The Hell kingdom

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Ryan PoV continues . . “ Hell”. I gasped in shock staring at the two men. I looked at my mum as she held me tight “ don’t go baby”. She pleaded I turned to the men “ why is the kingdom called hell?”. I asked They exchanged looks and laughed “It is a place where only vampires live, I guess that is why it is called hell”.One of them responded I looked at them in confusion “ how can we get to this hell?”. I asked “ oh my prince, we are mythical being”. He replied with head still bowed down, we just have to float in the clouds “ float in the clouds”. I muttered He nodded “ I mean disappear”. He explained “ oh”. I said “ why are you calling me prince and bowing down to me?”. I asked “ when you get to the kingdom, all your questions will be answered”. He replied I looked at mother and she looked at me pleading “ baby please don’t leave me”. She sobbed “ Mother, i am not leaving you”. I said wiping her tears, I will be back. “ promise”. She whispered “ yes”. I promised her, I can’t leave you and I can’t leave Alicia also She looked at me and gave me a small smile “ she must be really important to you”. She said “ yes, very important”. I replied “ you can go son but be very careful”. She said and please if you see your father , tell him I miss him I looked at the men, they were scared to come near me “ why are you moving back”. I asked “ your eyes”. One of the men said , there is flame in it I looked at them with a puzzled look as one of them moved towards me slowly and held my hand and as they said , it was as if I was floating in the clouds........ * * I opened my eyes and found my self in another world “ is this hell?”. I muttered to myself I looked around the whole place , it was very beautiful and everywhere was paved with golds An elderly man walked toward me “ welcome my prince”. He said bowing down “ who are you?”. I asked “ I am called The Elder”. He replied with a bow “ follow me my prince”. He said and led me through a narrow path , it was very dark but surprisingly I could see clearly “ how can I see in this dark place?”. I asked the man He chuckled “ we are vampires, we see even in the dark. He said , our vision is extraordinarily We soon came to a very big hall and I gasped when I said thousands of vampire seated and immediately they saw me, they all bowed down “ Greetings to the Vampire prince”. They all greeted “ Vampire prince”. I muttered and immediately the mark on my chest shone brightly and the whole hall became quiet “ why is this happening?”. I thought and I heard the Vampires whispering “ he is the chosen one” “ he has the mark of Dracula” “ he is so young and cute” “ he is way cuter than prince Theo” I scoffed . I followed The Elder till he got to the front row and he urged me to sit in the front seat facing the Vampires He cleared his throat “This is the true vampire prince, the one with the mark of Dracula”. He announced and the whole Vampires began murmuring “ mark of Dracula”. I muttered, is this what this mark is all about • • The whole hall became quiet when two men who were dressed as royals walked in “Greetings my prince”. The Elder bowed to them One of the prince walked up to me and hugged me “ Hello Nephew, i am your uncle Ron”. He said I looked at him closely “ uncle”. I muttered, he looked so young, probably a few years older the me. I smiled at him “ Theo”. He called the second prince, wont you say hello to your Nephew”. He said I watched the Theo stared at me and scoffed “Nephew”, you are welcome”. He said and stormed out in anger as the whole vampires stared on ... * * I was soon alone with The Elder . I watched him staring into a fire and mumbling some strange words He soon turned to look at me “What is it you want to ask?”. He asked I remained quiet “ why am I addressed as the vampire prince?”. I asked He looked at me and smiled “ you are chosen by Lucifer”. He replied “ Lucifer”. I muttered He nodded, the Symbol of Dracula of your chest “ I stared down at the symbol “ I had it when I wore this chain”. I said pointing to the chain He shook his head.” It is not about the chain, you will still have the mark even if you did not put on the chain on , you are the Vampire prince and there is nothing you can do about it “ I can’t stay here”. I said to him He smiled “ you are free to go back to the human world but you must come back whenever we need you”. He replied “ really, I said beaming with smile “ it is just for the main time, once the present Vampire king (your grandfather) is dead you will permanently belong here I looked at him “ where is he?”. I asked “ you can see him now, he is very ill”. He replied I shook my head “is there any question you will love to ask?”. He asked “ I don’t have a question, i have a request”. I said “ what is it?”. He asked “ I want to see my father”. I said He nodded “ follow me”. He said . We were about walking out of the shrine when a little girl ran towards me “ Greetings My Prince”. She said bowing down I looked at her and smiled “ who are you?”. I asked “ she is my daughter”. The Elder said The girl looked at me and smiled “ we have been waiting for you”. She said bowing down , you will make a good ruler “ Thanks”. I said to her... * * We soon got to a building and The Elder urged me to follow him inside. I saw a tall man drinking wine as we walked in “ Prince Ryan”. The Elder called He looked up and his face became pale as soon as he saw me I stared at him, he was the older version of me. He stood up and walked towards us “ son”.he called and was about to touch me with shaky hands I moved back “ son”. He called again, I am very sorry for abandoning you”. He said sobbing I just stared at him “ son”. He called for the third time I scoffed “Mother still loves you , you abandon her but she still hope you will return. I said facing him He bent his head in shame “ you could have never loved her if you know you can stand up for her. I wanted to see you and now you are here in front of me I feel no emotions towards you” I turned towards the elder “ it is time for me to take my leave”. I told him He nodded and led me back to the shrine, I turned to look at my father and I met his gaze. He gave me a weak smile and I scoffed before looking away . We soon got to the shrine “ I need to go back now”. I repeated we got back to the shrine “ You can go”. He said “ how?”. I asked him He chuckled .” You just have to close your eyes and think of where you want to be”.he instructed “ really”. I asked in surprise He nodded The mark on my chest shone brightly as I closed my eyes and I felt myself floating again ,when I opened my eyes, I found myself in my room...... Elder POV . . I watched the Vampire prince return to the human world,he had an aura of power around him . I saw the flame in his eyes and I knew immediately he was one of a kind He is the Vampire prince I went to the fire to consult Lucifer What!!! I exclaimed, he does not only have the mark of Dracula, he is The Dracula........ * * Dracula himself The innocent prince seems to be very powerful . TBC
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