
1356 Words
Ryan POV continues . . I glanced at the time ,it was 4am in the morning and surprisingly I was not feeling dizzy I headed downstairs and I smirked when I saw my mum still awake obviously waiting for me “ mum”. I called She gasped in shock as she turned to look at me “Didn’t you sleep at all?”. I asked observing her “How did you get in here?”. She asked, you didn’t walk through the front door “ I floated in the clouds”.I said jokingly and walked towards the kitchen “ really?”. She asked tailing me I nodded “ how is the hell? Did you see any monster? She asked I looked at her and laughed “ it is not the kind of hell you are thinking about, it is just the name for the Vampire kingdom”. I explained “ oh. She said “ The place is very beautiful and there were no monsters, only cute vampires”. I continued “ did you see your dad?”. She asked I paused for a while and studied her “ yes”. I replied “ how is he? Is he feeling alright?is he still handsome?”. She asked rushing “ Mother, can’t you forget about that man?”. I asked looking at her “ No, I guess I love him too much”. She replied sobbing I scoffed “ you love a man that doesn’t b****y care about you, why hasn’t he come to see you?”. I asked her She remained quiet “ mum , you are young and beautiful try and live freely”. I advised her “ it is not that easy”.she said “ whatever”. I said , go and get some sleep”.i told her as I climbed up the stair . . Ryan mother POV . . I watched Ryan as he climbed the stairs, There was something about him, he seemed so confident He seem proud of who is his unlike the way he was before. I felt an aura around him when he talked to me, it was something like power......... * * The Vampire kingdom * * Elder POV . . “ why did you let the Vampire prince leave”. Elder Tam asked I remained quiet.how will I tell him that I was scared of the boy. I thought about the flames in his eyes , he can kill a soul just by blinking if only he knows how to use it “Elder”. Elder Tam “ yes”. I replied “ why did you let the boy go?”.He repeated “ I will summon him whenever we need him, he can remain there till the Vampire king dies”. I replied He nodded “Now we have seen the vampire prince and we have confirmed he is the chosen one, we need a vampire princess also”. He said I looked at him and chuckled “ what if he has vampire princess already?”.I asked “ what!!!!”. He exclaimed , that can never happen. He cannot marry a human “ but his mother is a human”. I replied him, we can’t choose for him He laughed “ you know the rules Elder”. He said ” he needs a Mate and he will get that here”. He said “ fine”. do you have any maiden in mind?”. I asked him He nodded “ I have a daughter........” “ your daughter is not an option, she belongs to prince Theo He chuckled “ They aren’t married so she belongs to no one”.He replied and left the room with anger I smiled, they don’t know how powerful the true prince is.........: . . Prince Theo POV . . I sat down inside my chambers lost in thought “ how can that little kid be the chosen one? How will I bow down to my nephew?every one is talking about the young and handsome prince forgetting totally about me. I always wanted to be the king and make my love Mara the princess, I will do anything to make that happen * * Elder Tam POV . . I headed towards my chamber , if this girl can just agree with me”. I thought I walked into the room and met my daughter playing with her claws “ Mara”. I called She looked at me and smiled “Did you get any blood”. She asked I nodded and gave her the blood I got from the shrine. She took it from me and hungrily gulped it down “ I need to talk to you”. I told her when she was satisfied “ what is it about father?”. She asked “ I want you to marry the True Vampire prince”. I said expecting her to object and fight over it but she just smiled “ can you make that happen?”. She asked I smiled and nodded. It is not that difficult as I thought it would be.... * * Ryan POV * * I stared at Alicia throughout the class today. She looked beautiful today. She loved me for who I am and never said anything to hurt me “ Alicia”. I whispered She turned to look at me “ what?”.she asked flashing a smile “ let us go to the cafe together during recess”. I told her smiling She nodded “Mr Anderson, is there a problem?”. The teacher asked “ no ma’am”. I replied “ will you please come and solve this?”. She asked I stood up and walked up to the board, collected the Marker and solved it correctly “ Good”. She complimented, you can go back to your seat I smiled and was about walking to my seat when a strong headache hit me “ aargh”. I groaned in pain “ are you alright?”. The teacher asked I nodded and walked slowly to my seat and the pain soon stopped “ are you sure you are alright?”. The teacher asked again “ yes ma”. I said I felt Alicia eyes on me and I turned to assure her i was okay . . She came over to me immediately the teacher left the class “ Ryan”. What is wrong with you?”She asked “ I am alright”. I replied her, let’s go get lunch I held her hands as we walked out the class and stopped when we saw Andra standing at the entrance “ Move”. I said to her She looked at me and scoffed “ move”. I repeated getting angry “ Ryan chill, I want to talk to you “. She said trying to hold my hands “ Move”. I barked as my eyes changed She moved immediately obviously scared “ fire, there was fire in Ryan eyes”. I heard her say....... . * * Alicia POV * * I studied Ryan quietly as he sipped his drink “Why do you buy drink always?”. I asked “ I have no appetite “. He replied without looking at me I signed, he almost turned to a vampire when Andra blocked the entrance and I knew he must be worried about it “ Ryan, is there something you need to share with me?”. I asked him He looked at me for a while and then moved towards me “ I really don’t know what is wrong with me, is it like power is flowing through me”. He said trying to explain I looked at him with a confused look “Back then in class, I never really wanted to turn but the power in me pushed it”. He said “ I thought you have learn how to control it”. I said holding his hand “ yes”. He said but this feeling is kind of different “ it is going to be alright”. I assured him * * We walked back to the class together when recess was over Andra looked at Ryan weirdly immediately we walked into the class. We went to out different seat immediately the chemistry teacher walked into the class I listened to her as she explained a chemical theory when I heard Ryan groan The whole class looked towards him “ aaargh”. He held his head groaning again “ what is wrong Ryan?”. The teacher asked Ryan remained quiet with his head bent panting I ran towards him “ Ryan”. I called and when he looked at him , his eyes were with flames I looked around and luckily nobody noticed it “ what is wrong Ryan?”. The teacher asked again walking towards us I knew I had to do something before the teacher gets to him, I need to calm him down “ what can I do?”. I hit my head thinking and just then an idea came up I brought my face closer to his and kissed him and Immediately his eye colour Changed to normal The whole class gasped in surprise..........
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