Immortal 2 #11

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Zero's PoV   Why do I have the impression that Azura has a foe? I'm back in the palace, but I'm on the rooftop this time because those four beasts are making a racket down there.   "Zero," I was surprised to hear Zach's voice and turned to face him.   "Why? Did you get a sense of Azura?" I asked Zach because I know they're related by blood, and I'm sure they can sense their master.   "Yes, you are correct. My lady appears to be fighting now a large bird called Mountain guardian." Zach told me that this might be Azura's last training.   "Do you want to go?" Zach questioned me. I know it's hard to kill that creature that large.   "Let's go, but we're a long way away; take the others with you," I told Zach and jump down to the rooftop, where I land in the gate.   The four came out, and they appeared concerned as a result of Zach's words.   "She's not in danger; we're just going so that if something bad happens to her, at least we'll be there," I explained to Jeff, and everyone nodded.   "Who is capable of creating a portal?" When I asked, Zach raised his hand.   "I'm going to transform myself into a phoenix, and you're all going to ride me," Zach said, so I didn't do anything.   He transformed into a phoenix, and we all rode with him. He flew and built a portal in his hand, through which we entered. I was taken aback by Azura's presence in the immortal world; is this where she is fighting the creature?   "I've finally found my lady! She's in the woods, far from the immortals' homes!" Gabriel said, and Zach went straight to where it pointed. I saw Azura fighting, and I saw a little blood in her cheeks. I would be worried when her wound heals immediately, but I didn't go down.   "Is there any way that Azura won't see us?" I asked them because I saw Jeff use power to create an invisible barrier.   "It won't see us because I put up an invisible barrier, but my lady will know we're here," Jeff explained to me.   I saw Azura float to the top and construct it with her fire hand; they were the same as her father's power, who was more aware of the power of fire than the other elements.   "Looks like Azura will scold us when she realizes we're here and there's no one guarding the palace," Skyler, who was terrified.   "Leave that to me," I told the four beasts, and I was surprised when Azura appeared with a large sword and cut the giant mountain guardian in half.   Following that, his companion Joz formed a large sword and cut the mountain guardian further, causing it to fall.   Power came out here, and both entered Azura and Joz. Azura suddenly looked at the behavior here with us, and the four beasts were surprised.   "We are in big trouble! We must depart!" Skyler looked perplexed, and Azura approached us.   Azura grabbed the barrier, and it vanished in front of our eyes because she couldn't believe we were here.   "What exactly are you doing here?! Who is now guarding the palace?" Azura asked, and I stared at her.   "I'm sorry, my lady Zero said we'd go see you because he's worried," Zach said, and her annoyance vanished as Azura looked at me.   "Is that true, Zero? You're worried again?" Azura asked me, and I just wanted to make sure she was okay.   "You're right. We didn't help you because I know you're strong and capable of defeating your opponent," I said to Azura, and she smiled.   "Do you know where you are?" Azura asked the four beasts who were now terrified of her.   "Yes, we are aware that we are in the immortal world," Zach responded, and I laughed because she was reprimanding the four beasts.   "Because you're here, you'll hunt a creature similar to the one I killed. You can't return to the demon world if you don't kill the same creature that I have killed." We went down after Azura said that.   "Is this your last training?" I asked Azura.   "Yes, Joz told me before we started fighting this creature that it was a mission that the queen had assigned to him," Azura replied to me.   "Is that so? Your next training will be in witchcraft spells?" I asked Azura, and she nodded.   "But first, we have to go somewhere," Azura explained, and where are we both going?   "Where are we going?" I ask Azura.   "In Ocean's Tribe, I want to learn their power," Azura told me; to whom did she find out about this?   "Who did you find out about this?" I asked Azura.   "Because I saw Joz's power that was unique, and I thought it came from elf powers," Azura explained. Azura appeared to be even stronger.   I hugged Azura because I always miss her, and when she completes all of her plans, I will make her happy and show her how much I love her.   "Is that what you're saying, my lady? Are we going to go hunting?" I let go of the hug Azura when the four beasts asked.   "Yes, and Zero and I are returning to the demon world," Azura replied, and the four beasts shouted in response.   "We will not do it again, my lady! We can't defeat a creature if we don't work together." They knelt and begged Azura, as Gabriel said.   "Why? Did I say you individually kill the creature that was no longer alive? Because you didn't pay attention —"   "We understand! We're going to s*******r a creature! We're going to kill by working the four of us together! My lady, we're going to be ahead of you!" Zach immediately yelled, and Azura burst out laughing.   We were holding hands as the four beasts vanished.   "Azura, your training is complete; Let us return to the elf palace to obtain your badge, a symbol that you are already a member of the elf's tribe," Joz said as he built a portal away and leaving.   "How can we possibly leave now? You cannot create a portal," I asked Azura.   "Let's just find the tunnel here to the demon world, teleport, and ask questions," Azura said, and I nodded.   I took her hand in mine, and we teleported, where many immortals are walking around so that what we can ask is kind like Azura.   "What if we are the one to look for it? Maybe we can find it," I told Azura, and she shook her head.   "It'll be difficult for us to find, but there are good immortals here, and I'm sure they can help us," Azura said, so I did nothing.   "All right, you said that, and I believe you," I told Azura. We've kept walking, and there was a woman buying accessories.   Azura approached the woman and looked at her, and she asked the woman, I was here behind her.   "Can you tell me where the demon world's portal is?" Azura asked the woman, and the woman responded quickly.   "Teleport to the sea, to the realm of immortal mermaids," The woman replied before departing.   "We've got the answer. Let's go," Azura said as we teleported, holding my hand.   We're here now, and we can hear every wave and see the portal. We were walking here and were surprised when a merman appeared out of nowhere, wearing a head that made it evident that it was a merman.   "What brings you here? Why are you visiting the demon world?" Azura asked the Merman, and the man turned to face me.   "That's where I live," Azura replied, and the Merman laughed.   "You're immortal, and you live there? Incredible!" The Merman said this while pointing his weapon at Azura.   "If you don't believe, you can come along," Azura said, causing the Merman to laugh even more complex.   "I'm just a wolf; I'm not immortal. The demon world is the place where we live," I explained, letting go of Azura's hand.   "Do you still not believe it? Do you want to experience my power? You have no idea who is in front of you," Azura stated, and she was about to approach when I intervened.   "Let's just wait for your four beasts," I said to her, but I could see the rage in Merman's eyes.   "What are the four beasts? Do you own four beasts?" The merman man asked, surprised.   "Yes, why? You have a complaint and want to know what to do?" He received a response from Azura.   "I don't need to know that, you are an immortal, you can't go to the demon world unless you have a high immortal meaning powerful in this world," The Merman said to Azura, bending his hand.   I could see an aura emanating from her body, and I could feel her power.   "Control your power, Azura. What if a large number of people from the ocean's tribe are upset with you?" Azura's eyes were already red when I stopped her.   "I didn't want to waste any time, so let us go," Azura sighed, and the Merman mocked us.   "You're a jerk, and I need to teach you a lesson!" When Azura shouted, the Merman jumped on us.   I was afraid Azura wouldn't control her monster form if all of her power came out and she changed her form. I was going to stop her, and she had given me a bad look.   "Don't stop me, Zero! If he doesn't know me, he'd better die!" Azura said, annoyed, and she rushed to the Merman as they fought.   I'm not sure how I'll track down the four beasts to stop Azura because she's the only one who's connected to them. I suddenly remembered riding with Zach, so I smelled my clothes and recognized his scent.   But if I leave here, they might catch Azura and imprison her in the ocean's palace; I can't leave her, so all I have to do is stop her myself.   I don't want to see Azura struggle; we would have left if she could make a portal. Azura sprang towards me, so I quickly caught her, and Azura would have stood up if I hadn't stopped her.   "Calm down, Azura! If you fight, we won't get anything!" I told Azura, and she surprised me by hurting me.   She escaped and fought the Merman again; I examined my wound and discovered her long nail caused it. I jumped up and blocked between the two of them into my werewolf form.   "What are you doing, Zero?" Azura yelled, but I didn't pay attention.   "It appears you two are telling the truth; this guy is not an immortal wolf, but a regular werewolf," the Merman said.   "You can go now," The Merman said boredly, and Azura's monster form vanished, and she dashed into the portal.   I followed, and just as I was about to enter, I said something to the Merman.   "Next time, don't judge someone who is telling the truth. Bring someone who can see a vision," I said to Merman, and I entered the portal.   When I walked in, I noticed Azura on her knees and approached her.   "Are you all right? Have you lost your monster form?" When I asked Azura, she looked at me.   "Thank you, Zero, and you're brave enough to stop me from that fighting," Azura said to me, and I returned with a smile to her.   "I know if I don't stop you, I'm sure you'll be able to kill that merman even though he's immortal," I told Azura.   "He didn't seem to know Dad, so he didn't know me. Maybe Dad might know someone who isn't like him," Azura said to me.   "You're right, and your father has always been a part of Sander's world," I told Azura.   Azura stood up to her feet and took my hand in hers.   "Let's go to Ocean's tribe here in the demon world," Azura said, and we teleported there right away.   When we arrived, Azura was about to step into the sea when a woman spoke up.   "What is an immortal in need of?" It appears to be the queen's question.   "I want to meet you and learn about your power," Azura said as I walked away.   The water formed a human shape and looked at Azura, surprised that she resembled the ocean's tribe's queen.   "Are you Caex's daughter, correct me?" I was taken aback because she knew Azura's father.   "Do you know who my father is?" Azura asked immediately, and the mermaid nodded.   "What do you want to know? You can get inside. Are you with someone?" the mermaid asked Azura.   "Yes, my boyfriend Zero is with me," Azura replied, and it was a good thing she agreed to come inside with me.   When we went inside, we were given a bubble to put in our faces so we could breathe, and the mermaids and Merman looked at us.   "An immortal! What is it doing here!" A woman shouted, and they were terrified, but to me, they were not scared.   The king merman looked at Azura when I saw him.   "What would an immortal and a werewolf require?" The king merman inquired, and the person who delivered us was a queen.   "I want to know that power can protect everyone," Azura said.   "You mean the barrier made of bubbles?" The king merman said to Azura.   "That's exactly what I mean; can I learn that? In exchange, I will protect you all?" Azura said.   "We're not teaching you because you're strong enough. You can't handle that when you have a lot of power," said the merman king.   "Is that so? Do you know my father?" Azura asked King Merman.   "Yes, we know, and that's why I'm telling you that you can't have much power because you can't handle it; your father is the strongest, but he can't handle the most powerful power he has," the merman king explained to Azura.   "Then why did he die so quickly and abandon me?" Azura's tone abruptly changed to one of sadness.   When Azura said that, everyone became quiet.   **
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