
1100 Words
Alicia POV . . It was soon time for closing and Ryan was still not in class “ where will he be?”. I asked myself I arranged my books inside my school bag and walked out of the class. I sighted Ryan in the hall way with three girls , they were all laughing “ what!!”. I exclaimed in anger I walked towards him and glared at the girls “ Can we go home please?”. I asked “Oh Alicia I am having great fun , this girls are damn funny”. He said “ really, I will be going then”. I said expecting him to leave with me but instead he just smiled and nodded.... . . “ I will kill you Ryan”. I said in anger as I walked home alone I could not believe he chose those girls over me, I am his girlfriend. I felt tears rolling down by my eyes and I wiped it off, I won’t cry because of that flirt “ who is a flirt?”. Ryan suddenly asked appearing in front of me “Oh my god!, you scared the hell out of me” “ are you this jealous?”. He asked “What, I was not jealous”. I defended smacking my lips “ oh really, I was walking behind you and I overheard every single thing you said”. He said smirking “ Why did you ignore me?”. I asked He looked at me with a puzzled look “ I never ignored you, you left yourself”. He said “ I really hate you”.i told him “ I love you Alicia”. He said laughing “ go away”. I told him playfully and he held my hands as we walked together . . . Vampire kingdom . Unknown POV . . I decided to take a stroll around the kingdom when I saw Mara sitting outside her father chamber “Hey”. I greeted “ Hi”. She responded without looking at me I smiled “ why are you here all alone?”. I asked her she looked up at me and I saw the tears in her eyes “ why are you crying beautiful one?”. I asked her “ The Vampire prince rejected me for the third time and I betrayed Theo because of him”. She replied sniffing “ so?” . I asked “ I don’t think I can ever be the vampire princess”. She said “ why not?”. I asked her “ he told me he loves someone already”. She said “ That is not a problem”. I said and she looked at me in surprise “ what do you mean?”. She asked “ You have to fight for his love”. I told her “ how?”. She asked “ for you to win his heart, you have to eliminate the one already in his heart”. I told her she looked at me in surprise “ do you mean I should kill her”. She asked “ Think of it as a way of fighting for you love”. I told her She became quiet and I pretended to take my leave “ wait”. She said I turned to look at her “ I will do it”. She said “ it is your choice”. I told her “ how do i find the girl”. I asked “ you don’t need to find the girl, I know her”. I said She looked at me in surprise “ who is she ?”. She asked “Her name is Alicia”. I replied, she is just like you “ like me”.she muttered “ yes, she is beautiful like you”........ .. . I was glad Mara agreed to do my biding , I will use her till I don’t have a need for her I started keeping watch on the vampire prince as soon as he became The Dracula .. I always wanted that throne , he came in the way and destroyed all my plans . I will do anything to hurt and bring him down... . . . Prince Theo POV . . I brought out the cell phone I got when I started living in the human world, I dialled a number and she picked it up immediately “ Hey baby”. I said “ hi”.she replied excitedly “ can we hook up?”. I asked her “ sure” . She said excitedly “ I will send you the address now”. I said and ended the call I immediately sent the address of the hotel to her . Thanks to my brother Ron, he made sure i always had enough cash on me.... My phone beeped and I clicked on the message , it was from the b***h and I smiled when I read it “ I will be there soon” I really need a good sex . I laid on the bed playing a kind of game on the phone when I heard a knock I went over to open it and smiled welcoming the b***h inside “ Helo Theo”. She greeted “ hi beauty”. I replied her She walked over to the bed and sat down “ what can I offer you?”. I asked her “ I am okay”. She replied smiling “ really”. I asked moving closer to her and she smiled shyly I caressed her cheeks “ you are beautiful”. I said and she blushed I placed my lips on hers and kissed her hungrily and she kissed back “ Damn, it has really been long I had sex I started kissing all over her body when she suddenly asked me to stop “ you haven’t even told me you love me”. She said still panting for breathe I smirked “ just tell me you love me and we will continue”. She said caressing my face “ Love, I don’t and will never love a b***h like you”. I told her point black “ what. She gasped and started adjusting her clothes “ where do you think you are going?”. I asked her “ home”.she said and was about to stand up from the bed when I gave a thunderous slap “ I don’t need permission from you to f**k you”. I said tearing her clothes, she wriggled her body trying to break free from my hands “ stay still”. I barked slapping her again She immediately became still . I tore her underpants and penetrated into her and started banging her harder ignoring the tears streaking down her face . I rolled off her when I was done “Make sure you are always available whenever I need you”. I instructed her She nodded “You will do anything I instruct you to do and make sure you never fail me because if you do I will kill you”. I warned her She nodded shivering in fear “ go and clean yourself up”. I instructed She nodded and tried standing up but she fell back to the bed “ stand up now”. I barked and I smirked as I watched her stand in difficulty She is my new bitch . . I pity Theo’s new bitch Hmmmh Mara TBC
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