Chapter 21

1786 Words
Sanaya’s P.O.V I was dressed in a Ralph Lauren original gown in bright red with a flaring skirt that had an ombre effect as the colour got darker as the gown touched the floor. The bottom of the gown turned to a dark red that almost looked black. I had been given matching red stilettos and red diamond drop earrings. My hair was in loose waves around my face and the stylist had kept it simple with providing more focus to the dress itself. The dress had thin straps with a V-neck and a bejeweled pendent at tip of the V. the ruby was a bright red and if my guess was right, it was either a real ruby or a very expensive substitute stone of some kind. “Is this really okay?” I asked Lance as Martin drove us to our destination. “I mean, the dress and everything e-” “You should be more confident about yourself, Sanaya.” Lancelin sighed. “What happened to the woman I met that first day at my office who asked me all kinds of personal questions without batting an eyelash?” I blushed as I remembered the blunder I had made that day. “That woman had made a fool of herself that day.” “I’m not sure we are talking about the same woman here.” Lance lifted up my face with a finger under my chin to meet his eyes. “In fact, I remember a woman who had confidently spent ten thousand dollars from her own bank account to save me from investing millions in a failed media company and then she had fended off a possible disaster waiting to happen by not offending either party. I recently heard that Jaclyn has started a new studio on her own and is currently dating her business partner.” “Lance, I’ve always kept these two sides of myself separate.” I told him frankly, trying not to get sidetracked by the news of Jaclyn’s successful love life and business venture. “Sanaya Johnson is confident, strong and perfect. But Sana? Sana is confused, weak and vulnerable. She is a slave to her emotions and she doesn’t have as much self-confidence as Sanaya Johnson. And I’ve noticed that the more I get emotionally involved with you, the more I’m letting Sana slip under Sanaya’s skin. I keep doing things that I shouldn’t; I keep getting my emotions mixed up with my work. I’m scared that I’m going to make a huge mistake soon enough and you’re going to decide I’m no longer worth keeping around.” “If I thought you weren’t worth keeping around, I wouldn’t have let you work at ReefWood for a single day.” Lancelin told me just as frankly. “Sanaya or Sana, you might think you have two sides to yourself but you must not forget that both are the same person. You can’t split yourself into two no matter how much you think you’re doing it. Sana was always under Sanaya’s skin and vice versa. It’s only now that you’re realizing just how complex your emotions are.” Lancelin’s words made me realize just how wrong I had been about myself all these years. I had been deluding myself by thinking that I could separate myself into two people and not let them mix with each other. Maybe Lancelin was right, Sana and Sanaya had never been separate entities. Both were one and the same and I only just realizing how intertwined both were because of my affections towards Lancelin. In fact, I hadn’t even realized when both parts of myself had blended together to form Sanaya Johnson. A woman who was strong and vulnerable at the same time and yet knew she was worth more than what she had gotten in her previous relationship. Was I still scared to death of falling for an Incubus who might one day break my heart to pieces? Like hell I was! But I also found that I couldn’t imagine a future where I wasn’t with Lancelin either as his Scribt, his secretary or in any other form. As to what my future held for both me and Lancelin, I couldn’t tell. But the heart wants what it wants and after that kiss a month ago, it wanted only Lancelin. “I guess I never thought of it that way.” I smiled up at Lancelin, feeling like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. “I should thank you for that.” “Oh, I’m not going to be satisfied with a simple thank you.” Lancelin gave a devilish smile. “I’ll collect my reward when the time comes and I’ll collect it with interest.” The wicked smile and the way he spoke about collecting his debt told me he had something else in mind entirely than my idea of repaying debts. “Sire,” Martin’s voice was low, like he didn’t want to interrupt us. “We’ve arrived.” I looked out at the window then, at The Four Seasons Hotel in Park Avenue. The humongous hotel stood proud and tall amongst the darkness of the night. The clock in the dashboard read eleven twenty one at night. I had a suspicion that even though the invite had stated eight thirty, the party