Immortal 2 #5

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Zero's PoV I was staring at Azura while she was training; I also wanted to train. If my power was not limited, I'd stare at her for the time being.   Earlier, Azura was stabbed in the shoulder, and I was worried about her because I assumed she was strong and would not simply die. Hence, I remained in my position because she might scold me.   When the four worried beasts approached, Azura scolded them, which made me laugh about their worries to their master earlier and I while standing here, not interfering with them.   Azura quickly learned what was being taught to her because she was mighty due to her immortality; I saw her form in her hand like iron,   I'm not jealous because Joz teaches her that she is now an elf. After all, I know it's just training. Azura might scold me if I intervened.   "You've been staring at them," Skyler said, surprising me.   "What if I was staring at them? It would be best if you hadn't complained to Azura about what I was doing inside the palace before," I said to Skyler, and he laughed.   There, all I do is design our room and the interior of her palace. If Azura saw that, she would tell me that I was wasting my time because she could do it better.   "I'm sorry, we're just following if we can't follow. It's in the blood contract that we always follow," Skyler explained, and I didn't say anything.   I saw Azura construct a dagger and noticed that she smiled as if she was pleased to have learned something new like this. I'm not sure why I love her so much as long as my heart tells me she is the one.   Azura and Joz fought again, and Azura attempted to do what Joz had done to her before stabbing Joz.   Azura was taken aback when the dagger she had created vanished without a trace, and she wondered why. Azura formed again, but Joz stopped her, and I could hear them talking even though I was far away.   "Don't do it again because it requires too much concentration. Allow yourself to relax once you've gotten used to it. You can do that not to focus anymore," Joz informed Azura.   "That's why I made you focus because your body and power are becoming accustomed to this dark elf's power," Joz explained, and I saw Azura nod.   I noticed Joz retreated and pretended they would fight again, and while Azura was fighting with Joz, I smelled a vampire?   "I smell a vampire, Skyler," I said to Skyler.   "I feel it too, but can the master feel it also?" Skyler said to me while he is transforming in his dragon form.   Skyler flew up in the sky in his dragon form, and I transformed into my werewolf form; before leaving, I turned to Azura, who was still training.   I'm sure Azura knew there was a vampire here, so I dashed off to find the scent of that vampire, and then I saw the vampire standing tall and manly.   I was about to approach when Skyler form in his human form, then he suddenly choked the vampire, causing me to bite that man he was holding.   "A werewolf and a dragon? Are you knights or something?" it said, and I noticed its red eyes.   He grabbed my neck and threw me, and I landed on a tree, suffering from back pain. Skyler stopped me as I was about to stand up.   "I'll summon the other beast; I'm sure Sander dispatched him here," Skyler said to me while I was recovering.   "Okay, I'll return to Azura. I'll attempt to speak with her." I said this to Skyler as I stood up and dashed away.   As I ran, I began to suspect that I had smelled many vampires, and when I returned, I saw Azura, who was still in training.   I saw Azura and Joz laugh together, and she grew tired of fighting with each other.   "Just a minute, Zero appears to have something to say to me," Azura said as she quickly approached me.   "What's the problem? Why are you on your werewolf form?" Azura asked.   "I smelled a vampire, and we saw him, but he escaped, and I'm too weak to fight him. Skyler has already referred to your other beasts," I informed Azura.   "Is that so? Okay, I'll tell Joz," Azura said to me; quickly, she approaches Joz.   I was about to leave to look for another vampire who was also present when I suddenly jumped out because someone had been shooting me with water. I changed back to my human form and investigated the source of the water.   I saw a vast rock coming from here, and I couldn't leave right away; I saw Azura blocking, and she immediately built a barrier.   The barrier suffered minor damage as a result of the large rock that fell on it. Azura was angry. After all, I almost got hurt because I saw her aura coming out?   "Azura, you need to calm down; they're just vampires called Level E easy to defeat," I told Azura. I noticed her eyes were red when she was in front of me.   "You know I'm not going to let them hurt you. Sander is doing too much to me. I'm going to kill him!" Azura yelled and left after putting up a barrier that prevented me from leaving.   I wanted to help Azura but couldn't. I saw Joz and her both attacked level E vampires simultaneously. I was sitting here watching them when Jeff approached me in his fox form.   "How are you doing? Why wasn't the master kind enough to let you out?" Jeff inquired.   "I know Azura doesn't want to lose the person she loves, but I can't do anything if that's what Azura wants," I replied to Jeff, and I heard something exploded.   "Help her," I said, and Jeff walked away as I watched Zach fly in phoenix form.   When I touched this barrier, it was soft; where did Azura learn it? It may feel electrified when you touch it outside, but it feels soft when you touch it inside.   "Zero!" When I looked up after hearing Azura's call, I thought her red eyes had vanished, and she was smiling and waving at me.   Did she kill everything right away? I'm worthless because I didn't help them; I should have been the one to protect Azura, not her protecting me.   Azura removed the barrier, and I felt her hug as I closed my eyes, so I hugged her back.   "Why didn't you let me help you?" I asked Azura, and she let go of my embrace.   "You know I don't want to get hurt you or lose you, "Azura explained to me.   "I can fight Azura to protect you! For whatever else I've been practicing if I can't use it for you!" I told Azura, and I noticed her four beasts had just landed in front of us.   "I hope I'm just a beast as well," I said as I stood up to enter her palace.   Azura's PoV   When Zero said he wishes he was also a beast, he stood up; was it my fault that I said I had to protect him?   "It appears you made him feel insecure," Joz said as I stood up.   "I apologize, Joz. I need to speak with Zero first," I informed Joz.   "It's okay, I can wait," Joz said, and I quickly go inside the palace.   I went to our room, but when I saw Zero in his werewolf form, he is just lying on the floor. I closed the door and approached him.   "Zero!!" I called to him out, but he didn't move, as if he couldn't hear me.   "Are you sure you're going to ignore me?" I asked, and Zero still wasn't moving in his seat, so I took my shoes off.   I hugged him after I sat down next to Zero because he was so warm. He was still not moving, so I looked at him, and his eyes are just opened as if he was deep in thought.   I couldn't read his mind either.   "Are you still unwilling to ignore me?" I asked Zero again, but he still didn't respond, so I took a deep breath.   I created my elf form and felt the body shrink slightly.   "Look, I can do the elf form," I finally got Zero's attention.   Zero suddenly became a human form and hugged me; I could hear him breathing and wondered why he was breathing quickly.   Did Zero like my elf form? I hugged him back, and then I felt him kiss my neck, so I was relieved to hug him again.   "I want to kiss you, I want to touch your entire body," Zero said to me, and my entire cheek turned hot red, and I didn't know what to think.   "What's going on with you, Zero? Is that how you feel about me?" When I asked Zero, he smiled and laughed at the same time.   "I can't believe you're going to react like this!" I was irritated because Zero told me while still laughing.   "Why are you saying that as if you're going to do something to me?" I asked Zero, and Zero kissed my forehead and touched my waist again.   "Why would I do such a thing? I still have a lot of respect for you, and I know you're not ready yet, and we still have a long way to go." I smiled as Zero told me.   "Zero, I talked to you today because I was afraid you'd be angry or upset, and I need to get back to my training," I clarified to Zero.   "Okay, come back; I'm fine, and I'm not mad at you. I just had a sulk to myself." I hugged Zero again and messed up his hair because he likes it.   I went outside and quickly got to the outside of my palace, where I saw Joz waiting for me. When I approached him, he looked at me.   "Are you ready to go for our training again? You must concentrate." I nodded as Joz said this to me.   "You'd think Zero and I did something. I'll concentrate," I said to Joz as we sat down again.   I'm not sure why Sander is sending me enemy right away; he wants me; it's funny to think that he's desperate for a queen; he doesn't realize that I'm not like Mom, who is innocent and weak.   I looked at Joz and tried to rebuild the dagger with the iron I was thinking. I rebuilt; I don't know if it's the same with Joz if the pain will last a long time.   I rushed in, I was also in my elf form, and I stabbed him in the leg while he looked at me. As I walked away, I noticed that the dagger I had placed there was still there.   When Joz suddenly got down on his knees and took the pain, I came running, and I would have removed it from him if he had strangled me.   "You should first consider whether your opponent is acting or not," Joz said as he let go of me.   "Doesn't the iron dagger hurt you?" I asked of Joz.   "No! Because dark elves like me don't get hurt; I also have a dark elf power, so it's tough for me to get hurt," Joz explained that astounded me.   "I understand," I said to Joz, taking a deep breath before resuming my assault on him.   I quickly made another dagger out of iron and charged at him, but I was surprised when he built a shield.   I came to a halt and stared at Joz for a long time.   "You never said anything couldn't be built!" When I told Joz, he laughed.   "You're still learning how to use the dagger. I just showed it to you to like it more and speed up the process of making the dagger you're working on." I smiled as Joz told me.   I became increasingly excited about our training, so I rebuilt the dagger because I had forgotten what I had done before. I backed away quickly, and I focused on Joz's movements.   I rushed at Joz again, and this time I was going to stab him in the arm; he thought I was going to stab him in the leg, but he was wrong!   I stabbed Joz in the arm and was surprised when a black color appeared mixed with red, causing him pain.   "It hurts! This time it's painful!" That's why I removed it right away, and Joz's wound didn't heal right away.   "So, what will I do? Wait a minute, and it can be treated!" I said to Joz while being scared of what I have done to him, and then I used my power to heal it.   Fortunately, Joz recovered, and I sat down, nervous because I thought he was acting up again because he was in pain. But how did that come to be? Why was he suddenly in pain?   "I'm not sure why you're hurting, isn't that dark elf's power?" I asked Joz.   "That's also what I'm thinking; perhaps your immortality is combined with iron power. We need to fix this because it is possible to kill someone like me." I was sad because Joz told me that.   "I'm sorry if I inadvertently hurt you; I need to focus, especially so that my training doesn't fail," I explained to Joz with a sad face.   "Don't be sad. I know it was a mistake, we'll have enough training for the night. It would be best if you rested," Joz said this to me, and we both stood up.   "First, I'll say goodbye to Zero and the four beasts," I said to Joz, and he nodded.   I've already entered my palace, and I'm going to say goodbye to Zero and the four beasts before we return to the Elf Palace.   I exited the palace, hold Joz's shoulder, and teleported us back to the Elf Palace.   **
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