The Dracula king

884 Words
Alicia POV . . I laid on my bed smiling as I remembered the kiss “ but wait a minute, are we dating?”. I said aloud “ Alicia”. My mum called Yes mum”. I replied as I headed downstairs “ what have you been doing up there since?”. She asked me “ can’t I have my privacy?”. I replied She looked at me and shook her head “ I can see you are growing wings”. She said “ why did you call me?”. I asked her “Can you please help your siblings check their homework?”. She asked “ fine”. I muttered and walked towards the twins “ let me see”. I said stretching my hands and they both handed me their books I went through Tony book first and nodded “ you are doing great”. I said to him, continue He beamed happily I opened Tyra book “ what is all this?” I asked her “ please don’t shout”. She pleaded, I don’t want mum to hear I looked at her and smirked “ This is going to be my revenge”. I told her and shouted “ mom, Tyra is so dumb” My mom came towards us and I immediately gave her Tyra book, she glanced through it with a frown “ Tyra, what is all this?you are really failing”. My mum complained “ can I go to my room now?”. I asked her “ you can go, I will take care of this”. She said I stood up and looked at Tyra who gave me a” i will kill you look”. I smiled and climbed up the stair I got the the room and laid on my bed, I brought out my phone to dial the only person on my mind, Ryan..... . . Ryan POV . . I was in the sitting room with my eyes glued to the television when my phone rang. I checked the caller , it was my Alicia I picked it up immediately “Alicia”. I called “ how are you?”. She asked “ I am fine”. I replied “ I just wanted to check on you”. She said “ okay babe, thanks”. I replied and ended the call. I smiled as I thought about the kiss we shared “ baby”. My mom called me “ yes mum”. I didn’t even noticed when she came in She looked at me smiling “ I can see it was Alicia who called”. She said “ yes”. I drawled, how did you know? I asked her “ your smile, it tells it all”.she said “ oh”. I said “ have you kissed her?”. My mum asked “ mummm”, please don’t ask”. I pleaded She gave me a light punch, I can see you have “ I need to go to my room”. I said trying to avoid my mum question “Ryan got his first kiss, Ryan got his first kiss”. My mum kept on singing till I got into my room “ what a funny mom”. I muttered I pulled off my shirt and the mark on my chest blinked , I smiled as I admired it I went closer to the mirror to look at it better but what I saw made me scream “ muummmmmmmmmmm”. I screamed I heard her running up, I stared at the Mirror blankly “ what is it baby?”. My mum asked moving closer to me “ this”. I said pointing to the Mirror and immediately she saw it she screamed ........ . . . Ryan mom PoV . . I removed the mirror from where it was hanging and went over to Ryan and hugged him “ baby, it will pass”. I assured him “ mum, I need answers”he said “ how”. I asked “ I need to go back to hell”. She said “ baby, you don’t need to”. I tried to discourage him from going “ how will I find out the meaning of that monster in the mirror”. He asked I remained quiet “You mean that that monster is me?”. He asked again I remained quiet “ I have made up my mind”. He said standing up . . I watched him closed his eyes and disappeared... I sobbed silently “ I just want my son to be alright, I closed my eyes as I remembered what I saw in the was a kind of beast with a crown , The Name Dracula was inscribed on the crown................. . . . Ryan POV . . I opened my eyes and found myself in the kingdom I headed straight to the shrine ignoring the greetings of the vampires I got to the shrine and met The Elder talking with some Elderly vampires, he was surprised to see me “Greeting Vampire prince”. They all greeted “ what the hell Is happening to me” . I yelled ignoring their greetings “ what is it?”. The Elder asked “ I saw a kind of animal with a Dracula crown when I looked into the mirror”. I explained The whole room became quiet and everyone seems scared “ what is wrong with me?”. I barked again “ There is fire in your eyes”. A man said bowing down immediately “You saw an animal with a crown when you looked into the mirror?”.The Elder asked to be sure I nodded He remained quiet for some minutes and went down on his knees “ Greetings to the Vampire prince, Greetings to you lord Dracula The whole elders went on their knees chanting Dracula Dracula Dracula Dracula.... I felt something in me, something like a full force power I smirked “I had full powers inside me........ . . I guess this is the beginning . . TBC
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