Immortal 2 #4

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Azura's PoV   It was already night, and I hadn't returned to the elf palace yet. I stood up, but I sensed an aura coming here in a usual manner, so I looked around.   It was too dark for me to see a shadow, so I was surprised when Zero appeared in the form of a werewolf. Zero approached me, and he pressed his head against my leg.   "What are you doing here, Zero? How is my palace doing?" I asked, and he returned to his human form before hugging me.   "The four beasts are there, and there are many soldiers to guard the palace; I don't think they'll betray you," Zero replied, and I hugged him back.   "Even if they're there, it's still wrong for you to come to me here," I told Zero, and his hug tightened.   "I don't want you to be so far away with you. I miss you already," he answers me. That's why I laugh a little.   "Zero, you need to get used to it. I was starting, in the next month or months the witch place is farther away when I got there to start my training," I said to him, and he didn't answer me.   "Azura!" When I heard Joz's voice, I was relieved, so I let go of his hug right away.   "Zero, you need to go back," I told Zero, and I could feel Joz approaching.   "Can't I just stay here?, promise I'm not going inside the elf?" Zero asked, and I pushed him slightly.   "Don't be a jerk, Zero! Return to my palace!" I told Zero, and he suddenly kissed me on the lips.   Zero back away after he kissed me on my lips, and while running little by little, he went to his werewolf form.   "Azura, you're here! I've been shouting for a while. You don't answer," Joz said as he was holding a lamp.   "I'm sorry I fell asleep, let's go back. I'm fine," I said to Joz, and he nodded.   We returned to the elf palace, and when we arrived, I saw Herra standing at the gate, waving at me.   "I'm sorry if I said I wanted you to be my friend earlier; I feel good about you," Herra said when I approached her.   "It's OK. I'm sorry for refusing because I have many reasons why I don't want someone like you to be close to me," I said to Herra as we entered the elf palace.   Joz accompanied me to my room. After he said his goodbye, I went inside and lay down on my bed.   I need to focus so that I can begin my dark elf's power training tomorrow. My cheeks immediately warmed up as Zero's kisses entered my mind.   When I awoke from my nap, I cleared my mind of that kiss; I closed my eyes and tried to release my core; when I opened my eyes, I saw my core.   It was red and black, and if it broke, I would lose all of my power. I keep it because when it breaks, it feels like the end of my life.   I was surprised to hear a werewolf howling and realize it was Zero; why was he howling again? Is it because he immediately misses me? I drew a piece of paper and began writing on it.   I flew in when I finished writing, smiled, and went to sleep. I also find it difficult to sleep because I have nightmares about the tragedy in my family.   I closed my eyes and fell asleep almost immediately.   I was startled when I heard people running outside; I had no idea there were children there. When I came out of my room, I saw the children, who were also elves, fleeing.   They came to a halt when they saw me.   "Are you the elf clan's newest member?" The elf girl approached me after asking me a question.   "Yes, I'm your new member," I said to the elf girl as I knelt for her.   "Really? What subject do you wish to pursue?" The elf girl questioned me.   "I want to study the dark elf's power," I said to the elf girl, and they became terrified of me.   "All right, I'll go eat!" The elf girl said as they ran away, terrified of me. Why do they appear to be afraid of the dark elf's power?   I returned to my room and, using my power, and changed my clothes before cleaning again.   I went out to Herra and Joz's room, and when I arrived, I knocked first before entering their room.   "Azura, good morning! Are you prepared?" Herra asked, and I nodded.   "I'm fully ready! For me, it's a piece of cake!" When we entered the room where I was training elf form, I noticed Joz carrying a book.   When we arrived, Joz constructed a barrier to prevent me from destroying the room.   "The dark elf's power is superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility, and reflexes," Joz explained, and I nodded as if I could pick it up quickly.   When I found out, I was confident that Sander would have difficulty killing me due to my quick movement.   "If you want, you can learn light elf's power as well as dark elf's power, but you must train yourself using archery," Joz told me, surprising me.   Why do I appear to be interested in learning archery?   "Perhaps next time?" I responded, and Joz nodded.   "Let's get started," Joz said, opening his book.   We began my training, and Joz demonstrated how quickly he moved; I did not follow his movement; I was surprised when he pushed me, so I turned around.   "Awesome power, isn't it?" I smiled as Joz told me.   "Yes," I said to Joz.   "Now you do it, concentrate on your strength and stamina," Joz said, and I tried while closing my eyes.   "You don't need to close your eyes," Joz said, so I kept my eyes open.   "Focus on your immortal power as well," Joz advised me, and I did so.   I felt my strength, as well as my ability and reflexes; I looked at Joz, and it was as if I could see my shadow approaching him without him knowing.   I did that, and I got to him. I stopped what I was doing, and Joz looked at me and moved very quickly.   "Fast learner, I think you can learn this in just ten days," he said to me.   "Maybe? But I'd like to learn this in a month," I replied, and Joz nodded.   "OK, fine, you can learn light elf power as well," Joz said, possibly when I first considered studying archery.   "If I'm going to study archery, I'll think about it, Joz," I told Joz, and he nodded again.   "OK, let's go back to your training, use your elf form, and do what I taught you," Joz said, and I nodded.   