Chapter 23

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Lancelin’s P.O.V I watched her eyes roll back into her head and immediately wrapped my arms around her to break her fall. “Sanaya?” I shook her slightly but she was out cold. Resting her head on my shoulder, I hoisted her up in my arms and headed straight for door. People moved out of the way instantly as they saw me coming and thankfully Martin was already standing outside with the car ready to go. “Sana!” “Lancelin!” Two voices sounded from behind me. One belonging to Asmara and the second to the unknown male I was soon going to know everything about. Ignoring them both, I placed Sanaya inside the car carefully as Martin held the door open for us and then strapped her in and moved to the other side so I could get in. “Put the AC on full power.” I ordered Martin as soon as he got inside. “And head straight to the hospital.” “Yes, Sir!” Martin answered curtly and turned the air conditioning on before stepping on the gas. Sanaya was still motionless and her hands were cold as ice when I touched them. Yet, she seemed to be sweating profoundly. Her head had fallen back on the seat in an uncomfortable position, so I lifted her head and placed her on my shoulder. My jacket was already drenched with her sweat just from carrying her this short distance to the car and I could already feel her dress soaking through. Her dark hair was plastered to her back and the sides of her face and the rich olive colour of her skin looked pale as the streetlights zoomed past. I took a handkerchief out of my pocket and dabbed some of the sweat from her face as I ordered Martin to hurry once again. Even he looked worried as he kept glancing back at Sanaya through the rear-view mirror. Martin made a call to the nearest hospital and alerted them of an emergency as he drove past the speed limit. It was a good thing that it was past one o’ clock at night and traffic was extremely light or it would’ve been impossible to avoid a few accidents. I had never been as scared in my life as I’d been when I’d seen her eyes roll back. My heart had leaped to my throat as I’d watched her fall back and I could still feel tremors run through me as I clasped her motionless body close to mine. The temperature of the car had dropped down enough so that even I was feeling the chill, but perspiration still beaded her forehead, ran down her neck, although not as severely as it had before. It felt like an eternity before the car finally rolled to a stop in front of the New York City Hospital and two men came rushing out while carrying a stretcher. I unlocked the seatbelts from around Sanaya and myself and got out of the car to make room for the nurses to carry Sanaya out of the car. The stretcher was immediately wheeled into the intensive care unit as two doctors followed Sanaya inside and the doors were shut on my face. I all but collapsed onto the nearest chair as the lights turned red over the door. My hands were still trembling as I took a ragged breath. It felt like my lungs couldn’t get in enough air, like I’d just run a marathon. Was I on the verge of a panic attack? No! That couldn’t be possible. I’d never panicked before, ever in my life. But then again, I’d never before had Sanaya Johnson in my life. I waited patiently in my seat for what seemed like an eternity, my shoes tapping almost soundlessly against the white tiled floor. I kept fiddling with my thumb and every time there would be even the slightest whisper of a noise from the ICU, I’d jerk upright in preparation to meet the doctor. But that never happened. The clock seemed stuck. It read 01:23 AM, that only seven minutes had passed since Sanaya was taken inside the ICU. But for me, each second seemed longer than an hour. I ran my hands through my hair and rubbed at my eyes. I took out my cell phone to look at the time once more. 01:24 A.M. Damnit! Why wasn’t this damn clock moving? What was happening inside the ICU? “Sire...” I looked up at a worried looking Martin and refused the cup of water he was offering me although my throat felt as dry as sandpaper. Martin nodded in understanding and took a step back. Just then, the doors to the room were pushed open and one of the doctors who had entered the room came out with a chart in his hand. “Doctor?” I sprang to my feet immediately. “Are you a family member?” Was the first thing the doctor asked. “No…I’m her boyfriend.” I told the elder doctor, the words seeming foreign as they rolled off my tongue. “Well, Mr. Eustein, it seems that Ms. Johnson has just suffered a Vasovagal attack. She fainted due to extreme emotional stress or a sudden shock.” He informed as he listed off their tests from the chart. “Her blood pressure has dropped down to 102/50 and her blood sugar levels are up to 198. Does the patient have any history of diabetes in the family?” “No,” I said immediately, recalling the health reports that had come in just last week. “I’ll send you her medical reports from last week.” “That would be very helpful, thank you, Mr. Eustein.” The doctor gave me a polite smile. “For now, we’ll be keeping her until morning to monitor her progress, but try to keep her away from such stressful situations in the future.” “I’ll try my best, Dr. Roswell.” I shook his hand and got permission to enter Sanaya’s room. “Martin, you can go home now.” I told him when the doctors and the nurses had left the area after hooking Sanaya on to the monitors. “Come back tomorrow morning after you had rested.” “Sire…if you don’t mind…I would like to stay here as well.” Martin said quietly. “I’ll wait inside the car…by your permission.” “Fine.” I sighed. As far as I knew, Martin was friends with Sanaya and as a friend, he had the right to worry about her. But still, it didn’t quiet sit well with me. It took me a second to realize that this is what most mortal men feel when someone else takes an interest in the person they care for; an emotion called jealousy. I’d never quiet understood this emotion, nor did I ever think it was possible for me to ever feel it…until now. Without my noticing it, this little game of getting under her skin had turned into something that I had never anticipated. My feelings for Sanaya had grown deeper than just intrigue at her immunity to immortal charm. I pushed the doors open after knocking on them with my knuckles, even though the doctors had already informed me that she hadn’t regained consciousness yet. The room was all white; the lights were dimmed to ease her eyes if Sanaya woke up suddenly. Sanaya was lying motionless on the bed; the only sound in the room was that of the low beeping coming from the heart monitor. Why? What had suddenly caused Sanaya such immense stress that she had lost consciousness? Sanaya was mentally a very strong person. I’d seen her handle difficult situations with ease. She’s worked for Acelin for five years as a Scribt and come out even stronger. Hell, she had worked for me for the last month and not run away screaming! Then what could’ve gone so wrong at the party that had caused Sanaya to have a vasovagal attack? Was it that boy? The one who had called out her name as I was leaving? Damnit! Why did I even leave her side? “Lan…ce…li?” My attention snapped to Sanaya in a heartbeat as I rushed to her bed. “Sanaya? Can you hear me?” “Lance…lin?” Her voice was hoarse so I gave her an ice chip from a tray nearby. “I’m right here.” I told her as I took a seat next to her bed. Her hand was ice-cold when I touched them, so I picked up her hand and held them in the warmth of my larger ones. “I’m right here…”
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