Immortal 2 #6

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Azura's PoV By the way, I didn't realize it until I woke up in the morning; I was already lying here. I'm thinking about Zero and how he's doing, even though I only saw him yesterday; I'm just worried because the vampires known as Level E attacked us. What if Pureblood launched an attack?     I stood up and moved closer to my cabinet, which I opened to reveal various dresses. Because Joz told me to dress like an elf so that I could call myself an elf.     I was about to pick up the white color robes and hood when I heard a knock. I turned around and went to the door to see who it was.     "It's good to see you awake!" Herra smiled at me as she opened up to me.     "I've been awake for a while," I told Herra, and she surprised me by giving me some battle armor.     "There will be a contest later, and I want you to participate so we can see how strong you are with your senses and auras," Heera said, and I smiled, looking at the battle armor.     "All right, I'll join whatever contest that is," I replied to Herra, taking the armor from him.     It appears to be worn on the knees and arm, so I figured out what I'd wear, perhaps not a dress. With my power, I changed my clothes and wore short shorts and a crop top dress.   It appears to be worn on the knees and arm, so I figured out what I'd wear, perhaps not a dress. With my power, I changed my clothes and wore short shorts and a crop top dress.       "What a lovely outfit you've chosen!" Herra informed me.     "I can do this to you as well; I'm just using your power to change what I'm wearing," I explained to her, and she was even more amazed.     "It's a lot different when you're immortal," Herra said, and I followed her,   We went out, and I was surprised that all the men with me looked at me and immediately whispered, which made me laugh.     "Am I the only female in this room?" I asked Herra.     "Of course, it's a shame if you don't join; you're also training the dark elf's power, so you'll need it," Herra said, and I nodded.     "Don't worry, I can beat them all," I said to Herra, and she laughed.   "All the men here have wizards, vampires, and witches," Herra said, assuring me that I wasn't afraid of them.     "I'm not afraid of them," I told Herra.     "I can't believe a brave woman has entered this contest!" When a man covered my eyes with a handkerchief, I heard what he said.     "You don't know me, so don't judge just yet," I said to the man, but they just laughed.     I immediately remembered their voices and aura as they laughed and laughed. You'll be angry at me later, and I'll make sure you can't stand it when I run into you.     "The competition is about to begin," the queen's voice said, and it was Queen Mei.     I was about to run when I heard a horn signaling us to do so. I ran without using my strength to move quickly.     As I ran, I could hear the men fighting, and they were clashing with each other. I could sense their aura whether they approached me or not.     I was surprised when something hit me; I didn't realize it until I felt its aura, so I quickly stood up and resumed my run.     I concentrated on running in particular, and I sensed his aura, so I moved back a little while following his aura. At the same time, I struck him hard, so I smiled as I heard him scream in pain.     I just kept running because I knew there was a finish line, and when I got there, I had to hug Herra. That means I was victorious.     I only felt a faint aura, so I concentrated on my companions, a big man and a small man who almost ran together. I thought we were getting close to the finish line, so I bumped into the little man, followed by the big tall man.   "You will not be able to defeat me!" It yelled and hit me, so I knelt, and my knee hit the wood.     Fortunately, I got up right away, continued running, and ran into him, but we were already near the finish line. He made me slip, so I fell and kicked my stomach, so when he was about to run, I stood up and drop him as well.     I smiled and dashed over to Herra because I could feel her. I hugged her and felt her caress my back.     "You're fantastic, Azura," Herra said, and I smiled. I removed the blindfold from my eyes and looked at the man I had hit, who had an evil look on his face and was a vampire; I averted my gaze and sent us back to the palace to put on a cape because we had won those ahead of the finish line.     The men looked down on me because I was ahead of them, first the big man, then the little man. Many women were looking at me and whispering as we entered the palace.     Queen Mei put a cape on me, and she smiled at me.     "Earlier, I noticed how badly you look at Azura, my boys," Queen Mei said, and they looked terrified.     "Don't underestimate Azura because she's an immortal, and you can't handle her," Queen Mei wisely advised her men.     "I'm sorry, Queen Mei. We will not do that again," the men said, and I used my power to heal their minor injuries.     When I turned around and heard them thanking me, I went back to my room to change my clothes because my body was filthy. After removing the armor, I used my power to clean up again.     I put on the white dress and pretended to be an elf when I came out. Herra informed me that there would be a party, so I had to wear it while in my elf form.     "Azura! That's looks good to you!!" Herra approached me, dressed in a green gown. I took a look at her chest, which was quite large in comparison to mine.     "Can I have some of your boobs? Just kidding!" Herra joked at me, and she abruptly grabbed her boobs.     "Of course not. It's mine. Let's get you fixed, shall we?" Herra said to me as he drew me in.     We walked into a room I'd never seen before; was this their makeup room? Herra is the only one who can help me; perhaps the others know how to help themselves.     Herra applied makeup to me, and when I opened my eyes, the white glowed on my eyelid, and I smiled because I was so beautiful, and the makeup that was custom-made for me was perfect for me.     "You've become even more stunning! I'm sure all the men will be looking at you!" Herra said to me, and my cheeks suddenly warmed up.     What if Zero sees me like that? Maybe he'll fall even more in love with me, I thought as I stood up and untied my hair.     "How do you want to style your hair?" Herra asked me.     "Perhaps half loose and half tied," I suggested to Herra, and she smiled.     "Alright! You will continue Joz's training the following day. "I nodded as Herra told me.   "Okay, can I return to my palace after the party? I'm just going to show Zero something, "I informed Herra.     "Is he your boyfriend, Zero? What is his full name, and how powerful is he? Is he also eternal?" Hera asked me.     "His full name is Zero Klayde De Javes, and he's a werewolf," I told Herra, and she was shocked.     "Your boyfriend is a werewolf! I also like werewolves because they are always warm!" Herra said to me, and I smiled.     "Yeah, they're so warm, then I get cold when you touch my hand," I told Heera, and suddenly I become sad.     "At the very least, you're gorgeous!" Herra informed me.   We went to a large room called the Grand Elf Party Room, and when Herra and I walked in, many men stared at us.     The beauty of Queen Mae is that she is wearing a red dress, and her hair is loose; she does not appear old; perhaps she has the power not to age.     Her beauty is that he is wearing a red dress, and his hair is loose; she does not appear old; perhaps she possesses a power that cannot be aged.     "Everyone, Good afternoon! Thank you so much for taking part in the earlier contest! I'm grateful for your abilities!" The elves applauded as Queen Mei said this.     Queen Mei observed my actions in the room.     "Can you come here with me, Azura?" I followed Queen Mei and approached her because she told me to.     When I approached, Queen Mei took my hand, and I found myself standing in front of the elves, surprised that she had placed something on my shoulder.     "I'll give you a symbol that you're an elf here, a symbol that you're a good immortal and our ally," Queen Mei said, and I smiled.     "I'm glad I can help you; I promise I won't let you get lost or get hurt by others," I told Queen Mei, and he hugged me when he finished putting up a small circle symbol.     "Thank you as well, because you are the only immortal who has a good heart," Queen Mei said, and I smiled at her.       After that, I returned to Herra, where the party continued; there was a lot of talking, but I didn't speak to anyone. Herra also left because she stated that she would speak to someone like this even if she did not want to be friends.     I drank the wine I had taken from Herra and was surprised when a man appeared in front of me, that big man I had bumped into and made him slip earlier.   "Are you having a good time at the party?" The man asked, and I looked him in the eyes.     "Do I like having a problem?" When I told the man, he smiled.     "What does it matter if you can kill an elf? You don't belong here," The man said, and I was irritated.     "What if you end up killing Herra? Or how about Joz? Or how about Queen Mei?"The man said to me. That's why I stopped drinking the wine I had left,   I smiled as I poured the wine at him.     "I murder people like you, but an elf? I can't do it because they're better than you, and you're the one who shouldn't be here." I spun around to look for Herra.     I was walking someone choked me, and when I confronted her, He became very angry at me.     "I'm going to kill you!" He yelled, and the elves yelled and screamed because of the incident.     "You can't kill me," I said as I lit a fire in my hand. Suddenly, the elves yelled and screamed, and I had to force myself to calm down.     I calmed down, and he threw me; I was certain that I would be punished alongside him when I fought. I stood up slowly and wiped the blood from my nose.     "Where has your power gone? Show me!" He said this to me, and then he pushed me away very hard.     My back was injured when it collided with the wine glasses that were on the table. I just restrain myself in my monster form  I can release it and end his life.     "You're not going to answer?! You're a wimp!" He yelled at me, and the room was silent as they watched us fight.     "Wait, what's going on here?!?" I could hear Queen Mei's voice.       "Your new recruit has so much arrogance! He no longer fights fairly in front of me!" The man said the man to Queen Mei.     "Azura!, are you all right? Why aren't you healing your bloodied hand?" Queen Mei was concern about me and assisted me in standing.   "I'm sorry, Queen Mei, if I ruined this party, I'll just leave first," I said, but Queen Mei interrupted me.     "I'm fine if you kill that vampire; I need a good ally who will not betray my tribe," Queen Mei said as I looked at her.     "Really?" I asked Queen Mei     "I'd like you to put a barrier between us in this room," I told Queen Mei, and she smiled.     When I stood up and looked at the man in front of me, whose name was Jasper, he moved away from a little and formed a barrier. Because of my ability, I can know his entire personality, including his name.   "Would you like to see who I really am?" I said to Jasper to heal all of my wounds, remove my elf form, and feel my aura strong.   I felt the horn tap on my forehead as well, and I grinned as I saw Jasper become terrified of me.     "Do you want to see this?" I told Jasper, and I formed a sword of fire in my hand.     I moved quickly and split Jasper's left hand, causing it to fall while he was unaware that I was doing so.     "You can't kill me. I remember that," I said solemnly to jasper, wanting to sever his head as he knelt in front of me.     "I made a mistake! Please forgive me!" Jasper said, and I floated down and closed my red wing.   "Next time, I'll never have mercy on someone like you," I said to Jasper, breaking through the barrier because I was stronger than Queen Mei. **
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