
633 Words
Ryan PoV . . It has two weeks since Theo escaped and there were no traces of him, everything was going on smoothly as if nothing ever happened I got to school that morning feeling excited, I planned on asking Alicia officially to be my girlfriend I spotted her laughing with her friends and I walked toward them “ hey”. I greeted her friends “ hey Ryan”. They greeted back “ Alicia, I need to see you”. I whispered into her ears She nodded and excused herself from her friends I held her hands dragging her along with me “Where are we going?”. She asked “ The rooftop”. I told her . . We got to the roof top and Alicia immediately left my hands running around “ I have never been here before, this place is so beautiful”. She remarked excitedly I watched her and laughed “ she behaves childish most times” I walked up to her and took her hands in mine “ the view from here is so beautiful”. She said “ just like you”. I told her I saw her blushed “ Ryan , stop flattering me”. She said “ I am not Alicia”, you are really beautiful” She looked at me and smiled “ remember the first day we met”. I continued She nodded, the first day I started school here “ Not talking about that”. I said and hit her playfully “ what, but that was the first day I met you”. She insisted I smiled “That was the first day you saw me but not the first day we met, we met during the full moon remember “ “ oh”. She nodded “ why were you out by that time?”. I asked her “ I had an intuition that something was wrong and it led me to you”. She explained I looked at her “ we must share some kind of connection”. She said I smiled “ sure”. We really do We remained silent for some while “ will you be my girlfriend?”. I asked breaking the silence She looked at me and smiled “I have been waiting for this for a long time”. She said “ will you?”. I asked again “ of course, yes I will be your girlfriend”. She said in excitement and I hugged her I had a strange feeling and immediately disengaged from the hug I looked around and and did not see anyone, strange!. I had a feelings that someone was watching me “ what is wrong?”. Alicia asked “ Nothing”. I replied still looking around “ are you sure?”. She asked I nodded . . . Alicia POV . I walked into the class excitedly “ Brenda, i called excitedly “ what is it?”. She asked “ Ryan asked me to be his girlfriend”. I screamed in excitement “Wow!!” . She exclaimed and what was your response?”. She asked “ yes”. I said jumping in excitement “Awwww, so Handsome has finally gotten a girlfriend”. She said teasing “ what is going on here?”. Andra asked as soon as she walked into the class “ none of your business”. I said to her and walked away “ such a gossip”. I muttered . . . Prince Theo POV . . I scoffed as I watched Ryan hugged the black haired beauty I had been right all along , she is the one he loves. I had been watching both of them for long without him noticing. I knew he was very powerful and I tried to cover up my scent and always watched him for a distance. I befriended a lady from his school so I can get on with my plan whenever I am ready.. Now I have confirmed my suspicion, it is time to act.. Nephew you took my whole life away from me and I will strike back by using your girl....... . . Hmmmmh This Theo is really desperate And I wonder who is the lady Theo befriended . . TBC
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