out or follow my own principle and not give a f**k about him. Five years. Five f*****g years and he has the balls to show up and try to hug me like nothing ever happened. We weren’t just f*****g playmates or classmates or just lovers! We were f*****g engaged! I was supposed to marry that irrumator! We were supposed to start our family together! “Sana?” Keith looked at me, seeming genuinely confused. “Why did you move away? Why do you look so angry?” “Wow!” I spoke through gritted teeth. “You have the guts to ask?” “Oh, come on now, love!” Keith gave me a charming smile, waving my words away like they meant nothing. “Can we not forget everything that happened five years ago? I mean, it’s been five whole years, right? Can’t we just let the past be in the past and move forward? Lest start anew, shall we?” In that moment, I felt my entire world shatter once again. Can’t we just let the past be in the past and move forward? How could he say that? We dated for eight years, since we were sixteen…since neither of us even fully understood the meaning of love. Can we not forget everything that happened five years ago? Forget it? Forget everything? Forget what he did to me? Forget what I lost? Forget every f*****g thing? Forget love…forget pain…forget…forget… Can’t we just let the past be in the past and move forward? The glass that I had been holding slipped my grip and fell to the floor. The sound of the shards shattering reverberated inside my head along with his words. The world began to spin around me. I saw black spots dancing in my vision. Everything began to lose focus, lose colour…and yet, Keith was at the centre of it all, looking worried as he took a step near me. NOOOO! I wanted to scream, but nothing would come out. My jaw, my lips, they were just locked tight. My tongue felt heavy, like it didn’t belong inside my mouth. My head felt heavy, like it was about to drop back. My limbs were numb. It felt like a miracle that I was still standing on my feet. My chest felt constricted, my lungs couldn’t get in enough oxygen even though it felt like I was panting. Something trickled down my back? Water? Did someone pour water over me? Was I still standing? What was happening? Why was I here? Why? Everything seemed so confusing. It felt like someone was squeezing my brain. Why couldn’t I feel anything? What was happening? He took another step.  Stay away from me! I wanted to scream, but again I couldn’t say anything. My hands wanted to reach my ears, clutch them close as the noise inside my head built to a deafening crescendo. But I couldn’t move, couldn’t see…couldn’t breathe. “Sanaya!” A second of pristine clarity as his voice pierced through the noise, making everything stop right at that instant. “Shit.” He cussed and then, he was the only one in my vision, his golden eyes bright as he looked into my face. “Lance…” And then, darkness.
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