64. Clean Room

1956 Words
We stay gone for about 5 hours. We see monuments, the beach, and boat races. Then get hungry. Omar, Kane, Tre, and Dipak are all here now. The place is nice. The bed is all fixed and the trash and dishes are out. We got new towels. Omar raises his eyebrows. "We thought you would have the stuff ready to go back by now." "YOU TOLD US TO STAY GONE." Kane nods. "For a few hours, not until dinner." Tre rubs his eyes. "Baby, do you know where the medicine is now?" "It's in the original box that came through from the last place." "Find those." Tye and I go through our stuff. "And there is still some in the closet wall correct?" Tye picks up a bunch of clothes and searches under them. "Yea, we put at least half. Maybe more than half in there. If you go in and turn left, one of the boards will come off the wall. It's all in there." Omar smiles. "At least it's better in here now. What were you doing all day?" I keep going through boxes and Tye answers him, "We seen a lot of monuments. Then we walked to the sea and watched the boat races. Wait, I think I saw it over here." He takes off in another direction. "And what are you doing later?" "I want more dance lessons, and I'm sure Tye will want to see boobs." Dipak stares at the bed. Not sure what that is about. "I want to see boobs too." "I'm telling Mary you said that Kane." "Never mind. I do not like boobs." Tre shakes his head. "Actually, Kane and I can come later and give you security detail again. Wherever you go, we will have to follow." Tye laughs. "Tre, you know damn well, Tye will carry me." "Yea, but we have to follow you. It doesn't matter how you get there." "Fine, but I'm not sitting there staring at boobs all night. I know. I can sneak away when you're not watching and go get more dance lessons." Tye smiles. "Good thinking. That will work." "I need like 3 minutes when you're all not paying attention at the same time." Tre smirks. "We can do that." Then everyone laughs. Even Dipak. Omar sits down. "You need to know that the magician wasn't killed. He managed to escape. He turned to dust and was gone." I raise my eyebrows and stop what I'm doing. "I'm not saying it to scare you. He has no idea where you are. I'm telling you because you do need to know." Ana starts fussing. I change her. Then I get her stuff ready, so she can eat. Tye jumps. "I remember where it is." He goes over to another box. "Yep, found it." Omar takes the box. "You 2, sort this out, so we can send it to the castle. I will take us to their old room. What number was it?" Tye says, "14." "Let's get the rest of the medicine. Then we'll go back to the castle. These 2 will take a few hours to eat and sort stuff. We will come back in 3 hours. Then you can go out." We nod. Omar makes the door and they all leave. "How much money do we have?" I lay the baby back in her stroller. "Like 2k." "Let's put everything in a pile to go back. Except the new clothes, baby stuff, and the bath stuff. We can buy new things if we need anything. Then we can pile it over there and not have to sort everything." "Ok, baby stuff on that table. New clothes on the desk. And leave the bath stuff in there. Everything else throw at that door." "Perfect." He gives me a kiss. "I'm going to have dinner sent up." I pull him in closer and give him another kiss. "Woman, you make me want to do nothing but get back in that bed." "Let's get this done first." His eyes go dark. "Let's hurry." He runs out to get dinner sent. I fix my eyes and all 4 boys come back in the room. "Did you have trouble finding the medicine?" "No, we got it. I took us to the wrong place. I was confused after trying to get us out of the closet. That door is on backwards." "Yea, I did it too." "Where did Tye go?" "Get us some dinner." Tye runs in. "Alright, I got that. Let's hurry and get this part done. So I can..." He see's everyone standing there. "You couldn't find the medicine?" Tre's eyebrows shoot up. "Kane will stay and make sure they get it all sorted right. And I'll be staying with you tonight. Tye can go back to the castle for a night." That thought scares the hell out of me. I'll be here with Tre alone. He really will beat me now. He might actually kill me. "HEY!" I jump and stare at Omar. "What are you scared of?" "NOTHING." I run and sit on the balcony. Omar comes out and shuts the door behind him. "What is it? What scared you so badly you would shake and backup like that?" "I DIDN'T." "You did. I seen it. Right in there. 