Reading of mind

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Alicia POV • • I sat down on my seat inside the class, I looked at Ryan seat, it was empty. I signed . Ryan have been absent in school for a week and I sincerely wished he was fine “ hey”. Brenda greeted I looked at her , I never knew when she walked towards me “ what are you thinking of Alicia?”. She asked . You seem to be lost in thought. “ Nothing”. I replied, how can I simply tell her I was thinking about Ryan , a guy who I barely know “ Are you done with your maths assignment?”. She asked smiling mischievously I gave her a playful glare, I knew she was interested in dubbing from me. I was about replying her when Ryan walked into the class . He looked more handsome and I noticed he had a new hair style “ Ryan, Brenda called out excitedly. Where in the world have you been? She asked There was no response “ did he just ignore me?”. She asked and moved closer to him “ Ryan”. She called but Ryan just looked at her and continued with his music. The whole class suddenly burst into laughter and Brenda walked to her seat obviously embarrassed I looked at Ryan and I knew immediately something was wrong * * “ can you imagine how Ryan ignored me?”. Brenda said as we headed to the cafe during recess, she was obviously angry I remained quiet and just listened to her We got to the cafe and met Ryan sitting alone with a drink on his table . I watched Andra walked towards him and tried engaging him in a friendly talk but he ignored her completely “ what is wrong with him?”. I thought I felt his pain without knowing what the pain was.....:: *. *. Ryan POV * I never wanted to come back to school but mother encouraged me to. I blamed mother for bringing a beast like me to the world, that is who I am , a beast. I read the book and got to know how my gift works. They call it gift but I call it a curse.. * I had huge thirst for blood and mum helped in quenching the thirst by giving me animal blood “ it sounds awkward but that is what I drink when I hunger for blood * * I was forced to come to school this morning by mother , she helped me with a new hairstyle saying if I looked cuter it will Helo in boosting my esteem I got to school and all the girls were drooling .. “ if they knew i was a monster, I bet they would all be scared”.I thought.. I ignored all of them and walked Into my class. Brenda screamed excitedly when she saw me but I ignored her, I was a beast and I was scared of hurting my friends I sat down on my seat and immediately a headache hit me “ what is this?”. I asked myself, am I about to turn to a monster again. The headache soon stopped and I immediately felt relieved.. * * It was soon time for lunch and I headed to the cafe alone. I ignored all my friends who came to meet me and they stared at me weirdly I got to the cafe and ordered for a soft drink . I sat down quietly with my earphones on listening to music when Andra walked up to me “ Hey Ryan”. She greeted , I had to go to the hospital first before coming to school I stared at her without saying anything “ so why were you absent in school for a whole week?”. She asked “ can’t this girl leave me alone”. I thought “ Ryan , Ryan”. She called , i am talking to you and when she saw I wasn’t ready talking to her she signed I left. the headache came again and this time , it really hit me very hard I groaned in pain silently and I felt my eyes changed its colour and it was like all the whole voices were in my head “ l love him “ “ can this b***h leave our table” “ I wish I can go home” “ I can’t wait to bang her this evening” I looked around obviously scared, I could hear the inner thought of everyone here The headache soon stopped and the voices also stopped I looked around and everyone seems to be busy with their stuff except one person. I turned to meet her gaze and she kept staring at me “What is wrong with him?, I just wish he is alright”..... “ did I just read her mind?”. I asked myself. It was obvious she was really worried about me........ * * I am feeling sorry for Ryan TBC
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