Immortal 2 #43

2256 Words
Third person's PoV   Aserious is irritated because his plan to control the elves in Azura's place failed; if Sander can only control Azura. Aserioius can control others.   "f**k! I'm going to murder her and her child!" Aserious yelled and smeared the books and papers on his desk.   "Prince Aserious, here's what you're looking for, Stella Guezo," Aserious's staff said as Aseriois smiled when he saw Stella.   "I didn't get into Azura's palace, and an ancient tree guard even kidnaped me," Stella explained to Aserious.   "You're nowhere to be found when I need you!" Aserious said, Stella, handed Aserious a shell.   "I'm not sure if it's from Azura, but I saw it fall on Azura," Stella said, smiling broadly.   "It's from the ocean's tribe in the demon world, which is fantastic!" Aserious stated.   "Even though you didn't tell me to go to the demon world, I tried," Stella explained to Aserious.   "You did an excellent job. You're good at acting; did Azura believe you in your dramas right away?" Aserious inquired of Stella.   "If you were just there, you would laugh at Azura's reaction; She was so angry at me because I was a traitor to her, and she refused to help me," Stella laughed.   "She really believes you. Azura is easily to get fool by others; King Sander said this before," Aserious said, and he splashed some water to the shell he was holding.   Queen Dyise and King Ethu appear.   "Who are you, and why do you have our shell?" Queen Dyise spoke up right away.   Aserious used his power to injure the heads of mermaids and mermen. In contrast, Jaja didn't get hit because she wasn't a mermaid and was only there to study.   "What are you up too!" Jaja yelled, and Aserious was taken aback because he had seen a witch.   "If you're a witch, please tell me where you're supposed to be. I'll kill you and hand over your head to Azura!" Aserious stated, and Jaja was terrified.   "We're in the vampire world with other mermaids and mermen," Jaja responded, and Aserious smiled.   Aserious shattered the shell and tossed it away.   "What are your plans?" Stella questioned Aserious.   "I will kill the remaining mermaids and mermen in the tribes of Dyise and Ethur," Aserious declared, as he was quick to learn the names when he only saw the person like Azura also did.   Aserious and Stella have arrived in the vampire world, with Stella specifically coming to kill the mermaids and mermen. When the two teleported to the location of the ocean's tribe, Aserious jumped and accompanied Stella.   It blew bubbles all over their faces so they could both breathe, and when they arrived, they saw Jaja kneeling.   "I had no idea there was a witch here," Aserious said as she strangled Jaja with her power.   But Aserious was taken aback when he noticed someone behind him, a beast named Skyler. Stella looked Skyler in the eyes and instantly turned stone.   "Let go of Jaja!" Aserious heard Azura say from behind her.   "Scarlet..." Aserious said almost learned because Azura resembles Scarlet.   "I'm not here, and Scarlet is my mother!" Aserious laughed as Azura said, and she built a fire in her hand.   "You are, without a doubt, Scarlet's child! I'm surprised because you two resemble each other, but do you know you two are different?" Aserious stated, Azura was taken aback because all of the scales had come out on the skin of Aserious   "That I am aware of! So, stop babbling, and let's fight!" Aserious laughed even harder when Azura said this.   "Unfortunately, I don't want to fight you right now; instead, I want to make you suffer by murdering your loved ones!" Aserious' voice suddenly deepened, and a black power formed in his hand.   Aserious laughed even louder as Azura formed a barrier, and he kicks Stella, who turns into a stone before finally leaving.   "I didn't think he was the new opponent. I think he was the one Sander ordered," Azura explained to Skyler.   "How come you just brought me, my lady?" Skyler inquired Azura.   "Because I know you'll be stronger when you see Jaja," Azura responded, widening Skyler's eyes.   "You are teasing me, my lady! You understand how important Jaja is to you," Skyler stated.   "Jaja, are you all right?" Azura inquired of Jaja, and she is still sobbing.   "I know how painful you are right now; this is how I felt when the elves, witches, and wizards vanished," Azura said as Jaja hugged her.   "I'd like to return to your palace, sis. I'm not happy to be here. I want to visit your palace," Jaja stated.   "Yes, we'll be back, but first, we need to give the mermaids and mermen proper burials," Azura said, looking at Skyler.   "Can you go all the way down to where the mermaid and merman are buried, Skyler?" Azura inquired of Skyler.   "Yes, I can handle it; you can go back to the palace first," Skyler said.   "Be careful, Skyler," Jaja said, not looking up because Skyler's eyes were dangerous.   "Yes, I'll be careful," Skyler said, and the two walked away.   When Azura and Jaja returned to the palace, Azura couldn't believe Stella was still so bad, but that she'd turned to stone and died.   "How are you doing, sis, also Sam?" Azura came to a halt, and they had not yet entered the palace   "Jaja, I haven't told you anything yet, but I'm hoping you won't argue with me." Azura knelt down in front of Jaja.   "Sam is dead, and I didn't tell you because I know you'll be worried," Azura said, and Jaja was so taken aback that she couldn't believe what she heard today.   Azura hugged Jaja while she was crying and didn't say anything.   "I need to be strong for Sam. I'm not going to let her down," Jaja said.   "You have to be strong for Sam and have a positive outlook in life," Azura said to Jaja, hugging her.   "Let's go inside, sis," Jaja suggested, and Azura agreed.   When the two entered the palace, three beasts awaited them.   "What happened? Who is the opponent?" Zach asked immediately.   "I knew his name right away. He's Aserious Brian Novixes, he's an immortal like Sander, but he looks stronger than Sander," Azura said, surprising the three beasts.   "Will it be difficult for us to fight him?" Gabriel inquired.   "We're going to have a hard time, so we'll ask Dancvil and Clark for help," Azura said, recalling Clark as she led Stella to the ancient tree.   "I have to go to the ancient tree because Aserious became Stella's master after, and I discovered she was lying to us. I'm sure she'll do something terrible to Clark, "Azura stated.   "In that case, you need to get to the ancient tree and figure out what happened to Clark," Gabriel said.   "Yes, I'll leave again, and you'll look after Jaja," Azura said to Gabriel.   "Take care, sis!" Jaja said this before teleporting Azura to the ancient tree.   Azura was taken aback by what she saw because the ancient tree was already falling. Azura noticed Clark lying down with his hair turning brown and his entire body wrinkled.   "Clark!" Clark opened his eyes after Azura yelled.   "What exactly are you doing here? There are poisons in my tree, so it's dangerous here," Clark stated.   "Did Stella do this?" I asked Clark.   "Yes, Stella did it; she poisoned my tree, so I, too, will vanish," Clark said, and Azura stood up, and also Azura slowly stood up.   Azura was about to cast a water spell when Clark stop her.   "What are you doing! Don't do it because the ancient tree is hopeless, but an ancient tree will grow again if you plant this seed. I'm not sure if I'll be able to live again, but I'm hoping I will." Clark said and handed her the seed. Then Azura smiled   "I'll plant it near my palace; don't worry, you'll live again, and I won't abandon you. You are my only friend who has always stood by my side and didn't betray me." Clark closed his eyes, smiling as Azura said Clark was gone. It coincides with the ancient tree.   Azura returned to her palace to plant the seed given to her; because the ancient tree was so large, it would take a long time to grow again.   "How is Clark doing?" Azura finished planting the seed after Zach inquired.   "Clark is gone," Azura said to Zach, shocked him.   "However, Clark left me a plantable seed, which I planted, and Clark told me that he has a chance to live when the ancient tree I planted grows," Azura explained to Zach.   Azura used her water spell power to water what she had planted, and when she was done, she smiled. But she couldn't accept Clark's absence, the fact that no one would talk to her, and that no one would console her when she was down.   Azura rose to her knees and entered the palace, where she encountered the three beasts and Jaja.   "You Returned quickly, sister," Jaja said to Azura.   "Yes, I have been in the ancient tree for a little while," Azura said to Jaja.   Azura's PoV   I approached Jaja and hugged her, Jaja's hand caressing my back comforting me.   "I know you're sad again, sis because you've lost a lot, but I'm here for you; I'll never be lost, and I'll never leave you," Jaja said, and I hugged her. I was relieved.   "Are you sure you're not going to leave me?" I told Jaja, and she smiled and nodded.   "We will not abandon you, my lady! Until our last breathe," I couldn't hold back my tears as four beasts spoke.   I hugged Jaja again. I can't hold my tears.   "You, too, will be fine, sis! I know you're a fighter! Don't cry any longer. Zero will be sad if you do," Jaja informed me. Jaja had no idea Zero had vanished.   "Four beasts told me earlier that losing a loved one is so painful, so I understand," Jaja explained to me while hugging me.   "We love you, sis. We adore you!" Jaja said I don't know why I'm feeling this way.   But suddenly, I was happy, perhaps because no one liked me or loved me like this in my previous life. I also don't know how I died, but I know I'm a warrior, so I'm sure I died in battle.   When I hugged Jaja, I let go, and she wiped my tears away, so I touched Jaja's cheek.   "You should not be like me, and you should not cry like me. I want you to be happy when you grow up, and when you grow up, I think you should be positive." I informed Jaja, and she nodded.   "Yes, sis, I'll be happy!" I messed up Jaja's hair after she told me.   "Why did you mess up my hair? I need to style this again so that I'll be stunning!" I laughed as Jaja said this to me.   "Whether your hair is messy or not, you're stunning, Jaja!" I told Jaja, and I considered going to my room.   I didn't realize it would be the night when I went there, and the day passed again without Zero. I'll be fine, and I'll get used to the fact that Zero is no longer by my side; I'm confident that he'll return and live again, even if he doesn't recognize me, as long as I can only see him who is now reincarnated.   Suddenly, I clutched my stomach because I was in pain; why was I in pain? It will be two months pregnant tomorrow, and as my belly expands, I'll have difficulty fighting our new foe. But I need to be strong to put an end to this mess and problem.   I sat up slowly in bed, taking a deep breath and caressing my stomach.   "What are you doing inside me, son? Don't hurt mommy," I said, and the pain in my stomach vanished.   "I'm not sure what I'm going to name you yet, but I'll come up with something," I told myself as I looked outside.   After two hours later I was lying down but couldn't fall asleep. I'm already hungry, so I might eat first to get back to my room as soon as possible.   I stepped out of my room and noticed how quiet it was; why does it appear that no one is inside the palace and I am the only one here? I went down, and I only saw a maid preparing to eat tonight in the absence of the four beasts.   "Where have the four beasts gone?" I inquired of the maid who had just placed the spoon and fork down.   "Those four left, I'm not sure where they're going, but it looks like they're going to catch another big bird," the maid said, trying not to laugh.   I sat down and just let it go when I saw Jaja come down wearing pajamas and wanted to sleep now.   "Where have the four beasts gone?" Jaja inquired.   "The maid said they would catch a big bird again, you know how they eat," I told Jaja, who sat down next to me.   "I'm going to eat and read the book I got from the library earlier," Jaja said to me.   "Let us all eat together. Let the four beasts loose. I don't want to wait for them if they aren't present," I told Jaja, and then I began eating.   **  
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