5. Snakes

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"WE ARE EXPLORING TODAY WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT." Thora and Tye sit beside us. "We brought food. Dipak said, you have to eat." We pick threw the food. "Really didn't know if you would be napping again or having s*x. But I was stopping either one." Tre smirks at Thora. "I only sleep in beds. So you would have been stopping s*x, good luck with that." "I would have thrown pineapples and monkeys at you." We all laugh. "That would have worked." Tre shakes his head. "I would have ran into the water with you." Thora smiles. "I will throw electric eels at you." I laugh so hard. "I'm not getting zapped by eels. You are on your own with that one, Tre." "I'll get that big ass fish to knock her out." I crack up laughing. "I'm going to go stand by Tye and watch you 2 beat each other with fish." Tye lays back. "That would be a good show." Thora looks at him. "And you will have to give her your shirt, so she's not standing there naked." "I would appreciate that." He smirks and shakes his head. "That was the good show though." We all bust out laughing. "We should go see the reef for a little bit. The lighting is perfect right now." "Yea, we can check in the trees later." We all go into the water. We stay where we can see each other. But search around on our own. On occasion, me or Thora will tackle one of them to come and see something new. I show Tye the flowers that hide themselves. The big fish makes an appearance and lets us all pet it. Me and Thora find a baby turtle and drag the boys over to show them. They like that. Then I see a big flower thing that has a big bulb on it. Thora won't get close to it. The boys each get on one side of me but stand back. No one knows what this thing is. I reach out to touch it and the second I do, it spits something out the top of it. Like a lot of something. They are black. They hit me right in the face and fall on me. The boys each grab an arm and yank me back. They spin me around. Thora's eyes get so big. She jumps on Tre's back. That makes me panic. I look down and they are baby snakes. I push them off me as fast as I can. Tye pulls them out of my hair. They boys spin me in a circle. They seem ok now. Then I feel something move in my top. My entire body panics. I reach for my boobs. Tre grabs the shirt and pulls it apart right down the front. He pushes a couple more off me then spins me another circle. Tye puts his shirt over my head. Thora is still clinging to Tre's back with a death grip. One is on my foot. I jump right into Tye's arms. They carry us to another part of the reef and put us down. The boys check us over again. Then me and Thora spend 5 minutes checking ourselves out. I can't find anymore. We eventually search the reef again. After another hour we all get out. I wring my hair out. "Well, that was traumatizing." Tre nods. "I'll take all that back to the dining room." Thora runs the other way. "I'm going to rinse off." "I'm not rinsing off. I want a full bath after that." Tye smiles. "I'll walk with you. I need a new shirt." "Sorry, but thank you." Mary and Kane see us about half way to our hut. "WHY ARE YOU WEARING HIS SHIRT LITTLE MISS?" "WELL I DIDN'T WANT TO COME OUT OF THE WATER NAKED." Kane and Tye crack up laughing. "LITTLE MISS." "YOU SEE NOTHING MARY." Her eye starts twitching and she drags Kane away. "TEENAGERS. NOW THERE ARE 2 OF THEM, KANE." "We gave her an eye twitch Tye." He puts his arm around me. "She is fun to mess with." Momma and Asa bust out laughing when they see us. Tye raises his eyebrows and I cross my arms. "I don't know about my child sometimes, Asa. I really don't." "They are cute together though." "Let's just go have a drink." They both roam off. "I really don't know what to think about my mother sometimes either." We go in our hut. Dipak and Tre are in it. Dipak's eyes go red. Tre cracks up laughing. "It's not what it looks like." "EXPLAIN NOW." Tre cracks up even harder. Tye rubs his eyes. "Sea snake sack exploded on her. Tre ripped her shirt off because they were in it. I gave her mine, so she would be covered." Tre nods and Dipak's eyes go back to normal. "What took you so long to get here though?" "We ran into Mary." Tye starts laughing. "She has an eye twitch now." Then we all laugh. "Boys, I'm have to take a bath before dinner." Dipak takes my hand. "Can I help?" "Of course you can. You can check my hair for more snakes." Tye and Tre laugh again. I shake my head. We get in the bathroom, and he pulls the clothes off me. He strips himself and hits the lever to fill the bath. Then he picks me up and sits me on the table. He gets between my legs and kisses my marking spot. He rubs outside my p***y at the same time. "Oh yes Dipak." He doesn't stop with either until I am dripping wet. Then he shoves his d**k inside of me. "Whose is it?" "Yours. It's yours." "I did not like seeing you like that with him." He slams his d**k into me. "DIPAK." "Not yet you're not." He pulls his d**k out of me and helps me into the bath. He puts me on my knees and bends me over the side of the bath. He lines up behind me. "Please no Dipak." He stops moving. "Sweetheart, I'm not going to put it in your ass. I know your still sore." My whole body relaxes. "Can I keep going?" "Yes f**k me." He slams into me. "My pleasure." "OH YES." "Good girl. Take it all." "DIPAK YES." He grabs my hair and pulls my head up. "See all those unicorns who can watch you getting f****d like this." There are so many unicorns playing in the field. "OH PLEASE." "You just like your hair pulled." He pulls my head back again by my hair. "UUUUHHHHHH" "f**k. I want to smack your ass so damn bad." He grabs my hips and goes even harder and faster. "DIPAK." "f**k YEA." "DIPAK YES." "c*m on my d**k while I f**k you this hard." "OH GOD YES." I start cumming. "DIPAK." "TAKE IT" "DIPAK YES" The pleasure shoots through me like lightning. Over and over. "DIPAK" "f**k" He starts cumming and keeps f*****g me at the same time. "f**k WOMAN. MINE" "YOURS DIPAK." It slows down for me. I close my eyes and enjoy him finishing. He sits on the bottom of the bath when he's done and pulls me on top of him. "I love you sweetheart." "I love you sexy." "I'm sorry about how I bent you over like that. I didn't mean to scare you." I cuddle into his chest. "Thank you for stopping and explaining. That made me feel a lot better. It does make me feel good, actually. Knowing you will stop right away and talk to me about something." "Always sweetheart. I might get rough and possessive. But you really do have all the power. All you have to do is say no. I will always stop." I cuddle into his chest some more. I love him. "Let's take a bath before we nap in the bath." I sit up. "Good thinking sir." "Well sweetheart. I checked you thoroughly, and I found no more snakes." "Thank you for that."
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