Immortal 2 #37

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Azura's PoV   Zero hugged me back, and I cried because of what he said. When I reminded him of my family's wish, Zero let go when I hugged him and caressed my cheek.   "I desire that before I disappear, we will have a kid," Zero informed me, and I was shocked.   Is it okay for me to keep my pregnancy a secret? I surreptitiously bowed my hand when Zero found out because I knew he'd be worried about me.   "Do you want us to make it??" When I told Zero, he burst out laughing.   "Not now, maybe one day before the battle," Zero said, and I laughed.   "What are you laughing about?" When Zero asked, I took his hand in mine and placed it on my cheek.   "Kiss me," I said, and Zero quickly kissed me, then kissed me on the forehead.   Zero came out with the tray, and I was left here my heartbeat racing. I smiled as I held my tummy since it would affect our child. I had no idea Zero wanted a child.   But now, we will have a child in three months, but the question is whether Zero will still be here and whether he will be aware that we will have a child. I'll say when I get rid of the cursed ring.   I know Zero will understand why I hid it, but I don't want him to be concerned. I knew he'd know how I was feeling right now, so I decided not to tell him.   I stood up and wondered if I was carrying a girl or a boy; if it were a male, I'd name him Felix, and if it were a lady, I'd call her Sabryn. Zero is taking too long. Why is it taking too long? Maybe he was still talking to someone. That's why I left the room, and when I came back down, I noticed him chatting to Zach.   "Good evening, My lady. How are you?" Zach asked.     "I'm fine. What are you two talking about?" I asked Zach   "Sander, attack the wizard's tribe" Zero, and I was shocked.   "Wait, what did you say?" I was concerned, so I teleported away before they could respond.   I saw the wizard's palace on fire, and I saw a man lying outside, drenched in blood. I approached fast, and it was Leonard.   "Leonard! What happens?!" I spoke up, and he opened his eyes.   "Azura, I apologize for not calling you immediately; everything happened so quickly, and Sander also cut off my communication with you." I couldn't stop crying when Leonard told me this.   "Don't cry. It will affect your child," Leonard advised me, startled at how quickly that he realized I was pregnant.   "Where is your dad? I'll look for him," I told Leonard, and he shook his head.   "Father is gone. Don't look for him. He's with the burnt also," Leonard told me while tears streamed in his face, and I bit my lip so hard.   "I can't accept this. I can't afford to lose you all," I said. It was so hard to be an immortal.   "You're lucky in your life because you were born. You're lucky because you're the one to finish Sander. I know you'll beat him," Leonard said as he took his final breath.   "Leonard? Leonard! Leonard!" I cried, and he was no longer alive.   I stood up and glanced at the wizard's palace; it had already burned down, and there were no alive wizards there. They were all on fire, and I was caught; if I had known what was about to happen, I would have left right away.   Sander is a beast, and I intend to kill him. I suddenly realized that I went to the Ocean's tribe, and perhaps Sander would follow them. I didn't train there, yet he could run there and s*******r the innocent mermaids and mermen.   I grabbed Leonard's corpse and buried him first because he was there and was innocent. When I was done, I teleport to the Ocean's Tribe, where nothing happened, and I rested profoundly.   I first sat on the sand and watched the waves. Someone appeared out of the sea, followed by Queen Dyise, and approached me.   "What are you doing here, Azura?" When queen Dyise asked, my tears fell once again.   "They simply took everything from me," I mumbled as Queen Dyise hugged me tightly.   "Tell me everything that occurred," Queen Dyise said as she let go of my hand and wiped away my tears.   "Sander, my opponent, killed everyone where I train. So I came here because I'm afraid the Ocean's tribe will be next." When I told Queen Dyise, she rubbed my back.   "Sander can't do it because mermen and mermaids are too strong," Queen Dyise explained.   "They said that to me also," I explained to Queen Dyise.   "It's true, I'm saying, we're leaving; are you comfortable with that? Jaja is here with me." I nodded as Queen Dyise stated this to me.   "Don't be upset there. It'll harm your son," Queen Dyise said, touching my stomach.   "Your son is a healthy kid. He's a werewolf," Queen Dyise said, and I was smiling.   "Your power is quite strong," I said Queen Dyise, and she created something in her palm.   "Give it to your child once you've given birth to him; it's a protection from us," Queen Dyise said, holding out a pearl to me.   "Make him a bracelet or necklace," Queen Dyise murmured as she hugged me, and I hugged back.   "All right, leave so that Sander will never know you're here," Queen Dyise said to me, and I nodded.   I swiftly teleported and found myself at the palace, where Zero was running towards me. When he hugged me, I hugged him back.   "Why did you leave so quickly? You didn't bring me along. What if something horrible were to happen to you?" Zero said to me he was worried.   "Nothing happened to me, and the wizard's tribe is gone. Sander assassinated everyone, including Leonard," I replied as Zero stroked my back and hugged me again.   "My lady," the four beasts called for me, and Sam was concerned about my well-being.   "Azura!, you just left! You should bring me along!" Sam said this to me, and I let go of Zero.   Sam hugged me again, and my eyes welled up with tears.   "It's hard to be immortal," I said to them.   "I wish I'd just become a wizard or a mortal," I mumbled as the four beasts approached.   Sam let go, and four beasts hugged me, and even though I had lost everything, Zero and the four beasts were still there. I smiled, and I am still thankful to them.   "We are concerned about you, my lady, and you know we are your family as well, so don't cry," he said. I understand what they mean; I need to stop crying because of my son.   "Let's go inside and rest as well," Zero said as we entered the palace.   When we got in there with Zero, when we went to the room with the two of us, I sat on the bed, and Zero sat next to me.   "Let's plan tomorrow, I know you make swift plans," Zero said, and I nodded.   The following day, I awoke early; Zero was still sleeping, but I didn't wake him. When I entered the bedroom, food was quickly placed on the table; I sat down and began eating.   I smiled as I drew a map of the demon world while eating. I used my power to draw a path for my other soldiers to follow.   I drank the juice that had been provided for me and smiled at the maid; as I completed drawing the map, I noticed Sam walk down, and she was still stretching, indicating that she had only recently awoken.   "Good morning, Azura," Sam said to me, and I smiled back as she sat down on the chair to eat.   "What exactly are you doing?" Sam asked while she sat down next to me.   "I'm already arranging my confrontation with Sander; when he comes here, everyone, including my warriors, will be ready," I assured Sam.   "I'll also tell the elves who reside in my neighborhood," I said to Sam. I folded the map.   "Leave it to me to tell them, tell me what strategy you have in mind," Sam added, and I noticed the four beasts who had already arrived.   "Right timing! Have a seat. I'd want to make an important announcement." The four beasts sat down after I told them.   "Shall we continue to wait for Zero?" Sam asked me.   "I'll just tell him he's still sleeping until now," I said to Sam, reopening the map I'd prepared earlier.   "I draw on my map that when Sander was in the front, and he had other men with him, I assumed the elves would attack in the back because they are the strongest," I explained. They nodded as I pointed to the front of the palace.   "Here in front are the guards that I've taken since the creation of my palace. The four beasts you'll do is join me to become one and lend me your power," I told them, and they nod.   "You Sam and Zero fight with other Sander people, you take care of him, you need to stop him if he tried to help me," I said to Sam, and she nodded.   "I'm confident Sander will lose to me because I'm still stronger than him even though he has a plan for me," I said to them. I was shocked because Zero was by my side.   "You didn't tell me about your strategy, but know now," Zero said.   "I'll tell you when you wake up. It's nice when you're asleep," I told Zero, and he sat down in the chair along with Sam and the four beasts.   "I'm hungry," Zero said as he ate his breakfast.   I rolled up the map.   "All right, you eat too. I'm done," I said as I stood up.   I walked to my palace's garden and sat on the floor, wondering if I could see Mom and Dad in the mortal world. I want to inform them that I have a plan to exact revenge on them and that I'm confident I'll win the fight.   When I said my goodbyes to Zero and the four beasts, I was confident that Zero would accompany me since I knew he would be frightened. When I arrived, I heard the door open and noticed it was Zero.   "What are your thoughts? Is there an issue?" Zero wondered whether I was going to inform him I was leaving for the mortal world.   "No problem, I just want to hang out here," I told Zero.   "I know you want to go somewhere," Zero said to me, and I was amazed at how well he anticipated what I was thinking.   "How did you figure out what I was thinking? Maybe you have mental power already?" When I made a joke with Zero, and he laughed, I giggled as well.   "Nothing, I immediately guessed because maybe we're close, and we love each other," Zero remarked, and I smiled back.   "Zero, I wish I could go to the mortal world, and I know you'll be worried about me and want to accompany me," I explained to Zero.   "What's the problem if I accompany you? I have to protect you no matter where you go, "Zero informed me.   "But it's also dangerous to leave Zero. What if Sander follows us to the mortal world and kills us? Then, my plan didn't work out even more?" I told Zero, and he took my hand.   "Nothing unpleasant will happen to us; think of the positive rather than the negative," Zero said, and I smiled gently.   I know we'll succeed. I looked at Zero and saw sadness in his eyes.   "I'm just afraid you'll lose me right away," I told Zero and touched his cheek.   "I'll take care of myself for you," Zero told me, and I chuckled.   "I know you're strong too, you're a werewolf, and I know you can fight," I told Zero.   "Are we going to the mortal world now?" Zero asked me.   "Yes, right now," I said to Zero as I stood up, and he followed.   I held Zero's hand in mine and altered our attire so that no one would know the two of us before teleporting to the mortal world's portal. We went in together and were transported to Mom and Dad's palace; when I arrived, I felt like returning to my true home.   I entered Mom and Dad's mansion and was immediately covered in dust; I went to their burial and created flowers. When I finished praying, I put it on and smiled because I had told myself that I was pregnant and that they were going to have a grandchild.   "Why were you smiling there? What did you say to them?" When Zero asked me, I became tense.   "I told my parents I'm healthy, and I'm with you now, so I smiled because I'm delighted they gave you to me," I said to Zero, and he smiled back.   Zero, too prayed, so I waited for him once he finished, and he stood up and took my hand in his.   "If only they were here, we'd be complete," Zero said.   "Yes, a complete and trouble-free future," I replied to Zero.   "Don't think negatively; do you want to return to the mortal world?" Zero asked me.   "What if we suffer again? Then you will be punished once more, "I told Zero.   "That won't happen; because tonight, we're returning to the demon world," Zero added as he stroked my waist.   When I stopped Zero, he was ready to kiss me.   "We're in front of mom and dad! Shame on you, Zero!" I exclaimed, and he laughed.   **  
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