I did that while in elf form, and I moved quickly, but Joz suddenly vanished, and I was surprised when he grabbed my neck and kicked me out.   I would have been irritated if I hadn't known that this was just practice; I needed to calm down my demon power, and if I lose control of it, everyone will die.   "When you're training, you have to relax. You shouldn't be upset because your demon form may manifest, "Joz informed me.   "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," I apologized to Joz, taking a deep breath to repeat what I had done quickly.   I needed to know where Joz was going because we were moving so fast, so I focused on him, and all he did was smile.   I could feel Joz's sense and aura if I could keep up with it with my quick movements. I felt his atmosphere and smiled as well.   I moved quickly again, but I couldn't catch up because his speed was too fast! Is he playing any tricks on me, and does he know I'm going to kick him?   "Try and try again, Azura," Joz said, and I smiled again.   I ran back to Joz, but I couldn't follow him because he was in the down, and I was up here floating.   "Shouldn't we be outside of my palace? What brings us here?" I went down after asking Joz.   "Do you wish to do so? Didn't you say there were four beasts? What if I attack, and they block me?" I laughed as Joz told me.   "I'm their master, and if I say don't do that, they won't do it," I told Joz.   "Come on, let's go! First, say goodbye to your sister Herra," I informed Joz, and we exited the room.   "Herra, we're going to Azura's palace to train," Joz said to Herra, looking at us.   "May I accompany you?" Herra asked Joz.   "Don't come with us, just stay here; Queen Mei might come looking for you; you know she is close to you," Joz said as we exited their room.   "Let's teleport there and hold on to me," I said, and Joz grabbed my shoulder.   I used teleportation to get there, and when we arrived, the four beasts were surprised to see us outside the palace on the side.   "My lady!" The four beasts claimed and knelt at the same time.   "How quickly did you train my lady? What are you doing here?" Zach asked.   "I haven't completed my training yet. We came here so that I could train. After all, why are you outside? Shouldn't you be staying inside? What if a traitor is hiding inside the palace?" I informed the four beasts.   "Zero said we should go out first because he's going to do something," Gabriel explained to me.   "Tell him I'm here and what he's going to do inside the palace," I told the four beasts, and they dashed inside.   "It looks like you are their master; let's get started," Joz said as we walked away from my palace.   "Are you prepared?" Joz told me, and I was about to respond when he abruptly vanished, allowing me to sense his aura.   I jumped up when I felt him behind me, and when I saw him pass by, I smiled and quickly approached him.   "You can't play that trick on me now!" I said to Joz this while implying my elf form to make movement easier.   I quickly made a sharp object and stabbed it into his neck, but it didn't seem to hit him.   "You can't use this while fighting; I'll teach you how to use another dark elf power," Joz explained.   "Does the dark elf have any other abilities?" I asked Joz, and he didn't seem to answer my question.   Why didn't he mention the dark elf's other abilities?   "Surprisingly, I didn't know the dark elf had other powers; tell me what I should do!" I said to Joz excitedly, and I was ready to study the dark elf's new power once more.   "Relax; everything can be learned. First, talk to Zero." When I looked at Zero, it was staring at me as he pointed to the one behind me.   "Since when are you there, Zero?" I asked, and he came over to me and hugged   What is it that he always misses about me? When I hugged him, I let go.   "Stay as far away as you want, Zero. Can you see how I practice? Why do you feel the need to be so close? Do you miss me?" When I asked Zero, he just smiled.   Zero can be strange at times. I have no idea what this guy is thinking, and I also have trouble reading what's going through in his mind.   "I want to hug you. I didn't know you were training here," Zero said as he caressed my cheek, instantly warming up my entire body.   "Zero later, I need to focus on my training," I said to Zero, pushing him back gently.   "Joz, I'm ready to go!" I told Joz, and he nodded.   I noticed that Joz had formed iron in his hand and that he had formed a dagger there once he threw it at me, but I immediately moved away, and I was even more surprised when it followed me.   I accelerated my movement, and I won't run out of stamina because I'm strong, and I have faith in myself that I'll be able to complete this training.   I was about to start a fire in my hand when Joz vanished from view again, allowing me to sense his movement and aura. I was surprised when something hit my shoulder, so I got down on my knees.   "Focus. You shouldn't be thinking about the person you love," Joz said, and the four beasts appeared in front of me.   "This isn't training; it's against the rules to hurt her!" Gabriel yelled, so I stood up and drew him in.   "Gabriel, stop that. It will instantly heal my wound," I said to Gabriel, but I was suddenly hurt, especially from the heat of the dagger on my shoulder.   "What exactly did you do?! My lady!" Skyler yelled, and I grabbed my shoulder as Joz approached.   "The dark elf's power can kill a monster like you," Joz said as he removed the dagger from my shoulder.   "Now you know that a dark elf's iron can kill someone like you," Joz said as I slowly healed my wound.   "I'm fine. You can back up and stay away," I told the four beasts, who stood up.   "Are you certain, My Lady?" Zach asked me.   "Yes, I can do it," I replied as they walked away, and I noticed Zero, who was simply calm because he knew I could do it and trusted me.   **
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