
222 Words
Long long ago….before history was even recorded, something ancient and powerful was discovered. Nobody knows how, where, or when. All anybody knows is that this object was so powerful that it destroyed any person who touched it. Everything was the same for years and years until...a woman was able to conquer its power. The woman transformed into an evil creature, a  creature hungry for power. She destroyed villages and towns in search of something that nobody knows about. Some people said it is something that can destroy her, and others said that it would make her more powerful. They continued living in fear and terror, afraid that they would be among the casualties of her next attack. Until one day, a person was strong and courageous enough to stand up to her. There was an epic battle. No one knows exactly what happened in the battle...all they know is that the mysterious person was victorious. The Evil Mistress was defeated and everyone lived in harmony. Rumor spread that the ancient relic was destroyed into seven powerful pieces. Those pieces were spread over the world and there was no guide to their far as anyone knew. Despite the fact that The Evil Mistress was defeated, people continued to believe that if any of those relics were found, she would return. 
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