36. Carriage Ride

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A couple days later, me, Elkie, and Dorseti are in my apartment getting ready together. There are so many damn servants barely any of us can move and Mary is getting mad. I'm in front of the door. Standing on my pedestal like normal. Dipak, Tre, and Tye come in and stare. I raise my eyebrows at them. "You are beautiful baby." I smile at Tre. "That.. That... That..." Tye points at me. Dorseti smiles. "That one forgot how words work." "That works." I nod. Dipak stares at me then the word vomit takes over. "I love you and you are beautiful. Everything is amazing. I love your shoes. And your dress. The jewelry and makeup and hair. And your eye's. I love your eye's. You are f*****g amazing. I love you so much." Elkie yells, "STOP! Save some stuff for later. You have all night." I smile. "I love you too." Elkie and Dorseti sit on the couch. The tiara get placed on my head and Mary starts messing with everything. "ANY OF YOU MESS UP HER HAIR, I WILL STAB YOU!" Dipak smirks. "It's worth it." Mary throws one of my hair rods at him. "I mean it, Dipak. I'll put her in the carriage with Tye if you won't behave." I bust out laughing. "You think Tye can behave?" She rolls her eyes. "I'm making the girls ride over together." Dorseti smiles. "We don't behave either." "I'll have to go by myself Mary." "That's fine. I'll ride with you." Dipaks eyes are red. "What are you mad about?" "Tye better be able to behave." "Love, he would mess up my hair to make Mary mad." Mary shakes her head. "It's not funny. GIVE ME GO." "Dress Go." "Shoes Go." "Jewelry Go with 1 alteration." "Gloves GO." "Tiara Go." "Make up Go." "Hair Go." The veil gets dropped over my head and pinned down. "Veil Go." "Final Go." Dipak stares at me. Tre pushes him and then takes my hand. He kisses it and helps me off my pedestal. "Thank you sir." "My pleasure baby.You're supposed to do that part. The final go is where you take over. Didn't I teach you all this already? Do you want me to take her? You're going to end up pissing her off again. Leaving her standing on the damn pedestal all night." He shakes his head and rubs his eyes. Then he glances at the girls on the couch. "Who is coming with me?" "ME!" Elkie jumps up and takes his arm. "Thank you for coming with me. You look beautiful." "WHAT?" I glare at him. "Nice. You look very nice, Elkie. Thank you for coming with me." Dorseti jumps up. "I'll grab the swords." Tye and Dipak start laughing. Tre don't dare laugh. I'm still glaring at him. "I like your shoes." I raise my eyebrows at him. Tye nearly falls over laughing. Dipak takes my arm. "Sweetheart. I love you and you are beautiful." "Thank you sir." He leads me to our carriage. We sit down and I take the veil off. "I never understand why she veils me to walk to the carriage." "People watch you leave for these things, sweetheart." "Oh. Want to mess up my hair?" "Yes I do, woman." He gives me a deep kiss. "There goes the make-up too." I smile at him and the carriage door opens. "IT'S ONLY BEEN 3 SECONDS. THAT'S IT." She steps out. "YOU 2. IN HERE TOO. KANE YOU TOO. AND YOU 2. LET'S GO. NOW." Elkie, Dorseti, Kane, Tre, and Tye all get in our carriage and sit down. Dipak fixes my lipstick. Tre sits on the other side of me. Mary climbs in at the end. "I'LL JUST PUT YOU ALL TOGETHER AND WATCH YOU THIS WAY." I cuddle into Dipaks' side, and he wraps his arm around me. He's so warm. I push my legs into Tre, and he picks them up and puts them over his lap. He starts rubbing my knee and thigh over my dress. I love him. He's so warm too. Dipak moves down a little and pulls my shoulders and head down on his lap. Mary is sewing. Tye smiles at me. Dorseti is sleeping soundly leaning on him. She's got her head on his shoulder. It's kind of cute. Dipak rubs my back and I start falling asleep. Tre tries to stop rubbing my leg and I move my foot. He starts rubbing again right away. Tye says, "I'm surprised she can sleep like that." Tre says. "If we put her between us, we can pretty much put her to sleep anywhere." I feel them rubbing my back and legs again. "Wakey time baby." "No sleepy time." "We have to go to the ball sweetheart." I shake my head no. "She does not like waking up from that. Little miss, you need to wake up now." I start to cry. "No Mary." "I have to fix the makeup and hair." Dipak sits me up and Tre moves my legs off him. I try to fall back over. "SLEEPY TIME." The boys both stop me and Mary grabs my shoulders. "WAKE." "No." She stands me up. "Wake up little miss." I open my eyes and Tye and Kane are right there. I take a step for them. "No you're not sleeping on them either." They start laughing. "Come on. Stretch little miss. Wake up." I throw my arms up and stretch as much as I can. Like I always do. "That was a good nap." She shakes her head. "This