6. Plank

1724 Words
I sit with Dipak at Dinner. Tre takes the head of the table. "What are you doing after dinner, my child?" "I have no idea, momma. But I'm not really sleepy after sleeping until lunch." Prinna sits up. "Go check out the ship. Fly over to it. There's not enough light after dinner to be in the water anyway. But you could go see it." Thora's head hits the table, and she sits up really fast. "Sorry, I'm tired." Frode pulls her over and she falls asleep on him. "I don't think she took a 4-hour nap." Tye shakes his head. "No, she got thrown by fish for 4 hours. She loved it." "Did you try it?" "Yea, I don't like getting thrown like that. But the waves were fun." Dipak puts his arm around me. "Those waves are amazing. You just have to dive into them at the perfect time." Tre shakes his head. "They are f*****g annoying and nonstop. I kept getting slammed in the head by them." I shake my head. "What is everyone doing after dinner?" Asa stands up. "Me and your momma are going to have a few drinks." She takes off to the door. Momma stands up. "No, after dinner, Asa. Not yet." Asa sits back down. "Sorry I misheard the question. But you are cute." I smile at her. "Thank you. So are you." She smiles. Tre rubs his eyes. Omar nods. "I'm going to go make a bowl. Did you all see all the crafts they have over there? So much stuff you can make. Some of it seems neat with all the sea glass they have." Tre sits back. "I didn't even see that stuff." "You should check it out. There are a lot of crafting stations over there." "There is some neat stuff. Last time I was here, I spent 2 hours every day there. I made so many different things. Even if you don't like crafting, it's still worth it to see everything they have set up. Some of it is amazing. I made these hair clips and they had unicorn feathers on them last time." My eyes get really big. "I NEED ONE NOW." I run for the door. Tre yells, "STOP." I turn around. Dipak, Tre, and Tye all yell, "FOOD FIRST." Momma and Asa crack up laughing. After dinner, everyone goes in different directions. My boys head towards the crafting stuff with Prinna, Gunner, and Omar. Frode carries Thora. Tye carries Ana behind him. I want to go see that ship. I could use some time alone. I get there and it is a working pirate ship. They even have girls' pirate clothes. I throw a dress on and get a sword and an eye patch. I go to the wheel and play with it. The whole ship moves. It's not fast, but it's so fun. I run all over the boat. I put up the skull and crossbones flag. I see the captains' quarters. I go below and see the cells and where everyone sleeps. They even have cannons. Doubt if they are real though. I have so much fun by myself on the boat for about 20 minutes. I get back to the top and Tye is standing in the middle of the deck. I point the fake sword at him. "WALK THE PLANK SIR." "YOU'LL HAVE TO MAKE ME." He grabs a sword, and we try to force each other to the plank. I start to lose. "YOU NEED AN EYE PATCH TOO. I CAN'T SEE AS GOOD." "YEA SURE. BLAME IT ON THE EYE PATCH." Dipak and Tre show up together. We point the swords at Tre. "TO THE PLANK!" Dipak sees the wheel. "Can we actually move this thing?" He takes off for that. "I'm not jumping off that plank. I already took a bath." We both give him a dirty look. Tye turns to me. "I WILL THROW YOU IN A PIRATE CELL." He picks me up around the waist and carries me, so I'm sideways in the air. We get below deck, and he puts me on my feet. "Over here you can see where the captain sleeps." He follows me around, and I show him some stuff. "CANNONS." "I really doubt if they work." He puts a black ball in one of the cannons and does something else. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" It makes the loudest boom and I jump on him. He falls backwards, and I land on top of him. "Sorry. That was loud and scared me." "I could tell." I climb off him, and we stand up about the time Tre jumps down a flight of steps to get to us. "You have to see that. Go up there both of you. Well, show me how you did that first." Tye points at a couple of things. "Put one of those in there, then click that. It's loud though." Me and Tye get back up to the deck and Dipak is going in circles I guess. It's mostly dark now. "Come here you 2. Look that way. NOW TRE." -BOOM- I jump and Tye grabs my arm. There is a big explosion in