CHAPTER 38: Romina’s Light

737 Words
“I finally found you!" the man said with an eerie voice and a terrifying face. Romina tightened her grip on Maya's hand and even she was scared, she tried herself not to give in to her fears. His terrifying smile widened across his face. “It’s time for me to get your souls.” “Romina!” any minute from now and Luciel is on the verge of destroying the whole building just to find Romina and Maya. He’s worried and angry that he didn’t manage to get Romina before the dementor would do so. But damn, he’s late to stop the dementor. “I’m going to follow their scent. I could still smell the foul scent from the dementor,” L, in the appearance of a Cerebus, said and he ran ahead of Luciel and Simeon. “f**k!” Luciel suddenly threw a ball of fire in one of the abandoned tables in the lobby. “Luciel, calm down. I know you’re worried about Romina and Maya because of the dementor but you just have to calm down!” Simeon said, following him. “We just need to find the exact location of the dementor’s gate so we could save Romina and Maya.” Simeon stopped when Luciel turned his head towards him. Simeon could see Luciel’s crimson eyes and his horns growing. By that, he could really tell that Luciel is on the verge of being destructive. “I don’t f*****g care what you’re going to say to me anymore. If you wanted to be a hero and save that kid in your own way, then do it. I don’t f*****g care if I’m going to destroy anything or anyone. I swear, Simeon. If something will happen to Romina, I will be the one to f*****g destroy that apparition.” “Nakita ko din kayo,” the dementor repeated for the nth time as he showed his long claws at them. “It’s time for me to get your souls.” Romina hugged Maya tight as the latter kept on crying because of fright. “Why are you doing this to us? Why are you doing this to Maya? Stop tormenting her soul and let her pass the afterlife!” “Ate Romina…” Maya kept on trembling and sobbing in Romina’s arms. “I’m scared… let me see my mom.” “How foolish of you human to tell me what to do where in fact your soul is once from the dead as well.” That made Romina stare at the dementor’s foul face. “Wh-What?” My soul is once from the dead? “You do not have to worry, human. For you will find your peace, once I’m going to eat the both of you!” And with that, Romina could hear the terrifying shriek from the dementor as he flew towards them, trying to eat them. As Maya hugged her tight, Romina closed her eyes and put her hand in the air as she tried to stop the dementor. “NO!!!” A huge light suddenly went out of Romina’s hand and hit the dementor, which made a huge hole in the wall. The loud noise and the light caught L, Luciel, and Simeon’s attention. “What was that? A light?” Luciel asked. His nose twitched when he smelled Romina’s scent. “Wait, I could sense Romina from that light.” “That light…” Simeon muttered while looking at the said light. “That light looks familiar…” “Oh, the human you’re guarding…” Michael trailed off. Luciel turned his head towards the former. “Gabriel actually mentioned her and he actually met her. She even thought that Gabriel is her guardian.” “Ah, yeah. That bum. She just couldn’t accept me, a demon, being her guardian but I guess she’s starting warming up to me after a month being with her.” “The human you’re guarding, what’s her name again? Gabriel didn’t actually mention it to me.” “Her name, oh, it’s Romina.” Michael paused for a moment before he breathed a word. “Her name is Romina?” Confused about Michael’s reaction, Luciel muttered. “Ah, yeah. Why?” Michael turned his head towards Simeon and muttered to Simeon something that made him stare at the clueless Luciel. “So she really is the person Michael is talking about.”
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