4. Baby Unicorn

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Me and Thora share the closest chair to the door and shove in food as fast as we can. Dipak sits at the head of the table. "No. Eat right. Drink everything in front of you. You 2 are going to get sick if you don't." We give him a dirty look. Tre smirks. "You need to come back for all 3 meals. And no exploring after dinner. You need to sleep too." We shove more food in. Dipak yells, "SLOW DOWN." Momma looks at me. "When is the last time you combed your hair?" "Yesterday, momma. I'm on vacation. It's only going to get worse." Mary nods. "That is what you wore yesterday, Thora?" "I COULDN'T FIND MY CLOTHES." Mary stands up and walks out quickly. Prinna smiles at Diapk. "You all let these children be. You were young once. They aren't hurting anyone by exploring an island. Who cares if they get messy hair or dirty? That's good for them. They'll be back by dinner. You can clean them up after that and make sure they get some sleep. Let them ALL go play and get worn out." Asa nods. "Yea, they don't get this at the castle. They have to act grown up all the time." Tre winks at me. "Where you 2 going first?" We both say, "The trees and then the boat." at the same time. He nods. "Take a drink before you choke." We both take a drink like that was a command. Then we stare at him and wait for the next one. He nods. "Keep eating but slowly or you are going to choke." Tre comes up behind me with a comb. He combs out my hair and then pulls it back, so it's out of my face. Mary comes in with a unicorn girl outfit and hands it to Thora. "There is a changing room right beside us." Thora runs out with it. I hold Tre's hand. "Thank you." He kisses my cheek and whispers. "You're welcome baby. Can me and Tye come with you?" I smile and nod. I glance at Dipak. He seems mad. He's not eating. He's staring at the table. I hope I didn't make him mad because I was eating to fast or didn't comb my hair. Maybe I embarrass him. I feel tears starting to come up. I think he sees the tears because he stands up and comes to me. He picks me up and I start to cry. He carries me right out. He carries me all the way to the unicorn field. I cry the whole way. He sits on the ground and holds me. "Why are you crying sweetheart?" "I embarrass you." "Why would you think that?" He rubs my cheek. "Cause I didn't comb my hair for breakfast. I'm afraid of monkeys. I was eating fast. You were mad. I'm sorry." I give him a big hug. "I could never be embarrassed of you, sweetheart. I don't care that your hair wasn't combed on vacation. The monkey thing was adorable. I love it when you get excited enough to try and eat fast and behave like a kid again. I know you're still young. But I will never be embarrassed of you." "You were." He lays down and pulls me so I'm laying on him. "I'm not, babygirl. I'm sorry I made you feel like that." "Then why were you mad?" "Tre told me what you 2 did last night." "Why would he say..." "I forced him. I wanted to know why the bedding was different. He was making up all kinds of stupid lies. He eventually told me. No one else heard, so don't worry about that." "Why are you mad?" "I don't feel like you were ready... And I don't see how he should have done it anyway. He's so inexperienced." I give him a dirty look. "I know babygirl. But he could have hurt you. Did you like it?" "It hurt, but yea, I did." "How much blood was there?" "It look like a cup or 2 got thrown on the bed." "He needs to slow down with you. Just because you're his mate doesn't mean he needs to do everything in the first month or two." "Well, I do think I'm out of firsts now. So, nothing else to push me in to and I did like it. He didn't make me do anything. He asked first and told me to stay stop if I wanted to." "Well I'm getting in there next." He tilts my head and gives me a kiss. "Not today, you're not, sir. I'm quite sore." "I'm surprised you can sit." "Yea me too. But that doesn't bother me." He gives me another kiss. "I love you." "I love you too." I point. "A baby unicorn. How does that even happen?" "I don't know sweetheart." He rubs my hair and my back. I fall asleep watching the baby unicorn. "WE ARE SUPPOSED TO EXPLORE TODAY!" Thora and Tye are standing over me and Dipak. "I think we fell asleep again, Dipak." Tye laughs. "You 2 try talking again?" Dipak nods. We get up and brush off. "That was a nice nap. Thank you sir." "Come eat lunch, then you can all run off." I stretch. "You get any exploring done yet?" "No, I showed Tye the fish. We played with them for a while." "You seen Tre?" They shake their heads. I find that odd. We get to the dining room and I sit by Tre. I hold his hand in my lap. He glances at me for a second. He seems like he could cry at any time. Momma smiles. "So how much of the island did you get explored so far, my baby?" "I took a nap, momma." Everyone cracks up laughing. Omar nods. "Naps are good on vacation too." I check Tre and his eyes are getting red. He's going to cry soon. I pull him out. We go to the beach with the calm water and sit in the sand. I scoot close and put his arm around me. It only takes a few minutes and he lays his head on my stomach. I rub his hair and he cries. "I'm so sorry I pushed you into that last night. I never wanted to do that." "You didn't, Tre." "I told Dipak after he saw the new bedding. He went off about you not being ready. Saying I shouldn't have done it. Then you started crying before he even got to you at the breakfast table. I never wanted to rush you baby. I love you so much." "I was crying because I thought I embarrassed Dipak by coming to breakfast without my hair combed. And because of the monkey. And being excited about exploring and acting like a kid. I could tell he was mad. I thought it was because of all that. I embarrassed him and I was sorry. I started to cry. It had nothing to do with you." "I still shouldn't have rushed you." "Tre you asked me. You were so gentle with me. You made sure I was enjoying it. You told me I could say 'stop' for anything." I sit up with him and look in his eyes. "I wasn't rushed. I enjoyed it. I always enjoy you. I promise, you did not push me into it. You left it up to me." I give him a kiss. He wraps his arms around me. "I love you baby." "I love you too." I give him another kiss. "Do I embarrass you?" He pulls me closer. "Never." We sit all snuggly and enjoy the view.
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