child sleeps so damn hard. All the time. I'm honestly surprised either one of them can sleep with her. She sleeps all over the bed. 1 time I went in there, and she was upside down and diagonal across the whole bed. The next time I walk in, she'll be across it side ways and then upside down again. Then she'll be in the right direction. I don't get it. But she sleeps so hard through it all." Dipak laughs. "I've been punched in the nose a couple of times." "Elbows to the ribs are always nice when you're sound asleep." "I took a foot to the ribs one day. That hurt." Mary starts fixing my makeup and hair. Tre laughs. "I always like waking up on my stomach, and she's all the way on my back. I'll wonder where the hell she went. Where is the next attack coming from?" "And you're not awake enough to realize she's sleeping all the way on top of you." Kane winks at Mary. "If I ever woke up wondering where you were... I would be scared." Everyone laughs but me. I glare at my boys. Dipak winks at me. "I wouldn't change a thing, baby. I love it when you cuddle up on me. I'll take a punch to the nose every now and then for that." "Baby, it's nice being a pillow... or a punching bag sometimes. You're really not that bad." Mary throws the veil over my head and pins it down. "When they open the door. I'm going first. Tre, get Elkie out and then turn around. Little miss is not very awake. Dipak can help her out from here, and you can help her out the other side. Make sure she doesn't fall. Then Tye can get Dorseti out. Dipak make sure Dorseti don't go falling out. She was sleeping hard too. Kane you come out last." "What the hell? Did you guys just make us all sleep, so you could talk?" "What did you talk about then?" Mary rubs her eyes. "p***s size mostly." "I TOLD YOU BOTH WHAT I WOULD DO." "WE WEREN'T WOMAN, I SWEAR." Dipak yells at me. Mary laughs. "You're not the only one who has jokes." "That was a good one Mary. Did you see how scared Dipak was? He was ready to go out that window." She starts laughing harder and puts her hands on her knees. "Yes." Dipak rubs his eyes. "It wasn't that funny, and I wasn't scared." Tre sits up. "I was scared." I wink at him and he smiles. The carriage hits a bump and I fall right into Tye's lap. Dorseti laughs. "DID YOU SEE HER FACE WHEN SHE FELL?" Tye and Mary get me back up. "I'm sorry I sat on your lap. Again. Are you alright? I fell fast that time." Elkie cracks up. "AGAIN? HOW OFTEN DOES IT HAPPEN?" Tye nods at me. Dipak turns me. "Are you alright? You did fall hard?" "I'm fine. Thank you for asking." He wraps his arms around me. "You can sit back down." "No, she needs to stay standing, so the dress doesn't get wrinkled again." "This path is to bumpy, Mary." "It's fine. She's fine Dipak." We hit a bump again and Dipak grabs hold of me from the front. Tre jumps up and grabs me from my back. They are both pressed against me. The tingles start flying. It feels like lighting goes right through me and I jump up. They both hold me. "This is ridiculous, Mary. She will fall and get hurt." I look at Kane for help. He laughs. Tye's eyebrows shoot up. Dorseti loses it. Dipak tilts my chin up and looks at my eyes. "WOMAN... Back up Tre. Go sit back down." "What?" I look at him and he starts laughing. "YOU BOTH KNOW YOU CAN'T DO THAT." "YOU WERE GOING TO FALL WOMAN." "UGH. You know better. How bad are they?" "They are super black." "How in the hell am I going to get rid of these now?" Dipak and Tre laugh. "I will hurt you both." Then I look at Kane. "And thanks for the help." "Sorry I've never seen someone's eyes go that black so fast. It shocked me. All I could do was laugh." "Are they lightening at all?" "Not yet sweetheart." "What am I supposed to do?" Tye smiles. "Think about that Egyptian uniform you like." I tilt my head at him. "Now put your dad in it." "NO... WHY? DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN." Dipak tilts my chin up. "All clear baby." "You guys are ruining that outfit for me. From now on, none of you are allowed to speak of it... Unless you are putting it on." Tre winks. "You won't have to worry about that baby." "Actually new rule. Anyone who brings it up from this point forward. Has to model it for me and Thora. And you're not allowed to have anything else on." "ME TOO." "Fine. Mary too." Dorseti's eyebrows pop up and she sits up. "Fine. Elkie and Dorseti too." Tre sits up. "We will dance for you if you argue at all." He sits back. "That's a perfect rule baby." "Yea, but so we're clear. It was Tye that brought it up this time. We are innocent." "IT WORKED." I raise my eyebrows. "I mean that's a good rule." Kane puts his hands up. Mary points a sword at him. "GOOD RULE." "Now we have to figure out how to make them bring it up." The girls all laugh as the carriage door opens.
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