Meeting Prince Theo

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Ryan POV . . I stood outside the school compound waiting for Alicia. I was very nervous and I really don’t know why. I touched the chain on my neck, it must be very special, I could walk under the sun as far I as wore the chain. I spotted Alicia with her friend Brenda and walked towards them “ Alicia”. I called She turned to look at me and flashed me a smile “ Ryan”. She called “Can we walk home together?”. I asked “ of course”. She said and turned to Brenda . we will see tomorrow Brenda looked at us and then blurted out “Are you guys dating?” Her voice was a little bit loud and she attracted the attention of some students including Andra who walked up to us and said “Ryan can’t date this low life of a girl”. She said eyeing Alicia Alicia bent her head obviously embarrassed I pulled Alicia towards me and faced Andra “ we are dating and I am so into her, do you have anything to say?” She looked at me obviously shocked and left in anger “ can we go now?”. I said to Alicia She nodded and waved to Brenda . . “ why did you do that?”. She asked as we walked home “ do what?”. I asked “ why did you tell Andra we are dating?”. She asked and stopped walking “ isn’t that what you want?”. I replied her She looked at me with a puzzled look “ what do you mean?”. She asked “ you like me and I know that”.i blurted out “ how dddid you know I like you?”. She stammered I bit my lips. “ I heard you Alicia”. I told her “ what!!!”.do you mean you read minds?”. She asked excitedly I nodded.” We continued walking silently and when we got to the corner road she waved “ Alicia”. I called as she was about leaving She turned to look at me “ you are beautiful”. I told her She widened her eyes and I saw her blushed . I moved closer to her and pecked her “ Bye Alicia”. I waved and headed down the path............. * * Alicia POV . I walked home smiling happily . Ryan pecked me, he pecked me even with him knowing I am in love with him “ Ryan pecked me, Ryan pecked me. I kept on singing till I got home..... * * The Vampire kingdom . . Prince Theo “ Dracula mark, what Dracula mark?”,I can’t loose the throne because of a mark. I really want that throne and will do anything to get it I headed towards Elder shrine and met him consulting with Lucifer “ Elder”. I called He turned to look at me “ Greeting my prince”. He said standing up , what brings you here? I looked at him at scoffed “ I want to know about the vampire in human world”. I said He looked at me and smiled “You will know him when we bring him tonight”. He said “ what do you mean?”. I asked “ The Vampire prince will be here tonight”. He replied “ he is of mixed blood, why will he be the king?”. I asked in rage “ he is with the mark , we can’t question Lucifer”. He said I scoffed as I stormed out of the shrine, I met my younger brother Ron outside the shrine obviously waiting for me “Theo”. He called “ what are you doing here?”. I asked him “ I came to tell you something important”. He said “ what is it?”. I asked moving closer to him “ The Vampire prince will be coming tonight”. He said “ dummy, I said hitting his head”. I know that already “ oh”. He said I smiled at him at him and left. Incase you are wondering who I am I am prince Troy the second son of the present vampire king. I have and an elder stepbrother ( prince Ryan) and a younger bro Ron . I am known as the most handsome vampire here in hell...... * I headed to Prince Ryan chambers and met him drinking as usual “ brother”. I called He looked at me and suddenly became angry “ what are you doing here?”. He asked I laughed out loud “A coward is asking a question”. I said mocking him “Get our from here”. He barked “Is that the way you sent out your b***h and your son?”.I asked laughing He remained quiet for a while “ Theo, what exactly do you want?”. He asked softly “ I want the throne”. I said to him boldly He smirked “ too bad My son is the chosen one” I looked at him and I hated his guts “ we will see about that”. I said and I stormed out in anger “ I am Theo and no one can over throw me................ * Ryan POV * * I watched my mum danced to her favourite music and smiled I was happy today and I knew it was because of Alicia “ why are you smiling?”. My mum asked “ nothing”. I said She looked at me and smiled mischievously “ what is with that look Mother?”. I asked “ it seems my son is in love”.she said and smiled “ oh stop it mother”. I said laughing “ come on baby”, talk to mama”. She smiled “ ok fine, Her name is Alicia”. I started . She is a new student in my school and my heart race whenever I see her, I ................ I stopped when I heard a knock on the door “ I will go get it baby, when I come we will continue with Alicia”. She said laughing “ ok mother”. I said rolling my eyes . I watched mother walk over to the door and opened it “ what are you doing here?”. I heard her screamed I became alarmed and walked over to the door I stared at the two men in front of me, they looked different and immediately their gaze met mine , they bowed down “ Greetings to the Vampire prince”. They greeted and the mark on my chest shone brightly “ we were sent by elder to welcome you to our kingdom”. They said “ And where is that?” I asked “ Hell”. They both chorused....... * * If you like this story please encourage me with your likes and comment . TBC
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