The Vampire prince

1100 Words
Ryan POV continues • I became really scared, I had the mark of Dracula, the mark of the devil , what does it mean?. I looked at mother and she was lost in thoughts. “ baby”. You can’t go out carelessly”. She said I looked at her without saying a thing . I Closed my eyes and when i opened it my mum stood up from the bed in fear “ There is sss fire in your eyes”. She stammered I smirked “ don’t worry mother”. I said as I stood up from the bed, I am a beast”. I barked and ran out the house....... * * Ryan mother POV * * “This is more than I expected ,what is the next step?”.I said aloud I looked out of the window, it was a full moon and I knew Ryan taste for blood would be stronger. “ what have I done?”. I never wanted my son to be a Vampire. I thought about the beast mark on the chest and it signifies only one thing, he is the chosen one and it won’t be long before the vampires comes for him. I can’t lose my son to the vampires.... * * Ryan POV * “ blood , blood”. I groaned I had the urge to kill and I also don’t want to be a murderer . It was as if I was battling with the demon and the human inside of me. I spotted two humans holding hands standing outside a house and was about to go devour them when I heard someone called my name I turned back and met the gaze of the new student “Ryan”.she called in fear as she stared at me I smirked moving towards her “You came at the right time honey”. I grinned “ what the wrong with you?why is there flames In your eyes”. She asked “ you want to know honey”. I smiled evilly She shuddered In fear “ because I need blood”. I said and immediately changed into a Vampire “V aaaamm pirrre”. She stammered as I bent towards digging my claws into her “ Ryan , Ryan , Ryan “. She kept on calling and immediately something flicked inside me, I removed my claws and turned to my human form . She fell to the ground “New student”. I called She opened her eyes and smiled “ I am Alicia”. She corrected I nodded, I stared at her, she was bleeding from the neck and was obviously in pain.. “ why didn’t you run?”. I asked her She smiled and just stared at me “ Why?”. I repeated “ because I love you”. I clearly heard her thoughts....... * * Alicia POV * * I woke up and stared around , I saw Ryan sitting beside me with his heads rested on the bed “ he brought me to the hospital”. I thought within. I touched my neck and the wounds were already treated. “Ryan is a Vampire”. I thought staring at him, I never believed vampires exist? I watched him stirred in his sleep, he must be very tired..... * I never even knew the reason why I came out last night. I just had an intuition that something was wrong and it led me to Ryan. I watched him as he was holding his heads groaning as if battling with some inner thoughts and I decided to move closer to him I shivered immediately he turned to face me, his eyes had sparking fire and when he moved towards me, I still wanted to hold him , how stupid! I gasp in shock when he turned into a Vampire, I still called his name hoping he would change and he did . * I felt his stares on me and when I looked towards him, he was already awake “ when did you wake”. I asked him “ just now”. He said with a low voice I nodded “ I am sorry”. He said softly “ it is alright”. I said smiling. The doctor suddenly walked in “ how are you doing”. He asked “ fine , thank you” “ can you please tell me what happened to you”. He asked , This young man said it was a dog but with what i am seeing it is the claws of a more dangerous animal”. He explained “ it is a dog sir, a more dangerous dog”. I said He looked at me weirdly, shook his head and left... I laughed and caught Ryan staring at me “ what?”. I asked “ aren’t you scared of me?”.He asked “ what about you?”. I asked looking at him “ The fact that I am a monster”. He said looking down “ you are not a monster, You are a vampire”. I assured him He looked up at me and smiled * *. The Vampire Kingdom * The Elder POV * * I looked into the fire seeing the face of a young man. There is something about him, he had a stricken resemblance to Prince Ryan . “ who is he “. I asked and continued the consultation with lucifer “ what!!!”. I exclaimed, he is a vampire “ how is that possible?”. I thought within because I knew questioning Lucifer can make him unleash his anger .. * * I walked out of the shrine and headed to a big room where all the elders , royals were all waiting for me “ what did you see?”. Prince Theo asked immediately I stepped into the room I bowed to him “ greetings my prince”. I greeted him “ what did you see?”. He barked without replying my greetings “ Prince Theo calm down let him sit first”. Elder Tam suggested Prince Theo glared at him without saying a word. I took my seat and stared at the faces of the men before speaking “ There is a young vampire in the human world and I think he is the one with the Dracula mark”. I said The whole room became quiet “ what do you mean?”. Elder Tam asked “ Dracula revealed it to me himself”. I explained “ what do you mean by another vampire?”. Prince Theo asked boiling with rage . “ how did he get the live with a human?”. Prince Ron asked “ I can’t answer that now “. I said “ This is rubbish”. Prince Theo said and stormed out of the room. I looked at the remaining men in the room whispering among themselves.. “I need to talk to Prince Ryan”. I believe he is the one to answer that question. The boy looks exactly like him when he was younger I really need answers * * Awww Alicia accepted Ryan despite him being a vampire * I guess the news will cause war among the vampires * TBC
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