Immortal 2 #31

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Azura's PoV   "Are you certain, my lady, that you're going to date in the mortal world?" Gab asked as I fiddled with the dress I was wearing.   "Yes, I'm sure, don't worry, we'll be right back," I replied to Gab, and I noticed Zero, who had just come out because I had told him to change his clothes.   Because I don't want to change what he's wearing, I don't know what he wants to wear, so I let him change his clothes himself.   "Azura, let's go! I don't mind what I'm wearing," Zero remarked to me while holding my hand.   "Gab, you'll look after my palace; don't worry if you have a problem here that you can't solve, you'll be able to reach me, right?" I started this, and Gabriel nodded to me, and I smiled.   Zero and I teleported to the mortal world's portal, we both entered the portal, and the mansion of mom and dad opened. The portal to the demon world is not far away.   "I'm not sure where to go, but aren't mortals going to a lovely place?" I questioned Zero, and he pondered it.   "Yeah, if your mom and dad were here, they might even drive you there," Zero said, making me smile.   "I hope both of them are still here with us," I said to Zero, taking his hand in mine.   We walked until we passed mom and dad's mansion. I was surprised when I saw big houses.   Is this a house I'm looking at? Why is it that these houses are so prominent? So their transportations are strange? I'm not used to it, but I'm going to insist because I'm dating Zero.   "Don't be startled by their transportation because that's exactly what they use when they're traveling somewhere, unlike us who teleport," Zero said to me.   "Does this mean we also need money to buy food and have transportation to use?" I asked, and Zero nodded.   "What does their money look like so I can just imitate, and I won't get in trouble?" I said, and Zero pondered.   We were walking and ended up in a house or a store? Because people were buying from her, and I saw money in the hands of a woman.   "I'll buy two loaves of bread," the woman said, and I observed the money she handed over to the vendor.   I smirked, turned back, and drew Zero away from the store. Maybe someone will notice us; I used my power to produce money for mortals, and Zero was taken aback.   "As for the amount, it appears that we can acquire a lot of it," Zero said, looking at the money.   We go to a large mansion. Is that correct? Why is it tall? And many people attending?   "This is what people call a mall," Zero said, and I was surprised.   "How do you know? I know before you can't enter the mortal world?" I asked Zero.   "Because I read a book about a mortal world while you were in training, I got the information," Zero told me. I didn't even know that I had a book like that in the library.   "The helpers put new books in the library, so I read that," Zero explained as if he had already visited the mortal world.   "Let's find out something, come on!" When we entered the mall, something unexpectedly sounded, and I was surprised.   "What exactly is that?" Zero laughed as I sighed.   "It merely looked at it if we have a weapon that can kill a person," Zero said, and I was astonished to see a man approach me.   I groped and grimaced as though I discovered my power as I entered a door without a doorknob.   "Weird," I heard the man say. Perhaps he's the one keeping an eye on it.   "Let's go, Azura; he was only mistaken in assuming you had a weapon," Zero said, and I just followed.   I was astounded by what I saw now, and I had noticed earlier that others were staring at us. Is the outfit I'm wearing still strange?   Zero and I both came to a halt.   "What is the problem?" Zero asked me.   "It appears like something is wrong with what we're wearing; where can I get fresh clothes in this town? So that they won't look at us," I whispered to Zero, and he took a look around.   "There! At the clothes, shop look all the items are on sale!" Zero told me, implying that they're presumably on for sale.   We arrived at the clothes shop and were met by a saleslady. I looked at her clothes; she was lovely, but I wished they were black.   "Is it for both of you or just for him?" The Saleslady asked Zero.   "It's for the two of us," Zero said to the Saleslady as she dressed the two of us.   "Are you both in a relationship? Like a couple?" What does the Saleslady mean, Couple? I'm not sure what she's saying; is this human language?   "I'm not sure what you're saying; what do you mean?" I asked the Sales Lady, and she laughed.   "You appear to be strangers here; my question is, are you both in a relationship?" The Sales Lady asked me.   "Yes!" I said to the Saleslady, and she showed me the pink dress with the butterfly design.   "This dress is wonderful. It fits you. For the guy is this white sleeves," The Saleslady said, and Zero didn't appear to want to take it.   "All right, Zero, change your clothes, we're simply dating now," I assured Zero, and he smiled.   "All right," Zero replied as the Sales Lady led us into a small room. It may not appear so, but something in the up of door says fitting room.   I removed my dress. I was ready to put on my clothing when I noticed the hickey Zero had placed on my shoulder and chest. I recall our s*x from last night, and I must say he was great.   My cheeks became flushed, and I put on the dress; she was perfect for me, and I put on my flat shoes again as I exited. I saw Zero come out in his casual suit, and his clothing fit him perfectly; why did Zero look even more handsome?   "The clothes look great on both of you!" I took out my money after the Sales Lady stated she was selling here.   "I'm going to buy this," I said, and she removed something from the back of my dress, which puzzled me.   "What did you take?" I asked the Sales Lady.   "Tag so you can buy the item," The sales Lady said, and I just nodded, even though I didn't understand anything she said about the tag.   "Thanks a lot!" The Sales Lady said when we went out, we were carrying the clothes we were wearing earlier. I pulled Zero to the side so that no one could see us.   "What are you going to do?" Zero asks me.   "I'll keep this clothing of ours with my power," I said. Zero shook his head.   "If you're too lazy to carry it, I'll carry it," Zero said to me, so I didn't do anything.   "That's terrific!" I told Zero he was correct when he stated I shouldn't use my power because we didn't know there was an immortal here like Sander.   Zero took what I was carrying, and we began walking, since where else could we go? I came to a halt since I was able to eat a fantastic lunch.   "Do you want to eat straight away?" Zero asked.   "The smell of their dish is good. Maybe mortal people are good at cooking?" I said to Zero, and I approached where I smelled the food.   "I'm not sure what food it is," I remarked, pointing to the one with rice that has a grinned pork with a hot plate?   "It appears that we should simply ask the Seller," Zero suggested, so I did.   "What exactly is this?" I said to the seller, and I read what he is thinking.   "That's called Sisig," The seller said, and he wondered why I didn't know what he was talking about.   "How much is the meal?" I asked, and I took the money from my purse.   "One hundred and twenty-five, including the rice," The seller said to me. I don't know how much money I have right now.   "Here!" I just handed the seller the money I was holding, and he returned it to me, counting it in my hand.   "Perhaps I might study mortal information," I said to Zero, who chuckled.   "Perhaps when you learn something, we can go back again to the mortal world," Zero said as he handed me the food.   When Zero and I were looking for a seat, I was the only one who paid for it when I ate. I should have stated two.   "Is it all right if you don't have anything to eat? I bought it right soon after smelling it, "I said to Zero.   "It's fine. I'm not hungry," Zero said.   I started eating while I was eating. I watched the people here walking, their clothes were bizarre, and then they held a small square in their hands. I don't know what to call it.   They were also gazing there, and I looked at Zero, who was staring at me. When I finished eating, I excused myself and offered the plate to him.   "You don't want it anymore?" Zero asked.   "Looks like you've been staring at me before," I said as I smiled at Zero.   "All right, as you say," I said, and Zero began to eat quickly.   Zero also seemed to like eating a mortal food called sisig, and when he was done, I considered buying something for us to drink.   "I know you're thirsty," I said to Zero, standing up, but he stopped me.   "I'll purchase it," Zero said, and I gave him the money that had been provided to me earlier, hoping that if I gave a full one, more would be returned.   "Use that with number five," I said to Zero, motioning to the yellow money.   Zero nodded, and he walked around all the sellers here, thinking he could get something to eat if he was still hungry. I didn't have an issue with that because I watched him buy water and how happy the women behind him were.   Are they flirting with Zero? Of course, he was wearing the suit mentioned by the sales lady earlier. He was handsome.   When he returned here, I was staring at Zero, and he handed me the water. I took Zero's hand and heard what the two nervous women had spoken about before.   "He already has a girlfriend!" I heard the two of them whisper, and I laughed.   "What are you laughing about?" Zero asked me.   "There are two women who like you because you're handsome," I told Zero, and he chuckled as well.   "I'm yours," Zero answered me, and I drank some water when we started wandering again.   Zero's grip on my hand was as tight as we walked, so I wondered.   "How come you're so attached to me?" I asked Zero.   "I'm unhappy with the way men look at you," Zero said to me.   "Don't worry, because I'm yours too," I said to Zero, smiling at him.   After a long time, Zero and I accomplished so much at the mall that he remarked, we left the mall, and it's now night in the mortal world.   "It looks better when night falls here; you won't feel sleeping when you go around all night," Zero said, and he was correct.   When I gazed up at the sky, I saw stars, which is why Dad and Mom used to live here. It's lovely in the mortal world, but I still have a lot of work to do before I can relax and enjoy my life.   "I know what you're thinking right now," Zero said.   "You think of living here as much as your mother and father did," Zero whispered to me, and I quietly laughed.   "You're correct. Let's return to the demon world," I murmured to Zero.   "Don't you want to wander around a place where there is good light?" Zero asked me, where else can that beautiful place go?   "Where else? Do you know anything? You haven't been here, but you got the information," I told Zero, and we walked away.   I just followed him, and I don't care when the time comes since I know it'll be a long time for the two of us than for the mortals here today.   "I enjoy being with you. I'm right that you're really for me," Zero said to me. What did he mean that I was really for him?   "Does that mean you know the future?" I asked Zero.   "No, my heart says soul mate, and we were meant to be," Zero told me.   "Of course, if it's not meant to be! I can still fall in love with you," I said, and Zero was taken aback as I caressed his cheek.   We're in a calm area, and all I see are chairs. I'm not sure what to call it, but I assume it's a playground.   "Something came into my mind suddenly," I told Zero, and I sat down here in the wooden chair.   "What is that?" Zero asked me.   "What if we had been together for a long time? And we had a misunderstanding? Will you leave because of that?" I asked Zero. He just laughed softly.   "Why would I do that?" Zero asked, holding my hand.   "I love you. I will protect and respect you," Zero said, and I smiled.   "I love you so much, but I can't do that either," I said to Zero as I rested my head on his shoulder.   "It's dangerous here at midnight, so we have to go back," Zero said.   "What do you mean it's risky?" I asked about Zero.   "When it's midnight, there are terrible people here," Zero said, and I laughed.   "We're both strong; let's use our strength," I said to Zero.   "That's something you don't do to a mortal since that violates the norms of the heaven world," Zero explained, which astonished me.   "Is that so? Let's go back, shall we?" I told Zero, and we both got up.   "Look, it's almost late at night, and someone is still flirting in the playground!" When I heard a man's voice, Zero and I look at our back. **
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