
1019 Words
Alicia POV continues . . “What did you just do? you both shared a kiss in my class”. The teacher asked in anger “ I am sorry ma’am”. I apologised with my head bent down I looked at Ryan, he was seated staring at the teacher blankly “ what is wrong with him?. I thought “ Ryan”. The teacher called He looked at the teacher and smirked “ what!!”. The teacher exclaimed “ We did nothing wrong”. Ryan said and the whole class because quiet “ what are you doing Ryan?”. I muttered to him He moved towards the teacher “ we did nothing wrong right?”. He asked gazing intently at the teacher “ yes you guys did nothing wrong”. The teacher said as if she was remoted “ Good”, then continue with you teaching. He instructed and I gasped in surprise as the teacher walked to the front class and continued teaching as if nothing happened “ what the hell just happened?”. I muttered to my self as I went back to my seat I turned to look at Ryan, he was listening to the teacher as if nothing happened .... • • When the teacher left the whole class became noisy Brenda walked up to me smiling “ don’t ask me about anything”. I told her “ ask you what?”. She asked with a confused look I looked at her “ you mean you don’t remember what happened in the chemistry class?”. I asked She squeezed at face “ Alicia, quit playing games”.she said , “ can I get your notes?”. She asked “Here”. I said giving it to her “ Thanks”. She said and walked towards her seat I turned to look at Ryan and met his gaze I stood up and went towards him “ what just happened Ryan?”. I asked “ what?”. He asked “ everyone seems to have forgotten about everything”. I replied He smirked “ is there a problem about that?”. He asked “ you did all that?”.I asked in surprise He nodded “ how”. I asked “ I am a vampire”. He said boldly I looked at the guy I love in front of me, there was something different about him, he was bolder and more confident about himself, he seem so powerful....... . . . Ryan POV . . “ Alicia”. I called, let us go home “ alright”. She said packing her books I looked around the class and my gaze met Andra and she immediately looked away. I walked towards her “ Hey Andra”. I greeted She looked at me surprised “ are you talking to me?”. She asked looking around I nodded “ wow, so the great Ryan remembers me today”. She said “ yeah”. I replied and was about leaving when she called “ Ryan”. I turned to look at her “ you act different and you seem different”.She said “ how do you mean?”. I asked her “ fire, the fire I saw in your eyes, it is not real right?”. She asked I laughed out loud “ is that what is bothering you?”. I asked She nodded “ Just don’t get in my way and you will be fine”. I assured her “ can we go now?”. Alicia asked walking towards me I looked at Andra who was obviously shaking and gave her a small smile before taking Alicia hands in mine as we walked out of the class...... . . . “ What were you guys talking about?”. Alicia asked as we walked home “ nothing”. I replied “ really”. She said I nodded “Are you planning on dating her?”. She suddenly asked I looked at her, she was obviously jealous “ is there a crime in that?”. I asked her She scoffed “ fine”. She said and began walking faster “ wait Alicia”. I ran and caught up with her “ what?”. She stopped to look at me with tears rolling her eyes “ what a cry baby”. I thought I moved towards her wiping her tears “ I am in love with two women, the first one is my mother and the second one is you”. I said to her “ really”. She asked I nodded “ then why do you want to make Andra your girlfriend?”. She asked “ who said anything about making her my girlfriend”. I said chucking She remained quiet “ Thanks” I said “ for?”. She asked “ The kiss back then in class, I don’t know how you did it but you calmed me down”. I explained “ oh”. She said “ Alicia”. I called moving closer to her She looked at me directly into my eyes and smiled “ what is it?”. She asked “ I em er......... and immediately i felt her lips on mine “ she just kissed me again”. I thought and I quickly kissed her back We kissed for a long time and the mark on my chest shone brightly...... . . The Vampire kingdom . . Elder POV . . I sat down in my chambers playing with Mia when Mara walked in “ Greetings to you Elder”. She greeted “ Greetings beautiful one”. I replied “ can we talk in private?”. She asked looking at Mia “Mia, can you please go play with your friends”. I told her “ yes father”. She said standing up grumpily and glared at Mara before leaving “ what is it about?”. I asked her “ I want to be the Vampire Princess”. She said boldly I looked at her and shook my head “ you are in a relationship with prince Theo”. I said to her “ and it is over now”. She replied “ why are you doing this?”. I asked her “ because I want the cute Vampire prince to be mine”. She said I looked at her, she is the most beautiful vampire maiden in the kingdom and that is why Theo fell for her “It is for the Vampire prince to decide”. I told her “ Then summon him over”. She said “ I will , I will do that soon”. I assured her Smile “ then I must take my leave “. She said bowing down I nodded . . . I watched her as she left and smiled, The Vampire prince needs some one who shares a connection with , someone who truly loves him and someone who he truly loves....... . . . Connection? How will prince Theo feels when he learns the one he loves is after The Vampire prince ? TBC
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