To Find The Next Relic

1233 Words
Nova and her friends were waiting at the door just as Nash had told them. Nova was feeling like someone had flipped her stomach inside out. She didn’t sign up for this. She wasn’t ready for chases, secret escapes, or weird gems possessing extraordinary power. The book then glowed gold once more. Nova’s least favorite color was pink, now it was gold. She opened the book and waited for it to flip through the pages. After several moments of turning pages, the book settled on the one that had the picture of the gems. Underneath “The Forgetting Relic”, she noticed her name written. Nash’s name was written underneath “The Teleporting Relic”. On the opposite page, it said that the beholder of The Forgetting Relic” has the ability to make anyone forget anything that happened in a specific time that this person decides except any person with another relic. The Teleporting Relic was said to be able to transport its beholder to any place in the world just by thinking about it. It could teleport up to ten people. If this thing was true, then Nova had the power to make all those guards and The King himself forget they had even been there. Then again, this means that they would be traveling the place aimlessly without any relic besides hers. She compared the options in her head and decided to stick with what happened. But first, she needed to figure out if this was really true. She looked at Autumn and came up with a quick idea.  “Hey Autumn, I want you to forget everything that happened in the last two minutes,” Nova said. In those minutes, Faith had told Autumn that she was a dumb person who couldn’t take or even crake a joke, which caused more tension in the air.  “Do you remember anything annoying about Faith,” Nova asked, trying to be as unsuspicious as possible. “Other than her having extreme problems in taking matters seriously, no. Why do you ask,” Autumn replied. Nova wanted to go ricocheting off the walls! She has caused someone to forget and proven she had magical powers! She tried to keep her expressions and voice under control so the others won’t notice anything. She was planning on telling them of course, but not now.  “No reason. Just wanted to check how everyone was adapting to our new group,” Nova said casually. If they awarded medals for lying, Nova would have taken gold  for sure.  She had this ability to lie and still look normal at the same time. She knew it was something she shouldn’t be proud of, but no matter how hard she tried, she wasn’t able to change it. In an attempt to change the subject, Nova thought that if she could do this with her relic, then maybe Nash could do the same with his. He had his name written under The Teleporting Relic so maybe that meant that he was able to teleport. If it were true, she and her friends were saved. She waited till Nash returned to share her theory with him. After several agonizing minutes, he finally appeared. He had the gem in his hand! There was nothing left but to check Nova’s theory. She stepped forward and started talking, maybe whispering, to him.  “Did something weird happen when you took the gem,” Nova asked, trying -and noticeably failing- to hide her excitement.  “I did hear a weird sound that said “you are bonded with The Teleporting Relic”. Does this mean anything to you,” he asked in confusion. “I have a theory that you now have the ability to teleport,” Nova said. “WOW!! That is even cooler than being able to vanish,” he said in excitement, seemingly not weirded out by the fact that he could teleport. “Wait, you can do that?” “You think I won’t. This is like the most basic and simple talent in the history of talents.” He suddenly vanished and reappeared behind Nova.  “Can you stop showing off and  see if you can teleport or not? Just think of a place, I think this is how it works.” “It is probably safer if I teleport with all of you so that we don’t get separated. Now give me your hand and hold on to the others.” Nova did as he said and extended her hand to Autumn and they all formed a chain. Then Nash closed his eyes and furrowed his brows in concentration. One moment Nova was looking at the kitchen, the other she was standing in the middle of a busy street. It worked! It worked! It worked! “What just happened,” all three girls asked at the same time. Nova started explaining everything and when she was done, the three had their jaws dropping like they weren’t even attached to their faces. “We need to find the other relics then. Maybe one of them has the ability to get us home,” Esther said. “I am pretty sure that would be The Teleporting Relic. Mr. Prince, can you take us home,” Faith asked, “Just so you know, I don’t take NO for an answer,” she added. “Can I see a picture of your home,” Nash asked calmly. “Why would I go around carrying a picture of my house,” Faith asked...again. “Since I don’t know where you live, I am afraid I won’t be able to take you there,” Nash answered her. If anger was measured on a scale of one to ten, Faith’s would have reached past a hundred. The girl looked like she was about to explode.  “Get out the book and let us see which Relic is next,” Autumn said, a small smile creeping up her face when she saw how annoyed Faith looked. Nova grabbed the book from her bag, which she got from the palace, and opened it. After the book’s pages stopped flipping, it again stopped on the page that had the gems. Instead of the blue hexagon being highlighted, a red one shaped like a circle was glowing. Beneath it was written “The Healing Relic”. No more information was provided, so Nova guessed it was because they still didn’t find a person to bond with. “Let us promise that we will do everything in our power to find the next relic,” Nova said as she placed her hand in the air. “To find the next relic,” they all said as they placed their hands over hers. “I don’t know what this exactly means, but I still find it intriguing,” Nash said. “It is to seal the promise. You Mister are living in the last eon,” Faith said as she rolled her eyes. “So? At least I am not a person who can't stop being sarcastic for two minutes,” Nash asked her, clearly trying to annoy her. 
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