1 minute ago." "No I didn't." He goes back in. Kane sits with me after 10 seconds. "Omar kicked me out. This place is nice." I smile. "Yea, you can watch the camels and people walking by. Sometimes at night you can hear music." "Why are you scared of Tre?" "I'm afraid he'll do what Dipak did." "I figured. You've been with Tre a lot since then. I've never seen that kind of reaction from you." "We'll be alone." "What am I missing? Something isn't adding up." "Dipak..." I stare at the clouds. "He used s*x against me. He pretended to want me. He started hitting me. He stopped the s*x, but he wouldn't stop hitting me. I couldn't even get off the floor. He picked me up so he could hit me more." His eye's are red. He gets them back to normal. "So you're not really afraid of Tre. You're afraid of sex." He watches the clouds. "You're afraid someone will use it against you again." Kane runs in when we hear yelling. I peek in. Tye has red eyes. Dipak is on his knees crying. The baby is crying. Tre is staring at the ground. I can't see his eyes. Omar is yelling at Tye to calm down. Kane brings Ana to me. "I'll be inside if you need anything." He shuts the door. Tre comes out next. He takes Ana from me and sits in the other chair. "Did you have s*x with him?" "No." "Then why are you so scared? You didn't even break my one rule. And even if you broke it, I still wouldn't beat you." "We did kiss and stuff." "Woman, I left you here with him. Sleeping in the same bed as him. I knew some stuff was going to happen. I know you 2 have a connection. Nearly everyone thinks you will be mates. The more I see you together, the more I learn about him. It makes more and more sense. I don't want you to have s*x with anyone until you know for sure they are your mate. Please don't." "Dipak said..." "Who cares? Dipak beat you so badly that you are now scared of s*x. He has messed up everything. What happens if Tye ends up not your mate? You messed around with someone you shouldn't have. What happens if Tye is your mate? Then Dipak beat you for touching your own mate. He has done nothing right in this entire situation. But he refuses the bond tests and then gets mad about the connection you share. That's not fair to either of you." "He said there's no way Tye wouldn't break my heart. I think he was trying to look out for me that way." "No one knows the future baby. Maybe he will, maybe he won't. But I do know that Dipak broke it. And no one saw that coming. Baby we will talk more about Tye once we get home and you are ready. The 3 of us can decide what the 2 of you want to do. But don't have s*x with someone until you know they are your mate. I do not want you to regret that." I scoot my chair over by his and lay my head on his shoulder. "If you don't want me to stay with you, I won't. And I will never force s*x on you. I told you, if you're not ready, then we're not ready. I can wait baby." "I want you to stay Tre. I got scared." He kisses my head. "I love you baby." "I love you too." "Alright, let's go in. I'm sure your dinner is here now." Tre puts Ana in the middle of the bed. Dipak is still crying, but he won't look at me now. Tye is glaring at the floor. Kane is sitting on the couch reading something. "I'll see you in a few hours baby. Enjoy your dinner and get everything sorted ok?" "Tre." "Yes baby." "Can we put it in a big pile and have it all sent to my apartment? The servants can sort it after they wake up." Kane and Omar crack up. I see Dipak smile. Tye raises his eyebrows and stares at Tre. Tre tries not to laugh. "Fine baby." I grab Kane and rip him off the couch by his arm. "COME ON KANE. I'LL SHOW YOU THE HIEROGLYPHICS DOWNSTAIRS." Tye runs over and grabs his other arm. "NO SHOW HIM A CAMEL FIRST." He tries to go the opposite way as me. Omar shakes his head. "PILE FIRST." Tre points at the table. "No, eat first, then make the pile, then you can rip Kane apart." Tye and I look at each other, then we grab food off our plates. We shove it in our mouths and chew fast. Then we each grab an empty box. We give one to Dipak and one to Tre. We speed around the room throwing everything we won't need in the boxes. We grab handfuls of food while we're doing that. Omar nods. "You better chew faster." Kane is sitting at the table eating. We keep going with the stuff and the eating. "WOMAN, I NEED MY PANTS." "JUST BUY NEW ONES TYE." He nods and keeps going. Everyone else cracks up laughing. 3 minutes later, I shove some food in my mouth. Me and Tye standing there. Only stuff left is baby stuff and the new clothes we have. The case of blood is on the desk. "GET THE BATHROOM. I'LL GET THE BALCONY." We come back and stuff a random assortment of s**t into the boxes. Then we go shove more food in. "GET THE BABY. I'LL GET KANE." I put her in her stroller and push her towards the door. Tye yells. "MEET YOU OUT FRONT." He jumps off the balcony with Kane. I push her out the door and shut it behind me. I run back in. "WAIT." "What baby?" "I can't push this thing down the steps. Someone has to carry it, and he left already." Tye comes speeding in through the actual door. "Sorry baby forgot the thing." He hands me Ana and speeds away with the stroller. I smile. "Never mind. He remembered." "DO NOT SPEED DOWN THE STEPS WITH THE BABY." "I KNOW THAT OMAR. AND I WON'T FEED HER TO THE FISH EITHER." I slam the door.
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