The Dream

966 Words
Nova was running through the silent, dark woods. Something was chasing her. Something big and frightening. She didn’t get a good look at its features, but judging from its shadow, she could tell it was huge. Not taking care of what was ahead of her, she tripped over a branch.  She fell to the ground and hit it with a force enough to knock the air out of her. The creature approached her silently, stealthy, and slowly. It bared its teeth and she could see them gleaming in the moonlight. Just before its fangs sank into her flesh, she awoke. Nova was sitting on her bed, sweat covering her body. She had the same dream again. The same dream she has had since her Grandmother died. She tried to block the frightening thoughts out of her mind but failed, miserably. She looked at her clock and realized it was five in the morning. She got up from her bed, brushed her teeth, wore her uniform, styled her jet-black hair, and went downstairs to grab a snack. Today was her first day in eighth grade. She was excited to meet new friends and teachers since her parents finally settled in a place. They were always traveling around the world exploring different areas and cultures. After they realized that Nova had trouble making friends and socializing, they decided to stop traveling and actually remain in one area. Nova couldn’t believe it! She was thrilled by the thoughts of her making friends and spending time with them! “Nova darling, did you sleep well,” her mother asked as she entered the kitchen. “Yes Mom! I had my eight hours of beauty sleep,” she replied casually. Now that part was a lie. She hasn’t slept well in a few weeks. Every time she drifts off to the peaceful world, the horrid dream comes back. There was no reasonable explanation for it. It came suddenly and without warning. She didn’t even understand any of it. She stopped thinking about all of that and got the cereal box out. She poured some of it into a small bowl and then added some milk.  “I hope you make a bunch of friends,” her mother said after Nova had finished eating.  Her mom walked her to the door, kissed her forehead, and gently pushed her toward the front porch. Nova got her bike out of the garage, wore the helmet, got seated, and then started pedaling toward the school. Bike riding gave her a feeling of peacefulness and freedom. It made her feel like she was souring in the sky. Nova’s thoughts were cut off when she heard a scream. She snapped out of her trance and looked at the direction of the sound. Then she realized that the scream came from a girl laying on the sidewalk. Oh no, Nova must’ve hit her! She should’ve been more careful! Her mother always warned her that she should stop daydreaming while doing important things, but she didn’t listen. “Are you okay? I am so sorry about that,” Nova said as she got off her bike. “It is alright. I am fine,” the girl said as she tried to get up. “My house is not far from here. If you are not feeling okay, I can take you there to rest.” “There is no need for all of this. I see you are a student from Seawood High. I am one too.” “Oh ya, this is my first year. Anyhow, I am really sorry. I can give you a ride to school.” “This is such a generous offer, but it is okay, thanks. I am Autumn, and you are?” “I am Nova. It is a pleasure to meet you.” They shook hands and then Nova rode her bike, heading for school. She arrived a little late, of course. Luckily, she still got a chance to hear the orientation.  “Welcome back students. As you all know, I am Headmistress Noelle, the head of the school. For those who are new, this is Seawood High, where new opportunities are presented. Our work here is to allow you to access your full potential. We also believe in teamwork so we will be groping you together. You are to remain with your group during all of the school day. Please come to my office after the school day to know your team….” That was all that Nova heard from the orientation. She wasn’t really fond of the idea of being grouped with people she didn’t know, but she had to accept it. After all, how can you say no to the Headmistress? According to the schedule, Nova’s first class was Geometry. She walked to the school map, found the class, and started walking. The school day was done before she even knew it. They introduced themselves to their classmates and took a quick review about what they learnt last year. Autumn was Nova’s classmate. She has been meaning to talk to her, but sadly, she never had the chance. Nova headed for the Headmistress’s office to check out what team she has been grouped in.  “You have been grouped with team Snowflakes. Your teammates are: Autumn Mint, Faith Hopper, and Esther Bright,” the headmistress said after Nova had asked her. She handed Nova a necklace with a big, snowflake pendant.  “You are to wear these whenever you are at school,” headmistress Noelle told her. Nova nodded and headed outside. Maybe her team was going to be cool. 
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