Immortal 2 #9

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Herra's PoV   I took my clothes out of my old cabinet. I moved them to the other cabinet because my old cabinet was destroyed.   When I finished arranging my clothes, I heard Azura's voice, and Joz stood up. A wolf and Azura appeared in front of me as the door opened.   "A Wolf, is that Azura you're talking about?" I ask why is he here? And I backed away. And how did he manage to get in?   "Herra, he said he wants to come with me and watch my training, can he?" Azura asked, and I took a deep breath.   "Does Queen Mei see him?" I questioned Azura.   "Not yet, but I will say it to Queen Mei so that she is aware," Azura said, and I nodded.   "All right, you can train now. I need to do something," I said, and as I walked away, I looked at them.   The male wolf was staring at her, and I knew he loved Azura from the look in his eyes. I took the key from the drawer when the door closed.   I went out and went straight to the evil elves' dungeon here in our palace, where I saw the evil elf men and elf women.   I made a meal with my hand, opened the women's cage, placed it in front of her, and quickly shut the jail door.   The next is men, but first, I made a barrier between us; when the door opened, I immediately placed the food inside and shut it.   I immediately put up a barrier because I knew they would kick me. Unlike the women, I believe women are aware of this. I observed how they ate and was about to leave when a woman spoke up.   "Can't we just get out of here?" The woman said.   "I don't know. As long as Queen Mei ordered me to imprisoned you all here while you're alive, your obsession with power can't be removed from you," I replied to her.   "But we've changed! Only men have remained the same! That will not happen again!" The woman said to me, and then the men said the same thing.   "We are as well! We have changed for the better!" They said, but I didn't listen, and I left.   I shook my head when I came out, and they still haven't changed. They've told me that they had changed a few times, but I don't believe it.   I will know because I have a vision; I can see what will happen, and now I see that if I believe in them, they will destroy the palace and kill the good elves like me.   I went to Queen Mei's gathering area. I asked her if any prisoners would be transferred to another site of the elf palace.   When I arrived, Queen Mei was conversing with Azura and Zero; had they previously talked?   "Next time, Azura, don't bring Zero here because it's dangerous; luckily, only Herra and Joz know you brought a werewolf here," Queen Mei told Azura as I approached them.   "Good morning, Queen Mei," I said as I greeted her.   "All right, Queen Mei, we'll go first," Azura said as she and my brother Joz walked away.   "Herra, good morning. What are you going to ask?" Queen Mei asked.   "Will a prisoner be transferred right away? Because I'm leaving to go to Immortal World," I informed Herra.   "No, don't transfer them. All I'm going to ask you to do now is save the beggar elves in the Immortal World," Queen Mei told me.   "As you wish, Queen Mei," I told her, and I knelt to pay my respects to her.   I exited the palace, put the hood over my head, and used the portal. I walked in, and I was immediately transported to the Immortal World.   They don't need to know that I'm from the Demon world; I started walking. As soon as I finished putting myself together, they looked at me. They wouldn't see anything out of the ordinary.   Sometimes I feel sorry for the elf children here; they don't have anything to eat every day and survive by begging. When I arrive at the black market area, I see the elf children selling.   All they wanted was money, so I approached a boy, and he looked at me.   "Who are you? Are you going to purchase?" The boy asked me, and I removed the spell that had changed my appearance; he was taken aback by what he saw now.   "You're an elf? How did you manage to live so long? Please let me know!" The boy said to me as he pulled on my clothes.   In front of him, I knelt.   "Do you know any other known kids who sell on the black market here?" I questioned the boy.   "Yes, I know a lot. Will, you also buy the ones they sell ?!" The boy's voice was happy to answer me.   "No, I'll take you somewhere to live because I don't want to see you suffer," I said, and he let go of the item he was selling.   "Is that so?! Is it possible that I'm not dreaming?" The boy asked me.   "Yes, it's very true, so tell me where your other friend is or if he's with you," I said to the boy, and the boy took my hand in his.   We walked until we came to a dark alley full of garbage and rotten food.   "Who is that with you, Eric?" A girl's asked the boy.   "She's an elf-like us, and she will treat us better! That means she'll feed and care for us!" When Eric said that, the kids were thrilled.   He has a lovely name, but why do they live in such a filthy and stinky environment?   "Are you prepared to go to a clean and evil-free place?" When I told them, they both nodded.   "Hold hands, everyone," I said, and they did.   They were amazed when I built a portal, and we entered it simultaneously, and they were even more amazed when we arrived in the demon world.   "Where on earth is this?" Eric asked me.   "You are in the demon world; we will go to the elf palace, where you will be cared for and taught how to fight and wield power," I explained to both of them, and they all smiled.   We walked to the elf palace. The two-child was amazed. Some children ran away when we entered there, and they stopped because they saw the children I was with.   "Are they new, Herra?" Janny asked me.   "They're new. Treat the new children as our own family, okay??" I informed Janny, and she nodded.   "It appears to be a nice place to live," one of the girls commented.   "Yes, everything you need is here," I said as I went upstairs to check out the new rooms.   When we adopt young elves, we decide whether or not they will go on adventures or stay in the palace.   