The mark of Dracula

875 Words
Ryan POV continues • It was soon closing time and I grabbed my bag ready to go home. I walked out of the class and someone bumped into me. It was the new girl... “ Sorry”. She said I looked at her and continued walking without looking back • I came out of the school about heading home when I felt my skin burning “ aargh”. I groaned silently in pain and quickly ran back to the class. The class was empty when I got in.. “ what is all this”. I asked myself “ when will all this pass”. I thought sobbing. My phone suddenly rang and it was a call from mother “ baby”. She called as soon as I picked it “ mother I can’t come home now”. I told her immediately “ because of the sun right?”. She asked She seem to be hiding lot of things from me “ The necklace I gave you is made from a witch stone , it will help you with day walking”. She said “ Day walking?”. I asked “ yes”. That is what Vampires call it “ I am not a vampire”. I yelled, “ I don’t want to be one”... She remained quiet “ Are you with the necklace?” She asked “ I left it on my bed this morning”. I replied “ Okay, you will have to wait till the sun comes down”. She said and ended the call I sat down in the class lost in thought..... * * It was soon evening and I grabbed my bag and walked home “ am I the only vampire?”. I asked myself, “ where do Vampires come from”. I was so curious, I need to ask mother ....... * * Alicia POV * * I laid on my bed lost in thought “ I saw his eyes turned red when I bumped into him”.I thought. Alicia come back to your senses”. I said hitting my head. It can’t be real.. “ Alicia”. My mom called “ yes mom”. I responded heading downstairs . My mum was in the kitchen with Tyra “ are you done with you assignment”. She asked “ yes”. I lied “ Good, help me set the table dinner”. He instructed “ really”. What was Tyra doing since?” I asked “ She was helping me in the kitchen”. Mum said defending her I glared at Tyra and went over to arrange the table She is just a spoilt brat.... * * * Ryan PoV • “You mean you don’t know about the other vampires”. I yelled She look frightened “ I don’t want you to be hurt baby”. She said “ Mum, how will I get hurt?, I just want to know my father “. I said She remained quiet and looked away “Ryan”. She called, enough of all this . I need you to go to your room “ really”. I said scoffing and headed to my room angrily * I got to my room and picked up the chain on the bed and put it on. The chain blinked immediately I wore it “ what a chain”. I thought * *. The Vampire kingdom * * Elder POV * * I sat down in the room lost in thoughts , the king is already getting weak and we need a Vampire prince to take his place . Incase you are wondering who I am , I am called the Elder. “ Why is it taking long for you to choose the Vampire prince”. My little daughter Mia asked I smiled at her “ you won’t understand dear”. I replied her “ How father?”. She asked “ we need a true Vampire prince and not an ordinary prince”. I tried explaining to her “ True prince”. She muttered “ yes, the one who is marked by Dracula to rule”. I said She looked confused but nodded “ I need the take my leave father”. She said and left “ who among the princes is the true prince”. I thought “ who among them have the mark of Dracula”. I said aloud * * * Ryan POV * * I laid on my bed admiring the necklace, it was really beautiful and was made of pure gold. I felt a burning sensation on my skin but it soon stopped “ What the hell Is happening to me?”. I asked my self My door suddenly opened and my mum walked in “ baby”. She called, how are you feeling now? “ fine”. I grunted as she sat down beside me “ it will be alright baby”. She assured me “ how can I find my root?”. I asked her She remained quiet “ Mother”. I called She looked up at me and said “ you don’t need to look for them, they will look for you immediately they get to know of your existence”. I looked at her in confusion “I kept you hidden from them for the past 18 years”. She said with tears flowing down her eyes “ Why?”. I asked “ I did that because.............”. She stopped immediately and stared at my chest “ what mother”. I asked “Ryan, your chest”. She said pointing I looked down at my chest and I gasped in shock. There was a mark them, I took a closer look at it, it was a mark with a symbol of Dracula on it........ “ what the hell is this”. I yelled * What is happening to Ryan? It is so confusing TBC
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