CHAPTER 42: Caroline

1098 Words
“H-Help… help me…” “How-How are we going to help you? Did you lose your body as well?” Romina asked her. That actually caught the ghost off guard. Luciel nudged Romina with his elbow. “Hey, why did you ask her that?” “What? I-I was thinking if that’s also the reason why she’s haunting this place as well.” “C-Can you…” “Eh?” both Luciel and Romina turned their heads to her. “Can you hear me?” The two looked at each other before responding. “Yes, we can hear you.” “How can we help you?” “I am Caroline. I’ve been a student here and I was supposed to graduate six years ago I was preparing for a singing competition which I would represent our school but suddenly, I felt a hit on my head and I blacked out and when I woke up, I’m already dead and my body was found at the backyard.” Romina looked at Luciel then she spoke at the ghost. “You mean, you were killed?” “You can’t really say that it’s an accident since you’re practicing in this room, right?” The ghost nodded. “Yes.” “And the authorities and your parents found you at the school’s backyard,” Luciel resumed. “Which means that there’s really an intention to kill you which the murderer succeeded.” “That’s worse than I thought,” Romina couldn’t help but mutter. “Do you remember the face of the one who killed you?” The ghost named Caroline shook her head. “I couldn’t.” “But you remembered what happened before you passed out or you got killed?” “Luciel… I don’t think we could ask that thing to her. It’s very traumatic.” “How can we help her if we don’t know everything that happened to her, right?” “I…” Caroline trailed off. “All I could remember is that, the lights went off and I realized that the electricity was cut off so I decided to go home but suddenly, someone hit me on the head and jaw as well and then I passed out. I couldn’t remember anything anymore.” “I think that’s already enough information,” Luciel said within the nods. “I couldn’t pass the afterlife knowing that I haven’t got the justice that I deserved…” suddenly, Caroline’s tears rolled down her pale, rotten cheek. “I was just too young to die. I have so many dreams for my parents that I haven’t done because I died in an untimely death. I kept on asking for everyone’s help but they ended up running away because they’re terrified of me.” “The way you looked right now, it’s really obvious that you’ll scare them, actually,” Luciel commented which made Romina glare at him and nudge his sides with her elbow. “And now… now that I finally managed to communicate with the living people, I just want to ask for help.” “You want us to find your murderer and put that person to jail?” Luciel asked that made Romina turn her head to him. “You want to seek revenge for this person?” Romina could see how Luciel’s eyes glisten in crimson red. She knew that because of his demon nature that he hungers a soul’s grudge because it will taint their soul to darkness. She may be got used to it but it was actually a terrifying thought. It felt like Caroline is having a deal with the devil right now. Caroline shook her head. “No. I only want to know the identity of the one who killed me and the reason why he or she killed me. So please, help me find that person and the reason for my death. That’s all I could ask you.” “Man, that’s boring. I really thought I could consume a soul who’s already tainted with grudge and revenge,” Romina glared at Luciel and the latter just grinned at her. “Just kidding.” Sighing, Romina spoke. “I just didn’t expect that someone would do something like that. She’s just too young and she was killed. That’s just tragic and that person who killed her has no heart.” “Remember what Ronnie told you,” Romina looked at Luciel as he spoke. “You shouldn’t be afraid of ghosts for they don’t have the capacity to harm you anymore. You should be afraid of the bad people living in this world for they might and they’re able to harm you in many ways. He has a point, though.” “I never thought you’d been eavesdropping on our conversation.” “My hearing senses are 100% greater than humans and animals.” “Ugh, stop flexing that.” “But are you willing to help her?” Luciel asked. “I told you, don’t meddle yourself too much with the dead. Apparitions are not the same as Trisha the poltergeist, Romeo from the school garden, or Maya that you can easily deal with without having yourself caught in danger or trouble. We tried to communicate to that ghost and stop her from haunting but as I said, this will be the last time that we’re going to meddle with the ghosts, especially that we’re already dealing with a criminal case. This is dangerous for we’re now dealing with an actual dangerous living person.” “We’re the only hope Caroline has,” Romina responded. “She just wants to know everything and the reason she died so she could peacefully pass the afterlife. She’s lonely and she just wanted to have peace without regrets and grudges. This is the least we could do to help her and besides… I am not afraid of whatever we’re going to face to solve her case. You’re here with us, with me. I am not afraid of everything because you’re here with me, Luciel.” “I am not afraid of everything anymore because you’re here with me, Luciel.” That made Luciel stare intently at Romina. “You’re being too dependent on me, Romina.” Romina smiled at her. “Because you’re my guardian, after all.” Luciel gave her a tiny smile and a pat on her head. “Yeah.” Because I will do everything to protect you, even if it’ll cost my power or my life. I will never, ever commit the same mistake again.
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