Esther Forms A Bond

1083 Words
“How long have we been walking? My legs are killing me,” Faith complained. This girl and all her complaints! Didn’t her parents teach her how to accept things and keep that mouth of hers shut when it isn’t needed. Nova noticed Autumn muttering under her breath. Out of all the people in the trip, Esther seemed the least one affected by Faith’s behavior. Nova slowed down to catch up to Esther.  “So...what do you think of all that,” Nova asked awkwardly. “Well, I am not exactly an outdoorsy person and the whole situation is just beyond weird. I am glad we are together, though,” Esther added, to make Nova feel better. “Do you have any idea where we are walking to?” “I am not sure but the book says this is supposed to be The Magical Forest. The Relic is supposed to be somewhere in The Hidden Cave, located in the heart of this place.” “You know, for a person who has only seen the map of the gem once, you sure do remember every detail.” “I memorize things quickly and I have a photographic memory.” “Cool. I sure hope we can get this done and go home.” “Me too.” Nova and Esther continued to chit-chat a little more until they came across a clearing. Nova quickly glanced at the book and could see that they were supposed to be in the correct spot for finding the gem. That wasn’t possible. There was nothing to see for miles. “Ummm…..I don’t know about you guys, but I can’t see anything,” Autumn said They all nodded in agreement. How were they supposed to find something that doesn’t even exist? They all took some steps forward, in hope to find anything that may lead them to the cave. “Guys, isn’t it named The Hidden Cave. Maybe it really is hidden,” Esther said, making a valid point. “I never heard of a Hidden Cave before, even though it is technically on the outskirts of the kingdom,” Nash informed them. “It is clearly mentioned in the book. Now where is this cave,” Faith said as she looked around. They all started doing the same, looking for anything that might remotely resemble the shape of a cave. Nova felt some movement coming from behind her quickly, just in time to see Esther fall into a hole in the ground that wasn’t there a moment ago.                             ゚・:,。゚・:,。★゚・:,。゚・:,。☆゚・:,。゚・:,。★゚・:,。゚・:,。☆゚・:,。゚・:,。★゚・:,。 Esther quickly got up and brushed her dusty clothes. “Guys, I am down here! Can anyone hear me,” Esther shouted. No one answered. No no no, Esther couldn’t be trapped here down alone without any person coming to get her or even a way out. Not finding anything else to do, Esther started walking in the dark corridor that stretched before her. If she couldn’t get out, might as well find what is inside this ominous pit. After several minutes of walking, she heard the sound of running water. The more she got closer to the source, the more she could see. There was a river running across the ground. Across the other side of the river, there was a podium…..with a small red, spherical gem on top! She found the gem! The question now is, how is she supposed to get it and leave this cave? Swimming was out of option since she didn’t know how to even wade in shallow water. She looked around, trying to find a way to get to the other side of the river. When she glanced thoroughly at the wall, she noticed something scribbled across it. It was in a weird language, but somehow, she could read it.  Across the river lays the power. Like a blooming flower. No way to reach the other side, not even a tower. Only one can walk and recover. When a foot touches the water, steps will appear forever. To find the gem you must venture. But be careful, not all can pass this adventure. Well that was weird, what was wrong with all the rhyming. Maybe this meant that Esther could create the staircase that would lead her to the gem. But what did it mean in the verse, not all can pass this adventure. She was obviously able to get down here when seemingly, none of her friends could. Maybe she could fulfill the requirements to pass the river, at least she hoped that. She took some quick steps toward the river and placed her foot slowly on the surface. As if by magic, which it probably was, a stone step appeared where her toes touched the calm, still water. As she made her way on the steps, more and more kept appearing By the time she safely reached the other side, there was a small stone bridge over the river. Esther quickly took the gem from the podium and heard a breezy voice say “The Healing Relic is now yours to command.” It reminded her of what Nova said about Nash when he found his relic. Maybe she was the one to wield the power of this Relic! Now only one question remained, how was she going to get out? Immediately, a staircase appeared, leading to an opening in the ceiling. Esther excitedly climbed it and reemerged at the end of the clearing. She quickly called out to her friends, who were huddled up around the pit she fell in. When they all saw her, they rushed to her and smiled. The girls all gave her a big group hug.  “I see you brought the gem with you. Great job,” Nash said, probably the only one noticing the small sphere in Esther’s right hand. After her friends realized that, they all started cheering and laughing loudly. They had found three relics. Now four more are left. 
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