Immortal 2 #10

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Azura's PoV   Joz and I are now in a location where we will hunt evil elves, which is simple. We've arrived in the immortal world, and it appears that there are a lot of bad people here. Herra came here yesterday to help the young beggars who were selling on the black market.   "Where are we going to look for them? Are they all over the place?" I asked Joz.   "Yes, they're all over in this area," Joz said, and I nodded.   "Come on," Joz said, and I followed him, and there were a lot of immortals here wandering around.   We head to the black market, and elves are buying? Why do they go out of their way to purchase immortal foods? Are they being pressured to buy it?   "Where are you from, and why are you on the black market?" When Joz asked an elf woman who was buying, I was taken aback.   She gave us a nasty look and then ran away, so I moved quickly and chased her down, grabbing her by her clothes and lifting her.   "You can't get away from us! Tell me, who's the one who's ordering you?!" I asked the elf woman, and she yelled, drawing everyone's attention to me.   "Look at an immortal wishing to devour the elf demon!" People here yelled, which surprised me.   I let go of the elf woman, but I used my strength to keep her from not moving. Joz approached me and tapped me on the shoulder.   Joz approached the woman and spoke to her, to which she responded correctly and left the items she had purchased on the black market. Why were they staring at me so intently before? I have nothing wrong to say about her. I don't eat the flesh inside an elf demon or anything remotely resembling that.   "Let's find someone else because this woman has no hope and isn't all that bad. She only exists because a king has ordered her to come to this location." Joz nodded as he told me.   We walked away from there and just passed that woman; I was surprised when I saw her vision that she, too, would be killed, so I did nothing and didn't tell Joz.   We went to an elf cave, and when we arrived, many elves were shouting and holding a crystal from which I don't know where they got it.   "Power freaks, take a look here," Joz said, and they did.   "Elves as well! Let's get some clout!" The man yelled, and they were about to approach when Joz and I stepped in front of them, and we build a barrier.   "I knew it! They have many powers. Let's take it!" They yelled and attempted to destroy the barrier we had constructed.   "What are we going to do?" I asked Joz.   "Can you remove the barrier and put them to sleep one by one?" Joz asked me.   We both remove the barrier, and then I immediately used my power to put them all to sleep; it's good that the sleep effect on them was immediate. They all collapsed, and Joz and I both looked at each other.   "The question is, how will we transport them all? It would be best if you constructed a long-lasting portal so that we can transport them to the elf palace," I informed Joz.   "You're correct. Can you create a portal?" Joz asked, but all I could do was teleport and that I still needed to find the actual portal here to the immortal before I could leave.   "I'll give it a shot if I can. As far as I know, Dad used to build the portal for a long time, so it's doubtful that I'll be able to build the portal right away," I informed Joz, and he nodded.   "I know how we're going to do it; I'll create a portal, and you'll transport them all. Is it all right?" Joz asked if it was okay if I handled them.   "It's fine. I'll carry five elves, then enter the portal and return here to get five more," I told Joz, and he nodded.   "It's okay because it won't vanish if I don't enter the portal right away," Joz explained.   I took five, and Joz created a portal; I went in there and placed the five, and then I placed a barrier over it because they might all wake up at once.   I went back and took five more times, a total of four times. I can't believe they're in their twenties, and so many of them go insane just for the power they crave.   "Come on," Joz said as he entered the portal he had created.   Joz used his power to create bubbles, putting one in every five elves, and we were off. Following the bubble floating, I want to learn this power as well.   "Can you tell me how you made your bubbles?" I asked Joz when we entered the elf palace and passed through this area in the back.   "It is a mermaid power because I trained at Ocean's Palace before," Joz explained, and I was taken aback.   Is it possible for me to train at Ocean's Palace as well? Is this to imply that mermaids and mermen are willing to teach people like me? But the question is whether or not they are afraid of the immortal.   "Do they fear the immortal like me??" I asked Joz.   "No, mermaids and mermen are brave; you can invite them to a fight, and they will accept it in exchange for gold money," Joz explained.   I can make gold money, and maybe when I need strong soldiers, I'll recruit them to fight alongside me.   "After the Witch's Palace is over, I'll try to train at Ocean's Palace," I told Joz.   "You scheduled your upcoming training? That's great!" I smiled as Joz said this to me.   We finished imprisoning all the elf demons in the fort an hour later; the others awoke and didn't care where they were; they were idiots and deep in thought.   "Will you remain here? Will you speak with them?" Joz asked me.   "You go first, and I'll try to ask them what they want to do with their lives," I said to Joz, and he just nodded once he came out.   I took another look at them and approached the three women who had previously been staring at us for the whole time.   "Is this how you live your life? Do you have any plans to make a change?" When I asked, they gave me a strange look and quickly approached.   I decide to walk back because it appears that they will touch me; what if they feel me and immediately gain my strength? But I'm an immortal, and they don't seem to realize it.   "Hello there, lady! I need to get out of here! I'm not as insane as they are!" When a man yelled, I looked around to see what he was doing. I noticed that one side of his eyes was red, and the other was violet.   "Is what you're saying true?" I asked the man.   "Yeah, what I'm saying is true; I'm just pretending to be like them to get to another world," The man said to me, and I smirk.   "If you're not an elf, why are you pretending to be? What exactly are you?" I asked the man.   "I'm a wizard," he revealed, and I was taken aback.   "What made them think you weren't one of them?" I questioned the man who was saying he was a wizard.   "Because the elf demons you captured are hopeless, they don't listen to what others like you say anymore," he replied, and I wondered how I was going to get him out.   "I'm still reconsidering how to get you out," I said to the man who was a wizard.   "You can put them back to sleep, and I'll just cover my nose, so I don't smell the sleeping spell you're going to use," The man explained to me.   "I need Joz's permission to let you out; he's a dark elf and can tell if you're lying or not," I explained to the man, and he drew a sword from his hand.   "Can you see my sword? After the training and to become an official wizard, this is the weapon that I choose," The man told me, and I appeared to believe him.   "I'll call Joz first," I said to the man.   "If that's what you want, it's okay. My name is Leonard Caruz," he told me.   "My name is Azura Alwina Cynthia Feax," I said to Leonard as I stood up to go to Joz.   A part of me doesn't believe in him, but there's also a part of me that thinks he wants to help me and be a friend.   When I entered Herra and Joz's room, they were talking, and Joz looked at me.   "Did you obtain any information?" Joz asked.   "There's a wizard in the jail, and he's telling the truth, so I came here to let you know," I explained to Joz, and they both looked surprised.   "That's very unlikely, Azura, because elf demons care about who's with them," Herra said.   "He told me his name as well. He told me that to get to the immortal world, he had to pretend to be an elf demon, and that's what he did to us today," I explained to them, and Joz thought.   "I will think about it. I need to know the full details of why he always travels in different worlds, then I will think about whether I release him or not," Joz replied.   "That's exactly what I was thinking," I said quietly to Joz, who stood up.   "Sit down first, Azura, you stay here," Herra said, and I did.   "I thought Leonard was nice," I said, and I was surprised when Joz returned with Leonard right away.   "I didn't think twice, he's a wizard, and he has proof," Joz said, handing Leonard a pin with an eagle symbol on it.   "Is this a wizard's symbol?" Leonard nodded when I asked.   "Are you planning on training with the wizard?" Leonard asked me.   "Yes, I intend to train, and the reason is a long story," I told Leonard, and he nodded.   "Can I leave now that you've discovered I'm a wizard?" Leonard stated unequivocally and clearly that he desired to leave the elf palace.   "We need to talk to Queen Mei about your departure first," Joz explained to Leonard.   "She is correct. Just do what Joz says, Leonard; the elves are friendly here," I notified Leonard.   "All right, I'll follow. I can wait," Leonard said. It's good that he can wait.   We went out with Herra and are now on our way to see Queen Mei; when we arrived, the queen was surprised because Leonard was with us.   "Isn't he an elf demon? Why are you bringing him here?" Queen Mei said to us. According to the queen, that's why we were surprised; doesn't she think Leonard is a wizard?   "He's not an elf demon. He's a wizard," Joz replied, taking a deep breath.   "I was nervous. I thought this man was an elf demon. What do you need?" Queen Mei asked us.   Joz told her what happened, and when he told her, the queen nodded, and Joz said it to her.   "You could leave now because Azura and Joz made a mistake in picking you up and didn't feel like you were a wizard," Queen Mei said. Could we be punished?   "Don't worry, Azura and Joz, I'm not going to punish you. You are welcome to continue your training with Joz." When Queen Mei told us, I smiled. It's a good thing Queen Mei is so lovely.   We took Leonard, and as we were leaving the palace, he stopped, and he handed something to me like a bell, which surprised me.   "How am I going to use this bell?" I questioned Leonard,   "You'll use it when you're ready to train with the wizards, and I'll take you there myself," Leonard said, making me smile.   "Thank you; when I get there, I'll tell you why I need to get stronger," I said, and Leonard nodded, giving me a small bell.   He vanished, and I hid the small bell that Leonard gave me.   "Should we practice again?" I asked Joz.   "We're going back to the immortal world, and I have missions there where I'm going to kill a creature," Joz explained, explaining why he needed my assistance.   "All right, I'll come; I can assist you in killing the creature!" I said, and Joz rebuilt the portal.   We went inside, and I just followed him, putting my hood over my head so no one could see me. Maybe they'll recognize me because I still look like Mom.   We're now in the woods, and I can see many big houses and shops with lights behind me. We were getting further away from there, and I could already sense the powerful aura of a creature and beast.   "Wait," Joz said softly, and the plant in front of us shifted, forcing me to concentrate.   I also felt as if someone was rushing up behind me, but it didn't appear to be the case when Joz abruptly cut the plant and spewed out many pieces of it.   There was no people or animals present, so that it could have just been the wind. As we walked towards what he said, we went back. What kind of creature would we kill?   We arrived at the open area and found nothing.   "What sort of creature are you going to s*******r?" I asked Joz.   "A bird," Joz said, and I felt a strong wind on my face. I removed my hood and looked up at the sky.   Joz formed a bow in his hand using the iron power of a dark elf when I saw the giant blue bird flying.   I tried to make a bow but failed, so I just took out my hammer and made sure I could hit him with it when the big blue bird came down here.   I was surprised when the bird yelled so loudly that a strong wind hit us, Joz and I jumped out, and there was a large piece of ice coming at us.   We quickly separated so that we wouldn't be hit. It appears that we will have a difficult time killing it. I'm still relatively weak.   **   
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