the sky. Bright red fire shoots out in every direction. I rip the eye patch off and watch the red glowing things fall into the water. "AGAIN!" I jump up and down. Dipak lines the boat up, so Tre is firing back towards the island. Momma, Asa, and Prinna are all standing there watching. Tre fires off about 10 more. They all explode into different colors. The moms all point at them when they go off. The fireballs all still land in the water. Tre comes back up to the deck. "MORE." "There are no more, baby. Maybe tomorrow they will put more in." He gives me a little kiss. "Did you like that?" I nod my head super fast. "I want to come back tomorrow night and every night." "I knew you would love that." Dipak glances over the wheel at me. "Look at the stars now sweetheart." They are so bright over the water. And the waves coming in are rocking the boat. "Guys, this is really amazing. For our next mission, can I make us all be pirates? We can get a ship." I lay down on the deck and watch the stars. Dipak busts out laughing. "Babygirl, can you even imagine Dracul as a pirate on a ship?" Tye shakes his head. "That would be horrible for everyone." "Yes it would." I laugh. "I'll send him to visit the Nox people, and we could sneak out the side door." Tre lays down beside me. "We could make your dad stay and command the place. My dad can annoy the f**k out of the Nox people for a while. Frode and Thora with us." Tye lays down on the other side of me. "I'm going with you too." Me and Tre both nod. I look at Tre. "Frode won't with Ana. It would be to much of a risk for her to be on the boat. And I don't think Thora will leave her for very long at a time." Dipak lays down, so his head is right by mine. "We'll keep the 4 of us, Kane, and Mary. I think we could do it, sweetheart. We can get you a pirate ship." Tre holds my hand. "Yea, we can be pirates occasionally. That would be fun." Tye smiles. "But we have to go and find treasure." "That will be so much fun. And we need real pirate clothes too. And the skull and cross bone flag." Dipak says. "Of course. We will make it as real as we can." Tye smirks. "And real pirate swords." We both say at the same time, "AND A REAL PLANK." Dipak busts out laughing. "Tre you are going off that plank. I can't. I'm captain." We all start laughing. Kane flies in and lands at my feet. "Mary sent me to see who you were with because I'm your protector. You seem very protected here. I'm leaving." "We're going to be pirates next Kane." I wiggle a bit. "I've never done that. I could get into it." Tye laughs. "Good, you're coming with us." Kane chuckles a little bit. "Does this actually move?" Dipak jumps up. "Yea, I'll show you." I watch the stars. "You know we're going to need at least 4 captains' rooms on our ship. Kane, and you 3. I can sleep with someone and Mary can sleep with Kane. Any other crew we get can sleep in those cot things. But I can't see any of us sleeping in those." "Very true baby." Tye nods. "And real cannons." "He wants to blow someone's boat apart now." We all laugh. I put my arms above my head and stretch from my toes to my fingers. Tre gets up. "And that is the sign to get you off this boat. Before we all have to sleep here or try to figure out how to carry you sleeping as dragons." He helps me up. "We can come back tomorrow baby." Dipak glances at us and Tye yells. "She's getting tired." "Come here, sweetheart. I'll show you how to steer, and you can get us closer. We're quite far away now." I put my hands the wheel. He wraps his arms around me and shows me how it works. I take us as close to shore as we can. Then we all fly to the hut. "Will someone check my bed for monkeys please?" They all laugh. "That wasn't a joke. I left the window open." I sit down on the couch. Kane goes to his room. Dipak, Tre, and Tye all go to mine. One of them yells, "It's safe." I get there and none of them leave. "I know you are all excited about the pirate thing. But I am not having a slumber party. I really am tired." I climb in and get under the covers. Dipak looks at Tre. "You leave. I'm staying." Dipak strips to his underwear, climbs in behind me, and wraps me in his arms, after they leave. "Good night sir." "Good night sweetheart. I love you." "I love you too." I wrap my arms around him too. "Mine." "All yours babygirl."
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