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Ryan POV continues . . “ What are you talking about?”. I asked The Elder as soon as we were alone “we need a Vampire Princess”. He said shivering in fright I scoffed “ A vampire princess”. I muttered “ yes”. He replied “ what will I use her for ?”. I asked He looked at me with a puzzled look “ she will be your mate”. He said “ mate,what is that?”. I asked “ Bride”, she will be your bride”. I looked at the man and laughed out loud “ I don’t need a bride, I am too young”.i said “ but that is the rule prince, a Vampire prince must be crowned together with a princess”. He explained I remained quiet “My prince”.he called I looked at the old man and scoffed “ I am the Vampire prince, I make the rules”.I said He looked at me in surprise “Do you have anything else to say?”. I asked him He shook his head “ Good”. I said A young lady soon walked in holding a bottle of wine “ Greeting my prince”. She greeted bowing down I nodded “ Greetings Elder”. She greeted “ Greetings beautiful one”. The elder replied I stared at her, she was really beautiful “ My Prince, my father asked me to bring this wine to you”. She said “ who are you?” I asked her “ I am Mara , the only daughter of Elder Tam”. She said She placed the drink on the table beside me and sat down “ I guess I will take it home”. I said looking at the drink “This is your home”. Elder Tam said I smirked “ I have a mother back home and she means everything to me”. I told him “ you can bring her here” . Mara said “ how is that possible”. I asked her, she is a human She smiled and whispered “ you will have to give her the bite “ The bite”. I muttered She nodded, you will have to make her a Vampire I remained quiet “ will mom ever agree to that”. I thought “ I can take you around the kingdom”. She said “ I need to get back to my mother”. I replied “ please, just for a few minutes”. She pleaded “ fine”. I said . . . She led me through a narrow road as I walked behind her I gasped in awe as we got to a very beautiful garden, it was like paradise “ This is where we hold out festivals”.she said I looked around “ wow, it is beautiful”. I exclaimed “ just like you are”.she said I looked at her and smiled She moved closer to me “ I love the fire in your eyes”. She continued “ don’t look at it for a long time or else you will get burnt “.I warned her She chuckled “ I like you”. She said I smiled “ I like you too”. I replied She smiles and brought her lips closer and I scoffed “ are you this cheap”. I asked her “ what?”. She asked in surprise “ you are so cheap”. I repeated She looked at me angrily “ I am the most beautiful and the most respected maiden in this kingdom”. She boasted I nodded “ I agree you might be the most beautiful but disagree with the respected because you are a cheap s**t”. I replied her “ what?”She asked growling I looked at her laughing “ I will take my leave now”. I said I was about Leaving when she said “I want to be the vampire princess” I looked at her and smiled, I already have one ........ . . I headed back to the shrine and the people chanted my name as I walked past them “ Dracula. Dracula I nodded towards them . . Elder POV . . I could see the reason why he is the chosen one, he is so bold and daring.. I loved the boy and at the same time scared of him I hope he will be able to Change some evil rules , i hope he will be able to get rid of all the evil . . I bowed down as he walked in and he nodded “ I need to take my leave now”. He said “ can you really change the rules?”. I asked him He looked intently at me and smiled “ you are a good man”. He said, keep doing good I became scared “ can he really know the evil ones just by looking at them. He must be very very powerful. I watched him as he disappeared and I smiled . . . Mara POV . . “ Father, the Vampire prince rejected me”. I said angrily “ you just have to keep on trying”. He said “ he called me a cheap s**t”. I shouted and kept quiet when Theo walked in “Mara”. He called “ why are you here”. I asked him “ is that how you will greet me?”.he asked I scoffed “ I can see the reason who you have been avoiding me”. He said I looked at him without saying a thing “ I saw you trying to flirt my nephew”. he said I laughed out loud “ Not only will I flirt with him, I will make sure I marry him”. I said He looked at me and scoffed “ I made a mistake about you, you are a b***h like the other maiden I f****d”. He mocked me I bit my lips trying to suppress the anger “ and you are a prince that will always be under his Nephew shadow”. I said, Get out . I ordered He scoffed at me and left “ he called me a b***h father”. I said crying and my father came towards me to console me “ when you become the Vampire Princess , you will punish him”. he said assuring me and I smiled . . . Prince Theo . . “I lost my throne to him and I am about loosing my girl”. I thought as tears streaked down my face. I quickly wiped it off It will be difficult harming The Dracula because how seems so powerful. I will hurt him by harming those he loves, I will make him feel pain. I will start by harming I his Mother...... . . “ What is prince Theo planning? “Hmmmmh, this Mara sef . TBC
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