
568 Words
Ryan POV continues * * “ what is wrong with me Mother? I asked I was a monster for a minutes ,I was really confused “ Mother can you please tell me what is wrong with me?”. I barked She looked at me with tears in her eyes “Ryan you are not a monster, you are a vampire”. She said as tears rolled down her eyes “ Vampire?”, i asked chuckling, do they really exist?”: I asked She remained quiet “ Mother, talk to me please”. I pleaded. Are you also a vampire?”. I asked her She shook her head “ I am not Ryan, I am human”. She said “ Then how did I suddenly become a vampire?”. I asked her She looked up at me and said “ your father is a vampire” I stared at her obviously shocked “ My father”. I repeated She nodded and started crying * I met your father when I was in college, he was so handsome ,it was love as first sight “You are a replica of him”. She said facing me and continued He was at first cold towards me but he soon gave me his heart. We soon started dating without me knowing anything about him .. I suddenly felt sick and when I went to the hospital, I found out I was pregnant for you but when I told him everything changed.. * He stopped visiting and soon became cold to me again I was devastated, I really love Ryan “ Ryan”. I muttered “ yes Ryan “, I named you after him I nodded “ continue”. I said I looked for Ryan but could not find him since I never knew anything about him You might call me stupid but I was crazily in love with your father My parent asked me to abort you but i didn’t I already loved you before you were born * He came to find me one day when I was about 8 months gone and he was scared about something.. “ He showed me who he really was and was obviously expecting me to be scared but for some reason I was not “ I guess love conquers all things”. She said chuckling “ He told me lot of things about you being a prince of a kingdom and he made me promise not to allow you be in danger till you are strong enough to fight for yourself. He explained to me that you might turn out to be a full human but should incase you become like him, I should give you this chain She removed the chain she was wearing and handed it over to me “ it is a keepsake from your father”. She said and I stared at the chain “ how will I control myself? What if I turn to a vampire at school?. I asked She smiled at me “ your father also gave me a book .The book will answer all your questions”. She said, I will get it for you”. She said standing up and soon headed upstairs “ how can I handle all this?”. I asked myself sobbing * * I sat down in my room reading the strange book “ A vampire does not go out when it is sunny”. “ A vampire has extra speed , hearing abilities and sight”. I closed the book, can this be true?. Everything still looks like a dream to me I was sure of one thing, My life will never remain the Same... * * How will Ryan handle being a vampire, TBC
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