Immortal 2 #30

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Azura's PoV   "Do you want to go anywhere else?" Zero asked as I rested my head on his shoulder.   "I can't think of anything as long as I know I'm here next to you and I'm happy," I told Zero, and I heard him softly giggle.   "Let's go for a walk," Zero said, and I moved my head away from his shoulder.   Zero stood up, and I stood up with him; I took his hand in mine, and we started walking. Since I was finally with him, I couldn't help but smile as we walked.   "You will be mine."   When I heard Sander's voice, I had to stop walking; Zero was equally taken aback.   "Are you OK?" Zero asked me when we suddenly stopped walking.   "I heard Sander's voice," I told Zero, and he was shocked as I was.   "Would you like us to return to the palace? Perhaps Sander will do something to you again." Zero warned me that if he did anything to me, I would fight back.   "If he does anything to me, I will fight it," I said to Zero.   "I'm worried you might not be able to fight," Zero told me, and I touched his cheek as he suddenly became sad.   "Don't be sad, Zero. I'm OK," I told Zero. I smiled at him.   When my heart and head both began to hurt simultaneously, I grabbed my head and yelled. Is this what I mean when I say Sander is trying to control me again?   "Zero-"   My vision abruptly turned dark.   Zero's PoV   "Azura! What happened?!" I called to Azura, and her eyes were still open now, but her eyes were red as if she was being controlled.   I was surprised when Azura suddenly pushed me. At the same time, she looked at me badly, she walked away, and I would have chased her when she suddenly teleported.   I'm nervous now, so I dashed back to Azura's palace, where I was greeted by the four beasts outside.   "Gabriel!" I yelled, and he turned to face me.   "Azura is under Sander's control, and I didn't pursue him because he teleported instantly," I said to Gabriel.   "It's risky since Azura didn't fight back right away; we need to find her," Gabriel said.   "It's so impossible that Azura won't be able to fight unless Sander is too strong?" Zach said.   "I don't think Sander is overly strong; I know he has flaws," I said to four beasts because I have previously served as King Sander's servant before for a long time.   "If you know everything, you know his weakness," Skyler said to me.   "I know for a fact that the person she loves is no longer alive," I told the four beasts, and they were taken aback.   "Sander likes Azura because she resembles Avery," I explained to the four beasts.   "It appears that we will have a difficult time-fighting Sander because if he possesses Azura, we will also have to fight your girlfriend," Gabriel said to me.   "We must act now; what else can Sander do today?" Gabriel said, and I nodded.   "I'm coming," I said, clutching Gabriel's shoulder; we transported instantly, and now we're in Sander's world.   I followed Gabriel as the place was calm as usual, with many creatures flying and shrieking. I'm not sure if they killed all the servants even though they didn't kill Aserious. I'm confident he'll exact his vengeance on his pals.   "Azura..." I was taken aback when I saw Azura standing at the palace gate in a white gown.   Azura approached me and kissed my cheek.   "Zero, don't be stupid. That's not milady!" Gabriel said, and Azura smiled at me and suddenly choked me.   "Azura!!" I screamed and clutched her hand.   "I'm going to kill you," Azura said, her voice resonating because she was in command.   I was weak when I finally came to Azura.   "All right, kill me. Eventually, I'll die. When I'm gone, I know that you'll also lose control of Azura," I said, and he was surprised.   Azura let go of me and abruptly seized her head, shouting as though Azura wanted to come out.   "Sander, you beast, let me go! Don't try to control me by using Zero!" Azura yelled, and the four beasts rushed up to her.   "My lady, try to fight! You can do that!" Zach said, and Azura shouted even louder.   Suddenly he smiled and pushed the four beasts hard; Azura smiled and went over me again.   "Come here, traitor," Azura screamed, and I stepped back.   "Let go of Azura and face me!" I said, and she laughed, but I could hear Azura giggling.   "Why would I do such a thing? If I murder you, I won't get anything." I noticed Azura's aura he was employing as she spoke.   "Zero, Back off! We will take care of milady," Gabriel remarked, putting a barrier between us.   "I must fight! I'm a werewolf, and I can do something!" I sighed, but they didn't listen, so I took on the form of a werewolf.   I tried to smash the barrier but couldn't, so I howled and used my long nails to do so.   I saw how Sander controlled Azura. I didn't want to see Azura get hurt.   "Take care of my lady because her body is still here; all we need to do now is bring out who she truly is," Gabriel said, and the three beasts nodded.   Azura used her elf form, combined with her wizard might, to evict the four beasts as they approached her.   