Everyone in the ballroom is screaming and cheering. It's so loud. I can't even hear what Dipak is saying. He's saying something to me. Then he pulls me out of the seat.
We get to the center of the dance floor. The ballroom goes insane. I almost have to plug my ears. They stay like that for a few minutes. Then Epoch puts his hands up. "QUIET PLEASE."
He hands me something. "Talk into it, so they can hear you."
Dipak smirks. "Give a speech baby."
My eye's about pop out of my head.
I put the thing up to my mouth. "I really wish my boys would have gave me alcohol for this." Everyone laughs. When they quiet down, I start again. "Thank you all for coming. Thank you all for helping me celebrate this. Thank you for letting me be me and not have to hide who I really am. I know what you really want to see." I spin Dipak towards me and give him the biggest kiss. They get so loud again. He wraps his arms around me and kisses me so deep.
We stop kissing and hold each other. We let everyone calm down.
Daddy stands up. "STOP KISSING."
I put the thing back up to my face. "Thank you everyone."
They all start clapping and cheering again. I give the thing I'm holding to Dipak.
He puts it to his face. "I think she said it perfectly." Then he dips me and gives me a really sexy kiss. Everyone scream again. He hands it to Epoch. "Drunk people are fun to give speeches too."
Epoch nods. "I do not know much about what you are holding. But I know if you place the end of it in this hole, it will do some kind of light show in here. You have to keep your hand on it." I go to put it in. "1 second." He puts the thing up to his face. "Everyone sit in your seats please. It's going to get dark for a minute."
Dipak wraps me up tight. "I won't let go babygirl." I lean into him.
I stand my scepter in a hole. The whole ballroom goes pitch black. Then stars appear all over above us. The stars are everywhere. Dipak reaches out to touch one. His hand goes threw it. They are from 5 feet off the ground all the way to the ceiling. There are millions. They all have a light blue tint to them. It's enough to light the room.
Then it zooms in. It zooms all the way in to 1 star. Then planets come around from beside it. It zooms into a mostly blue planet. Over some land. It keeps getting closer. Then we can see rivers and castles. It zooms in to 1 castle. We are all in the ballroom.
Then it plays in reverse. It goes from the ballroom. Past our planet. Past our sun. Past our galaxy. Past a lot of galaxy's. It shows the entire universe.
"A lot of worlds out there baby."
Tre comes running in out of nowhere. He plays with the scepter while I'm still holding it. He somehow zooms it in to the 3 of us standing there. So we're like 30 foot tall projections over the whole ballroom.
Then he gives me the most passionate kiss. Everyone cheers again.
I take my hand off it and the lights come back on. Epoch has the king's crown that matches mine. He points at Dipak and the crowd screams and cheers so loudly. Then he points at Tre. They get so loud, I don't know how the windows don't break. Epoch puts the crown on Tre's head.
Then he puts the thing to his mouth. "For the best kiss."
Dipak grabs me and picks me up. He gives me a sexy kiss. They all go crazy. He puts me back on my feet and Tre spins me around.
"BOYS..." I shake my head. "NO."
"Sorry baby. We got a little carried away."
"You boys made my daddy get out of his seat and everything."
They take off running.
Daddy chases after them pointing his finger. It is hilarious. I laugh with Epoch.
Tye takes my arm. "I'll get you back to your table."
"Thank you sir." I grab the scepter. "Actually my little couch please. I am exhausted. Less of a chance I will fall off that."
I rub my eyes and he smiles. "You are exhausted. Want me to sit with you?"
Maybe some conversation will keep me awake. "What did you think about all those challenges?"
Everyone in the room starts cheering again. Daddy has Dipak cornered on top of a table yelling at him. Dipak jumps to another table and gets away.
The band starts playing something slow and quiet.
People get up to go dance. Daddy is still chasing my boys around.
Tye's mom comes over. "You can't sit here son. It's not your seat. It is not right for you to be in it. It would be like sitting on someone's throne. I know that you are exhausted, but you need to move."
"Want to come sit on my couch?"
"Ok." I look at his mom. "Am I allowed to sit somewhere else?"
"You can sit anywhere you want as the queen. Except another groups head table."
"Thank you that was informative."
She ushers her son off my couch, and he helps me up. We go over 1 couch and sit down. His mom roams away.
I stretch. "That seemed like an awful lot of work for nothing."
"The music is nice now."
I listen to it. It is really nice and soothing.
He scoots a little closer to me. I can feel the heat coming off him. I slouch down on the couch and bring my feet up. My legs fall on him. He leans into my shoulder. He's so close and warm.
I lay my head on his shoulder.
I hear him talking, and I listen for a minute. It sounds like drunk people are talking to him about the challenges. Then I realize I'm curled up in a ball sleeping on him. I stretch. Then I start to whine. It is definitely sleepy time. Dipak's talking to that man from earlier. They're both drinking. Tre is sitting with his parents talking to them.
Tye puts his arm around me and pulls me into his side. He rubs my arm for a second and I fall right back to sleep. He's so warm. I can't even fight it.
"You 2 wake up. We're leaving." I open my eyes and see 3 moms.
I stretch and cry. "Sleepy time." I close my eyes.
Momma pulls me up to my feet. "Wake up, we are leaving." I stare at her.
Dipak and Tre are talking to some guys by the dance floor. Kane and Mary are staring at us from their table. Tye was sleeping too.
Asa nods. "They seem to be awake now." The 3 of them stagger off.
Me and Tye sit down.
"No, it really is time to go, little miss. Get back up." Mary stands us back up.
Kane laughs. "I like how they pretended to be awake, so their parents would leave."
"Yea, that was good."
"No, we are leaving. You need to wake up. Come on. I'll get you to a carriage."
Kane helps me out of our table area. "My stick."
"Mary has the scepter and all 4 crowns packed up. But the 2 you got in the challenges are fake gems and not real gold."
"It was still fun."
Tre puts his arm around me. "I'm surprised you're not wearing your trophy for best kiss sir."
"Mary made me take it off, so she could pack it."
Dipak is outside. I smile, and he runs to me.
"Want to do drunk dragon races home sweetheart?"
Kane starts shaking his head no. But being home in a couple of minutes sounds better than being home in a couple of hours.
We turn to dragons, then Kane and Tye do too. We all take off at about the same time.
Dipak is faster, but I don't think any of the 3 of us are racing him. We all want to go home. He flies in our castle and the 3 of us land outside it and turn back to our human forms.
"He is really drunk princess."
"He'll probably pass out as soon as his head hits a pillow then."
I laugh as we get to our rooms. Dipak went home.
"Let him sleep it off ok?"
"I will. I want to change then sleep in my bed. I'm tired."