The unknown

719 Words
Prince Theo PoV . Ryan POV . . I sighed in relief as my mum opened her eyes “ mum”. I called “ Ryan”. She smiled weakly “ how are you feeling now?”. I asked her “ I am okay baby”. She replied I helped her sit up and immediately went to the kitchen to get her something to eat . I watched her as she ate “ I never believed I almost lost my mother “. I thought “ Ryan”. She called “Yes mum”. I replied “ I think someone is not happy about you being the chosen one “. She said “Why did you say that mother”. I asked “ when those men tried to kill me, they talked about a prince sending them”. She said “ a prince”. I muttered She nodded “ okay mum”. I said smiling She looked at me “ okay, is that what you will say?”. She asked “ mum, I will take care of it”. I assured her “ I am not asking you to do anything, I just want you to be careful”. She explained “ I will”. I said promising her I stood up and was about climbing the stairs when she called “ Ryan”. I turned to look at her and smiled “ don’t wait for me”. . . . I got to the hell Kingdom boiling In rage I nodded at the vampires greetings as walked past them “ Elder”. I called immediately I entered the shrine He ran to me bowing down “ Greetings my prince”. He greeted “I want you to summon a meeting with all the princes here”. I ordered “Should I include your father?”. He asked “ All?”. I barked He was about sending a servant to do the task when Mara walked in “ Greetings my prince”. She greeted “ what do you want ?”The Elder asked her She smiled and continued walking towards me “I know who is behind it?”. She said I stood up and moved closer to her “ who is it?”. I asked her “ it is someone you know”. She replied slyly “ who is it?”. I barked at her “Prince Theo”. She replied smiling “ how sure are you?”. The elder asked “ very sure “. She replied I looked into her eyes and tried to read it but it was a little bit confusing, it was filled with l**t,desperation and something like revenge . “ Get Theo here now. I barked . . . I looked at the guard sent to summon Theo and scoffed “ what do you mean?”. I asked “ Theo is no where ttttto be ffffound”. He stammered “ what!!!”. I exclaimed . . I stood up and hurriedly walked to Theo chambers, I met a crowd in front of his chambers “ what is going on here?”. I asked “ My prince”. They all bowed “Prince Theo is nowhere to be found”. A woman replied I walked into the room and the whole place was in a deep mess It seems he left in a hurry , I folded my fist to control my anger when the realisation hit me “ Theo escape”. I came out of the room in the anger “ guards”. I barked “ yes my prince”. They answered running to meet me “ I want you to search everywhere for Prince Theo , bring him to me alive”. I ordered “ yes my prince”.They bowed and left This clearly means one thing, he ran away because he is guilty....... . . . Unknown POV . . I watched all the happenings in front of prince Theo chamber and smiled “ I am sorry prince Theo but I had to use you so as not to get caught... . . I overheard Theo when he threatened to hurt the Vampire prince by harming the ones he loves so I sent my men to kill his mother knowing Theo would be blamed. “ Too bad the men failed” . It was easy confusing Theo to run away as he was too dumb I watched the vampire prince bit his lips in anger and I smiled knowing he believed Theo is responsible.......... . . Prince Theo POV . . . I never believed I would one day be on the run as I kept on running without looking back. I knew the prince was no match for me so I has no option but to leave the kingdom I knew deep down that I just declared war against Theo but I am innocent, I am really innocent......... . . . It is obvious Theo was framed ... TBC
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