28. Working Out Issues

1502 Words
I feel my hair getting rubbed and my fingers being played with. I smile at Tre. He pulls the blood drip out. I roll over and half lay on him. He rubs my back and I go right to sleep. "No, she was like 'f**k this' I'm out." I hear a bunch of people laughing. I'm on Tre who is awake and talking to everyone while he holds me. Dipak is sitting beside me on the bed. Tye has a chair. Kane and Mary have a little couch. I roll back and half lay in Dipak's lap and put my legs over Tre. Dipak rubs my hair. "It's wakey time sweetheart." I dive back all the way on Tre. "No, it's sleepy time." Mary rolls her eyes. "Every time you wake up with Tre, it takes an extra 12 hours." Tre rubs my hair. "Dipak gets up and goes to work. He leaves her there." Dr. Cruor comes in. "As expected. Several extra hours for wake-up time, because Tre is warm." Everyone laughs. "Is the curse gone, Nadine?" "Seems to be." "Some of the remnants of the curse my linger for another day or 2. So if you see him once or twice today, it is fine. Any more than that, come right back here. Take it easy for a couple of days." My boys get up to shake his hand. I cuddle into Tre's spot. "Come on little miss, time to get up." "But his spot is warm." "I do not care that his spot is still warm. You have to get up." I shake my head and whine. Tre picks me up. "Come on woman. It's wakey time." I shake my head. "Yes, I'll give you a bath and wake you up." "SLEEPY TIME." "NO. IT'S NOT." He carries me to my apartment. He stands me up and takes off my clothes. "I'm cold." "It won't be cold in the bath baby." He starts the bath and takes his clothes off. We relax in the warm water. We wash each other's hair and bodies again. I love this. I love rubbing oil all over him. I love how close we are in the bath. I get extra oil on my hands and play with his d**k. He smirks and goes after my toes. It turns me on so much I climb right on top of him. His d**k slides into me and I move on it right away. "Oh yes." It's been so long since I've had this. I can feel the pressure building right away. He grabs my hips so tight. "Oh f**k woman." He hasn't had any in just as long. I can tell he's trying hard to hold on. I lean forward and give him a deep kiss. He thrusts deeper into me. "TRE." "c*m on it baby. c*m for me." "OH YES TRE." I grab onto his shoulders and c*m so hard. "TRE" He keeps pushing into me over and over. "TRE YES." I feel him throbbing inside of me. "TRE." "f**k YES BABY." He cums deep inside of me. I love the throbbing inside me. I lay on top of him and cuddle with him. I give him a big hug. "You're so good Tre. You always make me feel good. I love being with you." "I love being with you baby. You are amazing." He rubs my back for a few minutes. "Let's dry off and get in bed. We still have some talking to do." After a couple hours of talking. Lots of apologizing. And some cuddling. We are ok again. He rubs my arm that he hurt. "I know you didn't mean it, Tre. Dragon power takes a long time to get use to anyway." "I shouldn't have grabbed you at all, baby." He rolls to his side and pulls me in closer to his chest. He picks up my hand and kisses my fingers. "I never want to hurt you, for any reason. Even on accident." I give him a kiss. "I love you my king, and we both know accidents happen." "I love you, my queen. I'm going to make it up to you now." He gives me one of his deep gentle kisses and I melt. He gives my marking spot that same gentle kiss. "uuuuhhhh." I try to kiss his, and he smiles at me. "I'm going to make you feel good." He starts kissing my n*****s. Back and forth. I can feel sparks flying from his lips into my body. I grab his head and try to pull it closer to my breasts. "More." "Yes my queen." He sucks on one and plays with the other with his fingers. "I do love these." He trails his hand down, lightly touching me with his fingertips. Then he rubs my p***y and sucks on my n*****s at the same time. "Please yes." My n****e pops out of his mouth, and he blows on it. Then he runs his tongue in circles over it while he's still rubbing my p***y. "OH YES." He kisses my marking spot and slides his fingers inside of me. He slides them in and out. His thumb is rubbing the outside of me. I could c*m like this. "TRE." He slides his fingers out and rubs my stomach with that hand. "You are so f*****g sexy." He kisses my marking spot and I can't function anymore. "I need you Tre." He sits up on his knees. "I love looking at you." He gets between my legs and looks at my p***y. Then my boobs. Then my face. "I could stay here forever baby." He leans down and put his mouth on my p***y. "OH GOD YES TRE." He licks me and slides his fingers back in. He is moving them in and out slow. Kissing me so gently. I run my fingers through his hair. "TRE." He takes his fingers out and kisses up my stomach. He stops at my n*****s and kisses each of them so lovingly. He moves up to my marking spot and kisses it. Then he kisses the other one. "PLEASE TRE." He gives me a deep gentle kiss and slides his d**k into me at the same time. He keeps kissing me and going in and out slowly. I throw my head back, and he kisses my marking spot again. "AAhhhh." He kisses below my ear. Then he whispers, "I love you." It makes the tears come out of my eyes. I can't even make words. I open my mouth to say it back, but I can't. He smiles and gives me a gentle kiss. He's not speeding up at all. I could die. It feels so good. He rubs his fingertips around my n****e and kisses my marking spot at the same time. "ooohhh." It makes my toes curl up. He gives me another gentle kiss and I can't take it anymore. The tears are still pouring out of my eyes. He's still moving in and out of me so gentle and easy. I put my hands on his lower back and try to pull him further into me. He pushes in as far as he can and rocks with his hips. "AAAAHHHH." I start cumming so hard and he gives me the deepest kiss. I can't even make noise as wave after wave of pleasure pulses through me so hard. When my body relaxes, he backs out a bit. Then he goes in and out slow again. My head falls back and he kisses my marking spot. Then he looks into my eyes. "I love it when you c*m on my d**k baby. That feels so f*****g good." He speeds up a little and gives me another kiss. Then he leans up and winks at me. His hand moves over my mouth. His fangs come out. I lean my head to the side. My body wants to submit. He pushes all the way inside me then bites into my marking spot. I c*m so hard. My fangs come out on their own, but he holds my head down and keeps my mouth covered. When it stops, I can feel him cumming inside of me. I lay there and enjoy it. He lays down beside me and pulls me close to him again when he's done. I fall asleep so fast. A couple of hours later, I wake up with him rubbing my back. "Why did you bite me?" "I wanted to make you feel good baby. I knew that would make you c*m hard. Even right after I made you c*m hard. That and I know I can hold your head down. You came so hard though, your p***y pulled the c*m right out of my d**k. I didn't even have to move. That felt good." "For me too but it doesn't feel good now." "I'll figure out what that ointment is. Mary should have it now anyway. Let's get some clothes on and grab something to eat."
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