34. Princess Thora

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I wake up in the morning with Dipak. I throw my arms up and stretch from my fingertips to my toes. "You are so damn sexy woman." He fills the bath and gets naked. Then comes back and picks me up. "Wakey time woman." "But your spot was still warm." We get all washed and dried, and he lays me back in bed. I am so turned on by the bath, but he would not let me c*m in it. "I'm not done with you this morning." I wrap my arms around him and pull him in for a deep kiss. "I miss this." He lays down on top of me between my legs. "Me too babygirl." He kisses down my neck and right onto my marking spot. My nails drag across his back, and he slides his d**k right inside of me. I feel so full so fast. "Yes please." He starts moving in and out of me and gives me another deep kiss. He pulls on my n****e and I grab his hair. "f**k baby. I missed this a lot." I push back onto his d**k as hard as I can. "OH YES." He runs his hand down my hip and grabs my ass. "Can I try this ass, babygirl?" I freeze. He's never done anything with my ass. Tre played with it forever. He picks up speed, and it gets me out of my head. "uuuhhhhh" "I'll be easy, and we can stop if you want." I nod. He helps me roll over and get on my elbows and knees. He slides it back in my p***y and starts doing me again. "OH YES." He puts a finger in my ass and then 2 or 3. He drags them in and out at the same speed as his d**k. "DIPAK." He pulls his d**k out of me and then his fingers. I slam my head down on the pillow. I hear him chuckle as he starts pressing into my ass with his d**k. It doesn't hurt near as bad as the first time. But it still starts to hurt and there is a lot of pressure. I crawl forward, and he backs out a little bit. "Good girl. Just relax and enjoy it." He moves in and out of my ass. He's not trying to get any deeper. He's using what's already in there. "Yes please." I start trying to push back. Then it starts to hurt again. "Easy babygirl." He helps me down, so I'm laying on my stomach. "Your ass is f*****g amazing woman." "OH YES." He pushes into me deeper and deeper with every thrust. "DIPAK." He gets all the way in and goes faster. "You like your ass f****d baby?" "DIPAK." I start cumming and I can't stop. "OH GOD YES." It feels so good with him f*****g my ass. "DIPAK." "MINE." The pleasure starts to slow down. "YOURS." My muscles relax. He starts f*****g my ass even harder and grabs me by my hair. He moves my head and puts his mouth close to my neck. I feel him bite down. I start cumming again and my fangs come out. "OH YES." I really can't move. I bite down into the pillow and grab it with both hands. I squeeze it hard while I c*m again. "Good girl. Take it." He f***s me so hard while I c*m. As soon as I start to relax again, he pulls it out and cums on my ass. "I'll be right back, sweetheart. I need to clean all this up. Don't move." I lay my head on the pillow and relax. I hear the bath filling up. Then he comes back in. "What? And did you bite me?" "Blood and c*m baby. I'll wash you off in the bath." He picks me up. "And not with fangs. I knew you weren't squirming your way out of that. So, I used my teeth on you." "Why did I bleed again?" "It's probably been to long would be my guess. You healed to much. But that should be it. You shouldn't bleed anymore. Either that or... am I a lot bigger than him?" "Size, I can't tell the difference. You 2 are near the exact same size." He hugs me close to him. "Babygirl, I am competitive." I giggle. "I'll say you are a little bigger then." He starts laughing. "I knew it." I laugh as he sets me in the tub. He gets me all cleaned off, and then we get out and dry again. We get to the morning room and the boys are there. I sit down beside Tre and eat. Dipak sits on the open side of the table. Tre gives him a funny look. Dipak says, "I'm bigger." I immediately roll my eyes and then start rubbing them. "Yea sure." "ENOUGH. WHAT I SAID WAS THE SAME SIZE. YOU ARE NOT HAVING THIS ARGUMENT." Tre looks at Kane. "No way he's bigger than me." "YOU WANT TO SEE IT?" "BOYS. ENOUGH! YOU REALLY ARE THE SAME SIZE. I'M NOT LYING. YOU ARE NOT COMPARING THEM AT THE BREAKFAST TABLE! NOW STOP." Tye shakes his head. "I bet I'm bigger." Dipak looks at him. "You want to bet?" I roll my eyes again. Then I throw some food on a plate. "I'm going to work boys. I'm not staying for this show." "They're all kings. So am I. They are all going to be about