How am I going to get Azura out? What am I supposed to do? I was instantly reminded of the cursed ring, so I pretended to be human and called her.   "Azura!" I yelled, and Azura turned to face me. I showed it the cursed ring that I was about to remove.   Azura's red eyes vanished, and she cried out.   "Zero, don't!" Azura shouted and rushed up to me, breaking through Gabriel's barrier and grabbing my hand.   "Don't do it! Didn't you say we still had work to do?" I grinned as Azura said to me.   Azura fought it, so I kissed her swiftly so Sander couldn't control her any longer.     "You're a real traitor!" I heard Sander's voice, so I was so relieved when I kissed Azura, and we all looked at him.   "We need to get out of here as soon as possible!" Zach said. Once we arrived in the demon world, Zach yelled and transformed into a dragon.   "Thank you, my four beasts," Azura sobbed, her tears streaming down her cheeks.   "It's my fault I let him rule me," Azura admitted, and I held her.   "Don't think about that; what matters is that you're safe and still alive," I said to Azura.   "Your goal is to kill Sander and exact revenge on your parents," I said to Azura, to which she agreed.   "I'll make sure Sander doesn't live any longer," Azura remarked as we walked into the palace.   Azura has requested increased security in the palace because we don't know when Sander will arrive. Azura's PoV   Even that night, I walked out to remind the elves that I was still here, and I knocked on the first door, which Jae opened.   "What is it, Miss Azura?" Jae asked me.   "I need your cooperation because I feel like Sander is going to fight me, and I need to beat Sander," I said to Jae.   "We'll do everything, and I'll handle spreading the word to others," Jae said.   "Thank you, Jae," I said to Jae, and she smiled.   I returned to my palace and used my eyesight to see all around it so that if Sander passed by, I would know he was there. I would not let him ruin my life as he did to mom and dad.   "Is everything all right? Have you already said about Sander to elves?" Zero asked me.   "Yeah, I said to Jae to just tell the others," I replied to Zero.   "I'm not going to let him ruin your palace and let him ruin our relationship," Zero said to me.   "If Sander has fellow disciples to fight, I have disciples to fight as well, so let me kill him myself, Zero," I said to Zero.   "I want you to help us fight along with elves so you can appear in your werewolf form and help us," I said, and Zero smiled.   "I can do everything for you," Zero said, and I smiled.   "My lady, the soldiers are also ready," Jeff said, and I noticed that they were all present.   I approached them and told them that we would fight no matter what happened, would not give up, and would not back down.   "Long live the Queen!" They all yelled, and I smiled, knowing that I would win this battle.   Sander can't control me anymore because I know they're just here, mom and dad, watching over me and won't let me down no matter what.   I changed my clothes, and they now fit me; it is black, and I'm wearing a choker around my neck. I approached Zero, who had appeared to be staring at me before.   "You've been staring at me for a while?" I said to Zero, and he glanced aside.   "Don't look away. I've caught you," I told Zero, and I turned his face to me.   "Yes, I've been staring at you before," Zero admitted as I squeezed his cheek.   "Aren't you going to rest?" Zero asked me.   "Of course, I'm going to rest," I said as I headed upstairs, and Zero followed.   "You'll sleep like that without eating?" Zero asked me.   "I'm not hungry, and I'm too lazy to eat. You want to eat. You can go on your downstairs, "I said to Zero.   "I'm just going to stay here," Zero said to me.   "Zero, You need to eat!, you're still a werewolf; you're not immortal like me," I told Zero as I entered my room, followed by him.   "I'll eat later when I wake up and feel hungry," Zero said as he went to bed first and waited for me to do the same.   We both stared at each other as I lay down, and Zero touched my cheek and took my hand in his, and suddenly I fell asleep.   I awoke because someone was kissing my neck; I was astonished to see Zero. When I looked at him, his cheek was red.   "What are you going to do, Zero?" When I asked Zero, he kissed me, and I kissed him back.   Zero took off my clothes, revealing my t**s and v****a, and he didn't even say that he wanted to have s*x with me. I wish I had not fallen asleep.   "I just let you rest," Zero told me, and my cheeks warmed.   Zero pulled off his clothing, and I saw his abs again; why are men's bodies like this? And his d**k was big, around 7 inches. It is erected and has the same size as my arm, which surprised me, and I wondered if it would fit inside of me.   I returned my gaze to Zero, and when he stroked my t**s and licked then sucked my erected n*****s, I groaned softly.   "Do you want the four beasts to hear what we're doing right now? Why don't you build a soundproof barrier so we can't be heard?" Zero said to me, and I created a barrier in our room.   "I know I don't want them to hear! You want me to send them away, don't you? "I said this, and Zero laughed.   "Be gentle," I murmured, and Zero returned with a smile. And I touched his d**k, and I began to suck it in my mouth and use my tongue to make it even wetter. He felt good since I could see Zero's face, so I stared into his eyes and began to do it more aggressively by deep throating his big d**k down my throat.   Then I masturbate Zero's big d**k and suck it to make him feel good while staring into his eyes. I was making lewd noises while sucking his d**k, I started to touch my v****a, which turned me on, and I become wet.   Zero's face was flushed, and I knew he was enjoying what I was doing to him.   We started making love. Zero kissed me, and I kissed him back. We had a french kiss, and I can feel his big d**k touching my wet v****a, and I know he wants to penetrate me.   "What position do you desire?" Zero asked, and I was taken aback.   "Which position is good?" I asked Zero, and he suddenly touched his big d**k using his left hand and began to stimulate my v****a to enter it. As I was looking at it, I was a bit nervous. I don't know if it will fit me.   Zero gently went inside my v****a and gasped because it hurt a little bit, and I moaned loudly, and I could feel his large d**k pumping inside me, hitting my sweet spot. He was still not moving, but it felt good.   Zero began to move, and I felt good. I hugged Zero's head, and his face was close to me, and I crossed my two legs to have more control over his movements when he penetrated me.   Zero was swaddled around my waist, and my feet were on the bed. I bent my knees to lower myself to Zero, and I used one hand to direct Zero's big d**k in my v****a. I raised and lowered myself gently at first, but as I began to feel good, I speed up while hugging his head, and while we are looking at each other, we kissed.   Then, out of nowhere, Zero emerges, carrying me. I was surprised by what he was doing since I was terrified of falling. I had my hands over his head, and my legs were crossed in his thighs as I faced him.   "Don't worry, and I got you; let us try this position," Zero said to me, and I was suddenly flushed. He went into the wall, carrying me, supporting my back.   I'm clutching to a nearby wall, my legs wrapped around his thighs and his hands cupping my butt. He started moving again, and I can feel his enormous d**k inside me. He kissed me unexpectedly, and I kissed him back. I moaned.   Then Zero removed his d**k from my v****a, which startled me, and he laughed softly.   "Show me your behind," Zero commanded to me, and he made me rise, kneel, and place my hand on the wall. , Facing the wall while zero is penetrating me from behind position.   "Zero, I love you! I said to Zero while he was penetrating me behind, holding my arms and waist, and kissed him, and he kissed me back.   "I love you too, Azura," Zero said to me, and his movement becomes more aggressive and faster.   When I exposed my behind, seeing my butt and v****a, Zero abruptly inserted his big d**k again, causing me to groan loudly. He did it again and again.   "I'm cumming!" Zero shouted, and as I heard him gasp, he instantly lay down on the bed with me on top of him,   "I am cumming also! I said to Zero, and both cummed, and I felt incredible. I never thought it before, and our minds were going blank. We felt so good.   I also lay down and was about to use my power to clean myself when Zero stopped me.   "Do it later," Zero said, closing his eyes, and I lowered my hand.   I closed my eyes also.   Zero's PoV   I awoke because it seemed like morning, but Azura was still sleeping when I opened my eyes. I didn't get up first, and I stroked his cheek as though he was aware of it since she was moving.   Azura opened her eyes, and he looked at me. She didn't know we had created a baby last night. I don't know if our baby will develop quickly because I was a werewolf, and he was immortal.   I'm hoping our baby is a werewolf.   "You woke up early?" Azura asked me.   "I just woke up too," I told Azura.   "But you touched my cheek, so I woke up," Azura told me, and she got up, wrapping her body with the blanket.   I grasped Azura's waist where I had placed the hickey, and she turned to face me.   "What are you doing with my waist?" Azura asked me.   "Nothing," I replied. It looks like she didn't appear to be aware of the hickey in her waist in the back.   "I'm hungry. Let's eat," Azura said, and she cleaned up herself.   Azura did the same to me, and I promptly changed my clothing, exited the room, and went downstairs. I noticed Four Beats staring at us and remaining silent; I believe they still heard what we did the night before.   "Good morning, my lady! We cooked you breakfast this morning!" Zach told Azura.   "Thank you, Zach," Azura said, and I sat down beside her on the chair.   We started eating. **
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