Immortal 2 #44

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Azura's PoV   When I looked at the door, I heard the voices of four beasts, but they did not bring a large bird with them. Where did they go?   "Where have you gone?" When I asked, they were even more surprised.   "Sorry if we didn't say goodbye, my lady! We're looking for someone who can be an ally to you if we have to fight again," Gab responded to me.   "Who did you get?" I asked the Four Beasts.   "We didn't get them milady, but we discovered there are some demons that are pirates," Zach explained to me.   "Pirates? What kind of demons do they represent?" I asked Zach,   "Mixed, my lady, there is a wolf demon, a vampire demon, and a bird demon that can form a human," Jeff said, so I thought about it.   If I ask the pirates for assistance, I am confident that there will be a reward, and I know what they expect in return. I've read in the book about pirates that they have a lot of gold and jewelry, and I know they're powerful.   "Perhaps I'll agree with what he said about asking for help from the pirates, but it looks like we'll have a hard time convincing them," I said to Jeff.   "The pirates will agree, my lady, because we still pay them," Skyler predicted as he said it to me.   "You want me to pay you to the pirates?" I joked, and because they were scared, I laughed.   "I'm just kidding. Eat if you haven't already eaten," I told the four beasts. I continue eating.   When I was finished, and the four beasts were still eating, I stood up, and Jaja did as well.   "I'm going back to my room, sis," Jaja said, walking in front of me.   "I'm just at the library," I said to Jaja and the four beasts.   "Won't gonna sleep?" Gab ask me.   "I'm not sleepy yet. I want to read something," I said to Gab and then left.   I went into the library and looked at the bookshelf to see what was missing; I noticed that the book of the wizard's story with mixed powers to be learned was missing; I had no idea Jaja was interested in the wizard's power. I hope to teach her.   In a case that takes a long time to learn, there are many more things to know before the power you want to learn becomes successful. Still, when I studied ability, I quickly learned everything.   I noticed a letter crammed into a book and picked it up to read the title.   'The Princess and the Werewolf' I just noticed that it have a book like this here, but why do I have the impression that Zero read it?   I opened the book and read the story. It had a good ending, so I closed the book and opened the letter. I was surprised because this letter came from Zero; I read it right away because Zero referred to me.   Dear Azura,   I hope our lives continue in this manner; I want us to be happy until the end and to be with you until we both die. But that won't happen because I have a curse, and when you read this story, I'm gone, no longer beside you, and you're depressed that you go to the library to read a book. But I know you'll notice this letter right away, so I wrote it before I left. Azura, don't be sad and don't cry every day because you won't get anything out of crying, and I can't get my life back if you call all the time and are always sad. Be happy. The four beasts are always present, and they can make you happy; if you are still unhappy, I will come to see you, but it appears that I won't be able to do so because I am not as strong as your parents. I adore you, and if you want to re-read this, go to your room, where there is a tooth from my wolf form in the drawer.   I abruptly stood up from what was written in the letter and went to the bedroom. When I entered, I immediately opened the drawer and saw the tooth, as Zero said in his letter. I smiled and cried again. I'll make sure I'm happy for you, Zero, and I won't disappoint you.   I would pay Zero's a visit every year so he would know he hadn't vanished from my mind. I hid it again in the drawer because it might disappear when I made it a necklace.   I take a deep breath, and I slowly lay down on the bed. I'm still holding the letter. This is the only thing that Zero left and the tooth also. I won't allow anyone to touch this letter, also the tooth.   I tried to sleep, closed my eyes, and then opened them again because I could hear a noise below. When I looked out the window, it is morning already. It was good, and I slept, but I didn't have a bad dream, probably because I trusted Zero that everything would be fine and that I would be able to live without him.   I exited my room and went downstairs, where I discovered a lot of food is ready, although only breakfast, a lot of food? What's going on?   "How come there's so much food ready?" I inquired.   "You won't believe it, my lady, but we've found another pirate who isn't from the demon world! But in the world of the immortals!" Zach said to me, and he let in the male pirates and their large bodies.   "How can you pay us if you're the one they say is their master? Will you only compensate us for our food?" I smiled as the pirate with a hunk body.   They were taken aback when I formed a small amount of gold in my palm.   "I can make this even bigger. Are you still looking for the big gold?" I told them, and they whispered in response, and I placed the small gold piece on the table.   "We're ready if you promise to pay us a lot of gold! Thank you for letting us eat here too," The hunk pirate told me. It looks like this is the Captain.   I remained standing as they sat at the table, and I heard Jaja yell.   "Who are they, sis? Why are their bodies so big!?" Jaja said she was scared, and I laughed.   "Those will come in handy in the next fight," I said, and Jaja just nodded.   The noise of them eating maybe I'll be in my room to eat.   "Let's eat in the garden, sis," Jaja said; the maid handed me a portion of food for ourselves.   "Thank you," I said, and Jaja and I went outside. The pirates are noisy.   When we arrived at the garden, I sat down, as Jaja did; eating in the garden was delicious. Jaja was silent while I was eating, so I asked her.   "Do you still like Skyler?" I ask her, and she was shocked.   "Yes, I still like him. Why are you posing such a question? I was astounded." I laughed as Jaja told me.   "I just want to make sure that when you don't like him anymore, Skyler might suddenly like you," I explained to Jaja.   "Skyler doesn't seem to like me, sis," Jaja said, and I could tell she was sad.   "Not like you? I always notice that he stares at you once," I said to Jaja, noticing that her cheek was red.   "And I thought you said to me I was too young for that?" Jaja informed me.   "Yes, you're still young, but when I know that my mother and father. I discovered that at this age, both of them like each other," I informed Jaja. I only found this when I visited their mansion.   Someone else told me, and it was Zero who told me this.   "But first and foremost, I must be strong. I don't want to let Sam down; I know she's keeping an eye on me even when she's in heaven," Jaja informed me.   "Yes, I know that, and I know he's watching us and waiting for us to really succeed," I told Jaja, looking up at the sky.   When I finished my breakfast, I told Jaja that I was leaving first because the sooner I got to the pirate demons, the more likely we would win. Jeff and Zach are the two people I would choose because they both have a lot of power.   When I entered my palace, I heard the pirates and just let them go before approaching the four beasts standing near the door.   "I need two people with me to go to the sea of orch," I explained.   "I'm going to volunteer! My lady," Zach said, and Skyler raises his hand.   "Are you certain you'll be there? What if one of the pirates we're going to take becomes a stone?" I informed Zach.   "They're demons, my lady, so they're not going to get affected," Skyler responded. He's right, but all I need is Jeff, I said to myself.   "Jeff, you just came along," I said to Jeff, and Jeff was taken aback.   "That's fine!" Jeff responded quickly, and we said our goodbyes to Gab and Skyler.   We both went out simultaneously, and I put on my cape and hood, teleported to the location I specified, and saw their ship. They looked at me, surprised because I knew they'd think I was immortal.   "What does an immortal have to do with us? Do you require assistance?" It asked me, and it could have been the Captain because of the size of his body and his outfit.   "You're right, I'm here to ask for help, but I'll pay you," I said to the Captain, who has a big body, and he jumped. The floor shook as a result of his landing on the floor.   "Really? How much gold are you willing to give me?" The Captain asked me.   "You'll get a lot of gold," Zach said, and the Captain looked at him.   "Really? How powerful are you?" The Captain asked me, and I surprised him by building a large gold in my hand.   "I can make gold," I told the Captain, and he would have picked it up if I floated the gold.   "All right, I will join your group to fight? Will I use a ship and my crew?" The Captain asked me.   "No, because you will all accompany me to my palace," I explained to the Captain.   "All right, we'll come," the Captain said to me.   "Introduce yourself to me when you arrive at my palace," I told them, and then I waited for them to disembark. When they did, I built a portal.   "Hurry up and enter," I said, and they walked through the portal I'd created.   Skyler, Zach, and I also entered the portal, and when we did, The pirates were staring at my palace. I walked and motioned for them to follow me; they were surprised to see the immortal pirates when we arrived inside the palace.   "You didn't tell us you took immortal pirates as well?" The Captain informed me.   "If I told you, then aren't you going to help me?" I questioned the Captain in front of me.   "We will still help because we are used to having pirates with us," The Captain said as I sat on the sofa.   "Introduce yourself to me so I can address you by name," I told the other twenty of them, including the immortal pirates.   I stood up after they introduced me one by one.   "Your names are strange, but that's okay; I'll introduce myself; I'm Azura Alwina Cynthia Feax, and I'm a God of Beast," I told them. It was clear from their expressions that they weren't afraid of me.   "You are fearless; you are not afraid of me; I will make something that you will stay until the battle comes," I said as I exited my palace.   I went to the back of my palace and took a deep breath, then used my power to build a ship that was just buried in the ground, and I smiled as I did so. I also provided them with armor and other weapons to use in battle.   "That's fantastic; let's go!" I overheard Hunter say, and they dashed to the ship I'd built, which was buried in the ground.   "Are you okay, my lady?" Gab questioned, and I nodded.   I'm not weak because I'm strong; I created a portal earlier because it might be mixed with wizard power.   "I'll just rest; I'm tired," I told the four beasts, but before I could enter the palace, I said something to them.   "If you catch a traitor, you must kill him right away. Don't tell me because you know how much I despise traitors" With a smile, I said to them.   Other than the elves, I don't trust the people who join as an ally because I don't know much about the people I'm taking with me to fight. I was about to go up when I heard someone laughing, so I turned around to see what the helpers were doing.   If it was Aserious Brian, I'd kill him the next day because he was mimicking as Sander did, whispering in my head. I continued going to the top, and when I entered my room, there was a loud thunderclap, so I looked out the window; it was still noon, but it was already dark due to the rain.   "You have no idea if I'm impersonating King Sander," my eyes widened as someone suddenly choked me, so I grabbed his hand.   "Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you," Aserious said, and I noticed that he had only brought a clone of himself here.   But how did Aserious manage to create a clone?!   Maybe Aserious has a power I don't know about; I built a fire in my hand when the fire hit him; he vanished instantly, but I felt a pain in my head.   What exactly did Aserious do? Why does it appear that he has taken a strand of my hair? He probably drew out something before leaving, but he didn't put his hand in my hair, but relatively his two hands are on my neck.   I was nervous because I thought I'd end dying tonight if that wasn't a clone. I'm sure I'm dead now, and I failed to summon the four beasts.   **
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