Some of them have chosen to remain in the palace and serve us, while others are grateful and say that we will be rewarded for what we did to them one day in terms of raising them.   "You all will be in the same room, is that okay?" I told them. The room was enormous when we arrived, and the beds were side by side.   "Yes, that's fine with us! We, too, do not want to be separated from one another!" Eric informed me, and they return to bed.   "I'm here! And this will be my spot" They jumped on the bed after the girl said this.   "I'll go down first, and I'll call Queen Mei the queen," I said, and they abruptly came to a halt.   "Is there a queen? Is she evil or nice?" I was perplexed when they asked me.   "Why did you ask? Have you ever had a queen before?" I asked them.   "There is, and she is so bad that she made us slaves," they said sadly, and I became sad all of a sudden.   "Queen Mei is very kind except for the evil elves. She is brilliant with all types of elves." When I told them, they smiled.   "Thank you very much! Could you please tell us your name?" They questioned me.   "My name is Herra Labin, I'm a light elf, and I can teach you how to fight and wield power," I told them, and they smiled and introduced themselves to me one by one.   Azura's PoV   Why can't I concentrate? Is it because Zero is here, keeping an eye on me? He used to watch, so why can't I focus now?   "Azura, focus," Joz said, and I nodded once more.   How many times has Joz told me to concentrate? Yet here I am, always thinking about Zero's condition because Zero's family died.   "Yes, I will concentrate!" I told Joz I'm sure my heart is telling me to stay next to Zero and don't deny him what he wants.   When I rushed again, I held the hammer well and formed myself in such a way that Joz couldn't tell which way I was going.   When I approached him, I immediately struck him with my hammer. Water and electricity poured out of him; he was severely hurt, and I walked away.   "Is this all we'll be doing in a month?" I asked Joz.   "Yes, Are you getting bored? Do you give up right away?" I shook my head when Joz asked.   "I'm not going to give up; remember, I'm serious about my training," I said, and Joz smiled.   "Then let us start over again!" I got energized even more because Joz was shouting.   I rushed again, and there was a c***k in the floor, so I used my power to fix it immediately.   "What are you doing? You should do that later, and it will weaken you!" Joz told me, and when I finished, I dropped to my knees.   When I was weak, I heard Zero yell at me.   "Alwina!" I was taken aback when Zero addressed me by my middle name, and I looked at Zero.   "What were you thinking? You are aware that you are currently training, then you will repair the c***k on the ground? Are you insane?" I was taken aback when he asked Zero cared about me.   "I'm sorry if I did that," I told Zero, and he hugged me, so I was very close to him.   "I'm not going anywhere right away. Zero, don't be concerned about me; I'm fine," I told Zero, and when he hugged me, he let go.   "Next time, think about your power because it is still limited right now; remember that you still need a lot of training to get stronger," Zero said, and I smiled.   "Thank you for reminding Zero," I said to Zero, and he helped me stand up.   "First, let's rest, and then we'll resume your training," Joz said.   "Can't Azura rest early again? It's like she can gain a lot of strength again," Zero said.   "Perhaps you like that, Azura?" Joz inquired.   "Yes, I can; I'll be here early," I said, and Joz nodded.   "All right, that's fine with me because you can learn everything I teach you," Joz said.   We entered my palace, and when we got there, he made me sit on the sofa, and he surprised me by taking off my shoes.   My heart pounded as Zero touched my foot, and I waited to see what he would do. He sat down in front of me, and I laughed as I felt him massage me.   "Zero, I'm not mortal. I don't feel tired on my feet," I told Zero, and he laughed along with me.   "Of course, what should I do to give you more rest?" Zero asked me.   "I'm also not sure, and I'll just sit next to you," I said, and he smiled.   Zero leaned over me and rested his head on my legs, closing his eyes as I stroked his hair.   My heart raced as I stared at his lips; I wanted to kiss Zero. I slowly approached his face, but I was surprised when someone entered, and the door slammed.   "Gab and Zach! Skyler and I caught–" Jeff stopped talking when he saw Zero and me about to kiss.   "Perhaps we'll just eat later!" After Jeff diverted. I used the blood contract to put a stop to them.   "Where are you going? You've left again, haven't you? It would be best if you stayed to the palace every day," I told the four beasts, and they didn't answer.   "Are you always hungry? Just let me know so I can send someone to get you some food," I asked the two of them.   "I'm sorry, my lady. Jeff invite me to hunt animals," Skyler apologized, clearly sincere in his apology.   "You Jeff, you don't have anything to say?" I asked Jeff.   "I'm sorry, my lady," Jeff apologized, knelt, and released the bird they caught.   "There's a new thing to clean. Take a look at filthy carpet." I said this, and then Gabriel and Zach appeared.   "Jeff, where's the animal? Oh s**t! My lady has already arrived!" Zach said, then he hides.   "Don't hide any longer because I can see you two," I told Zack and Gabriel, and he walked away from where they were hiding.   "I'm sorry, my lady, we won't do this again," they said, and I laughed.   Perhaps they have forgotten that they are free to do whatever they want.   "Why are you laughing?" Zach asks me.   "Because I'm joking, how could you forget? Didn't I say you could do whatever you wanted?" I said, and the four beasts all laughed at the same time.   "Without a doubt! I'm sorry, my lady; I assumed you were serious as well, so we didn't remember," Gabriel said to me while laughing.   **
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