Immortal 2 #45

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Azura's PoV   I peered outside, and thankfully, no one thought I was in danger; perhaps they didn't because Aserious had just sent me a clone. I went to my drawer and took Zero's tooth, carefully inspecting it. If it lasts this long without Zero, can I found someone? I hope I don't find someone because I only want Zero.   "What if I could change the past? Will you be pleased with what I do?" My tears began to fall as I whispered to myself.   I pressed my palm against one of his teeth and noticed blood flowing from my palm; I let go of the tooth, and my palm gradually healed.   I took several deep breaths because I knew I was going to cry again; I wished I wasn't immortal, that I was just a mortal and innocent of everything. I hope Zero is mortal; while I was crying, I heard a knock and quickly wiped away my tears.   "Didn't you say you weren't going to cry anymore?" When I opened the door, Zach questioned.   "I'm sorry," I said, and Zach hugged me.   "Did you know Zero said we won't make you cry and won't let you down no matter what?" Zach informed me.   "Zero said the things that you want and what you don't want," Zach said, and I bit my lower lip, and I kept on crying.   "Then he told me you have to be strong also," Zach said, and I let go of his hug because he hugged me.   "Let's plan for the next battle later," I said to Zach, and I forced myself to smile.   "All right, my lady, I'll tell the others as well as the elves," Zach told me.   "Thank you, Zach. You always come when I'm crying and feeling down," I told him, and he just smiled.   He came down, and I went back to my room, where I looked at the bookshelf. I took the book with immortal and mortal. This is the story of mom and dad before. I will re-read it to be happy somehow because I can read in this book that mom and dad had a happy day, especially when they found out. Mom, she is expecting a child.   I went downstairs to go outside after the hour and night had passed. Maybe I'll eat later, and I'll summon the four beasts to help me plan.   "My lady! Are we going to eat something?" Gab questioned, and I shook my head.   "Let's make a plan," I said, pulling out a map of the demon world.   I exited the palace, and they followed me. I saw Jaja in the garden, and she looked at me, wondering what she was doing there that night, and she was still there.   "Jaja, come with me," I said as I approached the garden.   "What are your plans, sis?" Jaja inquired to me.   "Planning about our next fight," I told Jaja, and she stood up as she sat down.   Jaja followed me on foot, and when we arrived at the shipping house, the pirates examined it, came down, and I set up a long table.   I drew a map of the demon world and waited for them all to settle down; when they were all close enough, I spoke.   "Has everyone arrived yet?" I inquired.   "Everyone is here; get started," Hunter, the demon pirate captain, said.   "I'm going to start the plan and tell you how we're going to do the formation," I said, motioning to the two sides, left and right.   "What is the difference between left and right formation? Are you there, or are we?" Jones inquired the immortal pirate's captain.   "Yes, this is the cross formation, the demon pirate on the left, the immortal pirate on the right, the elves in the back, and I am the one in front of the palace with the four beasts," I explained to Jones.   The elves have already arrived, and they are paying attention to my plan.   "I'm sure this fight will be intense; I think Aserious Brian is stronger than Sander," I said.   "But it appears that Sander just forced him to kill me because Sander failed to kill me," I said, repeating my plan to say more.   "While the pirates are on the left and right, I am the first to attack. Don't be surprised if the four beasts vanish because I'll use them," I said, looking at Jaja.   "What is the most memorized power that you have learned, Jaja?" I asked Jaja   "Can you tell me about your most memorized power?" I asked Jaja a question.   "What I've learned that I've memorized the most is mermaid's power; I've learned to sing, but you might be affected when I sing," Jaja explained.   "What purpose does your melody or song serve?" I asked Jaja about her melody.   "You can go insane and then end up dead," Jaja explained. It's a good thing she discovered mermaid power.   "Sing," I was surprised when Captain Jones teased Jaja.   "Jones! Get serious now!" I told Jones, and he burst out laughing.   "Let's be serious here," Skyler said, and I noticed Jaja smile as Skyler defended Jaja.   "You need to be in a secret place, Jaja, so Aserious doesn't hurt you; maybe he won't realize you're the reason his staff is going crazy," I told Jaja, and she nodded immediately.   "Our plan is over; if a new plan comes up, you can change it for me if it works," I told them, and the pirates immediately turned away.   "Did you hear what I said?" I polled them all.   "Yes, we are aware. Don't be concerned," Hunter informed me, and they returned to their ship.   "I had no idea you could sing, Jaja. You've learned something powerful," I told Jaja, and she smiled.   "You told me to study at the ocean's tribe, so I improved myself," Jaja said as I stroked her hair.   "Let's eat! It is night, too," I said to Jaja, and we returned to the palace, the elves returning to their home.   The elve's house had previously burned down in the last battle, and I needed to repair it. Aserious did it because he controlled the elves. When we entered the palace, I noticed that the maids were getting ready for our dinner.   "Our dinner tonight looks delicious!" Zach said as we sat in the chair together.   I was in the center, and they were on the side; we began eating while the maid was still preparing our drink. I want to drink wine, but I can't because I'm pregnant, but do the pirates know I'm pregnant? Because they didn't ask me before, or perhaps because they didn't know?   "Long live the Queen?" Zach said and raised the glass he was holding.   Jaja and the three beasts raised their glasses, so I took my glass, whose flesh was only water.   "Cheers!" I said to them, and we drank our drinks right away before returning to our meal.   