Team Snowflakes

881 Words
Nova was walking through the hallway trying to find her Electromagnetism class. She had to meet with her team there for their first group assignment. She was late, again! Why was she always late for classes?! Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she found the class. She fumbled with the door a little and then rushed right in. “So this is what we will find in…..oh, I see someone finally decided to join,” the teacher said.  “I am very sorry I am late Miss…..”  What was the name of the Electromagnetism teacher? Nova squeezed her brain hard trying to remember the name. Was it Miss Bullker? No, that is the trigonometry teacher. “Miss Dullflour,” someone behind her whispered. “Miss Dullflour,” Nova continued. “You must be Nova Hummengon. My friends have told me about you. Now get seated.” Miss Dullflour said sharply Nova looked around the classroom in search of an empty seat. She spotted an empty chair at the far corner of the room so she walked and sat there. Beside her there was a girl with chocolate brown skin, serene eyes, and chestnut hair.  “Hi! I am Nova,” Nova said, trying to make a conversation. “Now isn’t the best time to talk,” the girl said in a low voice. “Sure! We can talk later then!” Nova spent the rest of the class studying her surroundings. The class was circular with a crystal chandelier that bathed the room yellow. She didn’t really pay attention to the teacher since she already knew what she was explaining. “Ms. Hummengon, could you explain to the class the next point,” Miss Dullflour said when she realized Nova wasn’t paying attention. “Ummmm…..the……,” Nova stumbled over her words. “Miss Dullflour, I have a question about the last part,  interactions of the electric charges.” said a girl from the front. She quickly scanned the page and then said “ Oh, nevermind. I just missed the sentence.”  The look on Miss Dullflour’s eyes was anything but happy. She looked like she was ready to strangle the girl . Nova quickly located the next point on the page and started explaining. “When electric particles combine-” she started but was cut off by the teacher. “There will be no need for any explanation Ms. Hummengon. We will leave this part for our next class. Now let us talk about your assignment. Each group of you will be writing a brief explanation for the branches of Physics. You should write about at least four branches” This earned a collective groan from the class. Seriously, who would like to write about science?! “You have an hour before the next class starts, so start working on it,” Mrs. Dullflour added. Nova went and stood in front of the class door, waiting for any of her teammates to spot her. “Sorry I didn’t talk to you in class. Mrs. Dullflour was watching you like a hawk,” the girl that sat next to Nova in class said as she came to her side. “Tell me about it! She looks like she wants to strangle someone,” Nova replied. “I am Faith Hopper, your teammate,” she said. “What is up, people,” Autumn said as she joined the group. Now that Nova wasn’t thinking about the possibility of Autumn being injured, she got a look at her appearance. She had light skin, ruby fusion hair, and her eyes were Old World Blue. Nova thought she was beautiful. “I am so glad I am on your team! I am sure we will have a great time together,” Autumn said excitedly. “Now where is that Esther? Didn’t she see us by now,” Faith asked impatiently. “I am here! Sorry, I just noticed you guys,” a girl holding a mountain of books spoke. Nova grabbed some books from the stack and carried them. Without the large pile of books, Nova could clearly see the girl. Esther’s skin was pale and she had lapis eyes. Her hair was chocolate cherry and hung in loose curls above her shoulders. “Now that everyone is here, how do you plan on starting the project,” Autumn asked. “I don’t think we will have enough time to do it in Study Hall so we should probably prepare it in one of our houses. You can come to mine since my mom really wants me to have some friends over. How about 7:00,” Nova suggested. “Sounds good to me! If you would excuse me guys, I have to go study for my exam,” Esther said as she walked away. “Do we have an exam anytime soon,” Faith asked nervously. “I don’t think so. Esther is probably talking about something else,” Autumn replied. “Well then, see you at seven,” Nova said as she left the group. Maybe this would turn out better than she thought.
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