CHAPTER 37.5 (Extra Chapter): Hi, I’m Simeon

444 Words
SHE DIDN’T KNOW WHY. Ever since she recovered from her “fever” which, by the way, she didn’t know what’s the cause since that’s the first time she felt ill like that, Marivic felt something weird behind her. As if someone’s watching her… following her. “It’s weird…” Marivic couldn’t help but mutter as she started to walk towards their classroom alone. She needed to go back to get her things as well as returning the cleaning tools they used earlier so she needed to go back. She recalled what happened earlier when they were still cleaning where her classmates almost got so many misfortunes to the point that they almost got hit by a flower pot or even randomly fell or hurt themselves. It does scare her. She knew there was something weird going on in their school, including the paranormal incidents but she just couldn't help but get worried as well. “It’s totally weird. There’s no one on that floor but how come those three large pots fell to the ground?” Marivic couldn’t help but ask herself as she walked up the staircase. Suddenly, Marivic felt that she stepped onto something that made her trip. “Oh—!!!” She was about to fall off the stairs when she felt strong arms around her. She felt the contradicting cold yet warm breeze around her and she felt herself floating. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a blinding yet warm light around her. She gasped when she saw a face of a man in gray hair and an ethereal, heaven-like face in front of her. “Y-You are…” Marivic couldn’t help but stutter. “Good thing I managed to catch you,” the boy smiled at her then he slowly let go of her when she managed to stand up properly. Marivic’s hands were still on her chest since what happened really gave her a slight scare. “T-Thank you…” The boy smiled at her. “You’re always welcome, Marivic.” Marivic looked at him in utter confusion. “W-Who… who are you? And… how did you know my name?” “You’re actually quite famous here since you’re also one of the top students as well as the school body’s officer,” the boy smiled at her. “Oh…” Marivic nodded. “That explains… but… I still don’t know who are you.” “Oh, I’m sorry for being rude. I am new in your school,” the boy smiled at her then he offered his hand for a handshake. “Hi, I am Simeon.” “And I’m your guardian angel.”
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