I drank water again after wiping my mouth and lowering the spoon and fork. I'm full to the brim with the maid's dish; I'm not sure how they learned it's so delicious, but I'm sure they used their power to make their cooking delicious.   I don't care what they do to the food they prepare. As long as I can help them work and pay them, they'll be fine because they have families to support.   "I'm going back to my room," I said, standing up.   I went upstairs, but as I was walking, I noticed a room that wasn't in use, so I went in there and was surprised by what was written there. Perhaps this is Zach's room, tree leaves, and branches, and he's the only one who knows how to deal with things like this that have appeared in this room.   "What exactly are you doing here, my lady?" I heard Zach's voice.   "I saw this room. I assumed you were the owner of this room," I told Zach, and he took a plant as a result.   "I'm trying to study that when the heart is stabbed, there is hope to live," Zach told me, telling me what he was thinking was impossible.   "It's impossible, you're thinking, because when it's time for people to die, it's time for them," I told Zach as I sat down and looked at the ones in the jar with the empty leaves marked with a number.   "It's impossible, but I don't want to see you in pain again example, when Jaja disappears from you, especially the elves," Zach said. I lowered the jar with the five symbols on it I was holding.   "Zach, are you sure? Then thank you, and you're attempting to research that medicine for the better," When I told Zach, he just smiled.   "I've already learned how to get rid of the poison, so if someone in our group gets poisoned, I'll get rid of the poison myself," Zach said, patting my shoulder.   "Good! Have you already prepared a medicine for my son in case he becomes ill?" I asked Zach.   "Not yet, but don't worry, my lady, I'll make medicine for that," Zach said, and I smiled back.   "Okay, I'm leaving; I'll go back to my room," I said to Zach, but he stopped me.   "I'll give you something, my lady," Zach said, taking something from the jar that looked like plant fertilizer.   "How do I use the plant fertilizer?" I asked Zach.   "Put it on the ancient tree you planted to proliferate," Zach advised, and I agreed.   "All right, thank you," I said to Zach as I exited his room.   I went back to my room, and when I got there, I put what he gave me down to help the ancient tree grow faster. When I finished putting it on top of my drawer, I lay down and stroked my stomach; thankfully, it didn't hurt or sting me.   I was about to close my eyes when I heard someone laughing, so I turned around and was surprised when someone hit me, causing me to fall. I was about to leave because I was still looking for it when someone pulled my hair and knocked me on the door.   "I know you are there, Aserious! Why don't you come?" I screamed and was surprised when he pulled me so hard that my stomach almost hit the bed; thankfully, I quickly formed a barrier in my hand to protect my child.   "I want to torture you. I want you to know how painful it is to lose someone," Aseriois said, prompting me to get up and look for him, but I couldn't find him.   I was irritated because Aseriois is just laughed and laughed, but then my stomach hurt, and I had to control myself because I couldn't let loose my uncontrollable monster.   "Remember, I'll kill you!" I yelled, and there was no more laughter, so I sat on my bed and noticed blood dripping from my nose.   I used my power to heal my wounds, and when I was finished, I took a deep breath.   "Azura! Are you all right?" When I heard four beasts approaching, I used my power to open the door.   "What happened?! What's the deal with the blood on the floor?" Gab questioned, concerned.   "I'm not sure if it's Aserious, but he did it to me, he hurt me, and I can't get revenge on him right away," I replied to the four beasts, and they used some power that I didn't understand.   "What are you doing?" I questioned the four beasts.   "We're looking to see if he's using invisible power or clone power," Gab replied, which surprised me because I had no idea he was familiar with clone power.   "Are you aware of clone power?" I asked Gab.   "Yes, my lady, how come you don't know it?" Jeff questioned, and I shook my head.   "It means your power is severely limited, my lady," Jeff explained.   "I know that because my immortal power passes to him when I release my son from this world, my immortal power will pass to him but not my wizard power," I told them, finishing by looking at Gab to see if Aserious was still here. Still, the result was that he was gone.   "Thank you," I said as the four beasts bowed in respect and exited my room.   I created the illusion that no one could see me in the room, which meant that if someone came in, Aserious would believe I was not there, so I went to bed. Aserious was so angry at me because I killed Sander that he didn't realize I was retaliating for Sander's murder of my parents.   Sander would still be alive today if he hadn't done that, but I suddenly realized he adores Aunt Avery. I'm sure he longs to be with her again, but that will not be possible.   I began to close my eyes because I needed to sleep, and I was afraid the four beasts would scold me again for not sleeping. But when I go to bed, I always think Zero is by my side, but when I wake up, he isn't.   The following day, I awoke to a noise outside my palace; I peered out and was surprised to see a corpse that they had mixed up; I quickly teleported there.   "What happen?! Who was responsible for this?" I asked right away, and when I looked at Mikel's face, I realized it was the elves.   "How did this happen?" I inquired.   "We just saw him dead. It appears he was killed last night," Jones said as I examined his hand.   I stood up and examined his skin, it had burns from the fire, and his root had turned purple.   "Give him a proper burial, four beasts," I said as I returned to the palace.   "Are you all right, my lady?" Zach asked me.   I didn't say anything and went inside; I'll also make Aserious pay for what he did; no one else would do that but him.   **
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