was just getting started. There was a long line of cars ahead of us and I could already spot an A-listed celebrity being greeted by the hotel staff. But surprisingly, there were no paparazzi. Incubi often held high profile parties but considering they were immortals, it was only common sense that their photos were kept private to avoid speculation by humans. Somehow, the paparazzi that swarmed every corner of New York like a bunch of flies had been driven away by methods I couldn’t fathom because not a single camera flashed as the guests entered the hotel. “Ready?” Lancelin held out his hand for me as a valet opened the door. “As ready as I’ll ever be.” I place my hand in his and Lancelin helped me out. It felt like we were announcing to the world that we were a couple when we walked the red carpet up to the entrance. Just like celebrity couple chose a specific red carpet even to announce their relationship, Lancelin and I walked the carpet with my hand in the crook of his elbow. We had even colour coordinated our clothes. It felt special. We spotted Asmara immediately as soon as we entered the banquet hall. She wore a blue dress that could easily be described as a Cinderella gown with the sparkly Swarovski crystals all over the skirt and an elegant design at the neckline. Her gown was off-shoulder with a sweetheart neckline and she wore diamond danglers that reached her shoulders. Her hair was in light waves down her back and I was wondering if she was wearing glass slippers or not under her floor length gown. She was easily the most beautiful woman in the party and it was no surprise that every eye on the party was on her. I looked up at Lancelin to see if he was as awed by her beauty as everyone else but I found him calling over a waiter instead. He took two Champagne glasses from the waiter and handed me one before leaning down to whisper into my ear. “The refreshments table is at the back. Remember to eat something first. It’s getting late and you haven’t had anything to eat for some time now.” “Thank you,” I smiled up at him. “Lancelin.” Asmara came over at that moment, her smile welcoming and seductive at the same time. “Come with me, I’d like to introduce you to some investors from Europe. They have been waiting to talk business with you all evening.” “I don’t need your help expanding my business, Asmara.” Lancelin narrowed his eyes at her. “Of course not.” Asmara’s laughter was like the sweet tinkling of bells. “But surely you didn’t come here to stand at one corner and brood all night? It’s a great opportunity to promote business and make new friends.” Asmara was right; this was a great opportunity for Lance to expand his business and make new partners. I felt guilty that Lance might be considering staying with me all night so that I didn’t feel out of place. So I tugged at his arm lightly and when he looked down at me, I nodded my head. “Are you sure you’ll be alright alone?” He asked me in a hushed tone, for my ears only. “Yes.” I smiled despite my nervousness. “I’ll be near the refreshment table if you need me.” “Be careful.” Lancelin warned me as I unhooked my hand from his and he went with Asmara to speak to some of the guests. Standing next to each other, they looked like the perfect couple. Both beautiful and elegant like sculptures carved by expert hands. What could’ve caused them to break up? How long had they been in love with each other? Had Lance looked at her the same way as he looked at me now, with fervent desire in his molted amber eyes? There were so many things I wanted to ask Lance but I knew this wasn’t the right time. If he wanted to, Lance would tell me about them himself. I couldn’t help the pang of jealousy that I felt as I watched Asmara throw her head back laughing and clutch Lance’s hand like they were still a couple. But Lance’s attention didn’t go to her like most men in the party. He shrugged off her hand like he was annoyed and moved on from that spot to disappear into the crowd. I couldn’t help but smile a little at Lance’s annoyance. It gave me hope that Lance was really over her, even though Asmara seemed to think differently. Finally, as my stomach growled in protest, I decided to head over to the refreshments table to grab a bite or two. I was famished and I couldn’t be polite and wait for Lancelin any longer, especially when he himself had given me permission to eat without him. I was heading to the table when suddenly, I heard a voice I never thought I’d hear ever again. A voice that I had wanted to hear for so long and dreaded hearing at the same time. And my whole world turned upside down at that very moment. “Sana?”
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