the same size." "Thank you for the information Kane. Now I'm really leaving." I stand up to walk out with my plate. Mary comes in, I sit back down. "Mary, Kane was telling us about his p***s size." She pulls 2 swords out. "WHAT?" Kane jumps up and starts backing up. "ALL I SAID WAS ALL KINGS ARE ABOUT THE SAME SIZE." She points at him with both swords. "Talk about it again with a female present, and I will cut it off." My eyebrows pop up. "I like that rule. Talk about your d**k around another female and I will cut it off." "There weren't any other females in here." "I wonder if they grow back the same size. They might be smaller." Dipak crosses his arms. "No talking about your girl parts either." "Boobs don't count, they always need fixed. And I don't have anything you can cut off. And that's not something that ever comes up in conversation." "Yea I can see that went nowhere." Kane sits back down. Mary is still pointing the swords at him. Then she points the swords at all the boys. "No more talk of p***s's in here, or I will cut them all off." She slams the door behind her. "That fired her right up. Today should be interesting." They all nod and Kane rubs his eyes. "I wasn't talking about mine. I was saying in..." The door opens and Mary peeks in. We stare at her. She then shuts the door again. "general. Kings are about the same size." "Boys, I learn entirely to much weird stuff around this table. Does that mean all commoners are small? Is it like size by class or something?" Tre shakes his head. "No baby, they come in all sizes. Just kings are all big. And according to Kane, about the same size." Dipak about chokes. "Compare a lot of king's, Kane?" He shakes his head and starts laughing. Then we all laugh. "It use to be common knowledge. Apparently it's not anymore. All kings are built like that. Even the werewolf kings." "I wonder if the mermaid king is huge too. He was like 5 times my size. Why would anyone need to be that big?" Mary comes in. "Mary, do the were... Not werewolves. But do mermaids have p***s? I mean, they have a fin. That's weird. I mean is there a p***s in there somewhere?" "How in the hell would I know that little miss?" "YOU KNOW EVERYTHING MARY." "I'll find out for you." "Thank you." She leaves again. "She's going to go research mermaid p***s for me." Dipak sits back. "I'm not exactly sure where this conversation went wrong. But it did go wrong somewhere." All the boys nod. "So when does the boat get done?" "It'll be a few months baby." "Ugh." Dipak smirks. "Actually. I found a place that has the frame we need done already. So that's half the work done. Our builders will have to build the inside. So it should be 4 to 6 weeks." I jump up and give him a hug. "Nadine, you are being summoned to the entry by Princess Thora." My eyes about pop out of my head. I jump up and run before any of them figure out what is going on. Tye should be the only one who can put that together. I get to the entrance. "Figured that would get you here in a hurry. That was really fast though." "What do you need?" "We have to shop for the ball. It's in 2 days now." "Oh I need to grab money." I turn around, and 3 boys, are standing there with their arms crossed. "She wants me to go shopping." Tye shakes his head. "That wasn't funny." "It was for me... Why are you all scared of a human? For some reason, the girl who always gets dark eyes over everything, does not get dark eyes with him, at all. Even when she kisses him, they don't go dark. She does not want him. She likes that he likes her being normal. It's something none of you like about her. He let's her be nothing but a teenage girl. And he likes it. SO PULL YOUR HEADS OUT YOUR ASSES ALREADY." She points. "GO GET MONEY!" I jump and take off running to Dipak's office. "WHY IS EVERYONE FIRED UP THIS MORNING?" I grab the 2k out of the money drawer. Then I speed to my apartment and put on a human dress and shoes. Then I speed back to the entry. They are all still standing there. "THAT BOY PROBABLY HAS NEVER DONE ANYTHING MORE THAN KISS A GIRL. I'M SURE HE WANTS MORE BUT HE'S NOT GOING TO PUSH AN INNOCENT TEENAGE GIRL INTO SOMETHING. ESPECIALLY ONE HE LIKES. YOU ALL JUST NEED TO STOP BEING SO STUPID." Thora is still yelling. "Thora do you think mermaids have p***s's?" "Where would they be?" "I don't know." "I don't know either. Let's just go shopping." I look at the boys to say bye, and she drags me out by my arm.
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