
1454 Words
Alicia PoV . . I watched Ryan carried his mum upstairs without even sparing me a glance, he was normal again I was really speechless, my head were turning and I immediately sat down on a chair to prevent myself from falling.. I always thought Ryan was a harmless vampire but with all I saw today , he looked like a beast " how will I handle all this". I asked , I was scared of him yet still want him to hug me I closed my eyes and remembered how he killed those men, he did so without emotions " Vampire Prince", what is that? Those men greeted him as if they knew him , is Ryan hiding something from me.. I just need him to come explain things to me, I just need my Ryan to assure me all will be alright . . . Ryan POV . . I sat down beside my mum watching her as she slept. She had few scratches and just minor injuries . " mum you would be fine". I held her hands assuring her and she steered a little . I thought about Alicia, the way she looked at me " will she still ever love me". I thought . . I climbed down the stair and to be my surprise Alicia was still in the sitting room, I thought she might have ran away out of fear. " Alicia". I called and she looked up at me with tears in her eyes " Ryan". She said softly I sat down beside her and she shifted a little " Alicia". I called again She looked at me directly in my eyes " who are you?". She asked I sighed " I am Ryan". I replied " stop lying ".she yelled, I saw the way you killed those men " Alicia, you knew I was a Vampire so why acting up now". I told her "I thought you were harmless Ryan". She said " I am ". I replied her She scoffed " what is the meaning of the beast I saw?" She asked " what beast?". I asked pretending " the beast with a crown". She said I remained quiet " Ryan , those men greeted you as the vampire prince which clearly mean they know you". She yelled I tried to calm her down but she pushed me away " you murdered those men Ryan you murdered them". She said sobbing " they tried to kill my mother". I defended, no one hurts my mother and go Scot free She looked at me and stood up " do you care about me?". She asked I nodded " then cut all ties with the vampires". She said I looked at her and smiled " I can't Alicia , I am sorry" " why?". She asked I opened my chest and showed her the mark " it is a symbol of Dracula which means I am the chosen one". I tried explaining She looked at me blankly " ask me anything, I will answer". I promised " I don't have any questions to ask". She said I looked at her and tried reading her thoughts, it was all missed up. She was clearly confused " Alicia". Please don't get this all missed up". I pleaded " fine". She said " who are you?". She asked " I am the Vampire prince". I told her She looked at me and nodded urging me to continue " those people you see are vampires". I continued " where did they come from?". She asked I kept quiet thinking if I should tell her or not "Ryan". She called again " They are from a far away place ". I told her " have you ever been there?".she asked I nodded " so you were planning on leaving me". She said standing up " No, i won't do that". I said caressing her cheeks "Really". She asked I nodded " why?". She asked I looked at her and smiled " because I love you Alicia". I told her and she immediately hugged me " I don't care if you are a vampire or not, I don't care if you turn to a beast or not, you will still always be my Ryan.She said I smiled as I felt her lips on mine as we kissed deeply " your mother would be alright ".She assured me as we broke the kiss " Ryan". She called " yes". I replied " I love you". She said " I love you more". I replied smiling . . I accompanied Alicia home and she kept on telling me some silly jokes about her but I lost in thought " who sent those vampires". I thought " Ryan". Alicia called snapping her fingers in front of me " em yes". I stammered " what are you thinking about?". I have been trying to get your attention . She queried " I am sorry". I apologised " where are we?". I asked her when I noticed we were standing in front of a house " my house". She replied beaming " what, I was deep in thought that I never knew I have walked this far " I have to go now". I said and she nodded " bye". I said moving closer to her and gave her a light kiss , door suddenly flung open and a little girl came out " Who are you?".She asked looking at me I smiled " I am Ryan". I said stretching my hands " Tyra get inside". Alicia said glaring at the girl " let her be Alicia, I love her boldness She moved closer to me and whispered into my ears " you are too handsome to date a monkey " what, who is the monkey?". I asked her and she pointed to Alicia I laughed out loud " Alicia ". I will take my leave now". I said still laughing She nodded " Ryan".she called, be careful...... . . I soon got home and mother was still asleep " if I find out who hurt my mother , I will kill the bastard, I will teach them never to mess with me again.... Alicia PoV . . I knew I did the right thing by forgiving Ryan , everything happening is clearly not his fault I just wish he can defend me just like he defended his mother, I just wish Ryan never leaves me........: . Vampire kingdom . . The Elder . . I stared at the bodies lying in front of me and I smirked, " you played with fire so you must get burnt". I said out loud " kito". I called one of the servants standing outside " take these body and burn it up". I ordered " yes sir". He said . I watched him as he bundled both bodies into a big sac and dragged it out " yes, they deserve to be treated like dogs, they don't deserve a descent burial " who would behind this". I thought and immediately suspected Prince Theo. I knew he had eyes for the throne but I never knew he would go this far . . I headed angrily to his room and pushed the door opened and found him f*****g one of his bitches " Prince Theo". I called He looked at me in surprise " where is your manners?". He asked me I smirked " a traitor does not deserve respect". I said " traitor, how?". He asked " stop pretending". I said pointing at him " The Vampire prince will come for you this night". I told him and left I warned him personally not to try any rubbish and since he proved stubborn he will have to face the consequences alone.... . . . Prince Theo . . I watched as The Elder left in anger. " what is he talking about?". I muttered " Let continue". The b***h i was banging whined " get the hell out of here". I barked at her She shivered and immediately wore her clothes " what the hell does the elder mean". I yelled . . . Did Theo want to deny he does not know anything about it.... Hmmmmmmh TBC
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