Immortal 2 #14

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Azura's PoV   I peeked outside. I know Sam will come here to deliver my breakfast the next day, but I saw that she wasn't there yet, so I moved the bell here on the side of my door.   I shut my door, and then there was a knock. I got up and opened the door. I knew it was Sam that will come to my room this morning.   "Do you require anything?" Sam asked me, and I took the keychain that her admirer had given her.   "I'm giving it to you," I said to Sam, and she took it. She suddenly smiled, and I wondered why she seemed to be expecting that demon to appear.   "Do you like him as well?" I asked Sam, and when she didn't respond right away, I tapped her on the shoulder.   "If you want him, you should be honest with the queen and say you want a man," I told Sam. When she was sad, she hugged the keychain.   "The relationship with our tribe is not possible; I will not be able to be with the person I want," Sam told me, and I felt her pain.   "Do you love him already?" When I asked Sam, she raised her head and nodded.   "Don't you want to leave the witches' tribe if you love him?" When I asked her, she shook his head.   "I can't leave because the queen will be angry with me, but I swear I will not break the rules in this palace and tribe," Sam said, and I immediately fall silent.   "Thank you for seeing him outside. It's a good thing he didn't get caught," Sam said to me, and I smiled.   "I told him to wait for you no matter what," I explained to Sam.   "Is he still willing to wait for me? Witches have a limited lifespan," Sam told me, which made me very sad.   I wish there were immortality in the lives of witches like me; it's heartbreaking to hear from them that their lives are limited.   "All right, I don't need anything. Go back to what you're doing now," I said, and Sam nodded as she left.   I've shut the door; I can't allow myself to be near others. Because if they disappear, I will have a difficult time and suffer even more. I returned to my chair and sat down, continuing to study the water spell.   I opened the book, formed a small bird with my hand, flew it, and made a loud noise. I covered my ears because that's how I cast the deafening noise spell on my opponent.   Sander couldn't possibly be deaf, so what if the spells of water, fire, and air were combined? What will occur? When I do that, perhaps I'll be able to generate another spell.   But first, I need to master this water spell; I need to cast even more potent spells in the water. I should make a larger one just in case.   Zero's PoV   I can't do anything in the palace because Azura is not here, and I can't communicate with anyone. I wanted to go to my family's house before, but I couldn't because Sander might catch me again and find out where I am.   I got out of our room, went downstairs, and saw three beasts talking.   "Zero, where are you going?" Gabriel asked, and I came to a halt as I walked out.   "I'll just go to my family's grave," I said to Gabriel, and he nodded before returning to their conversation.   I went outside and walked to the garden, where I took a flower, and then went to the burial area that Azura made for my family. When I arrived, I went inside and decided to land another flower, as I had done the day before.   I come here every day to see them; it's right across the street from Azura's palace, so it won't be difficult for me to come here. I prayed, then got up and walked out of the small house.   I looked around the palace, hoping that the three beasts would not notice that I had left. I ran away from the palace in my werewolf form, not knowing where I was going but just wanting to clear my mind because I couldn't stop thinking about Azura.   I miss her every day. Azura never disappears from my mind. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her. Because I love her like this and want to be with her for a long time, I stopped when I reached the high cliff.   I sat for a while, looking at the bottom and the sea into which I would fall if I jumped. The wind is strong here, but my mind is peaceful.   "Zero, why did you leave without telling me what would happen if my lady got angry again?" I was taken aback when Gabriel appeared.   "I'm sorry if I bothered you; I just wanted to calm my mind," I said to Gabriel, and he turned to face me.   "If you have a problem, you can talk to us. Of course, it's just man talk," Gabriel said, and I softly laughed.   "Yes, but Azura knows everything," I pointed out, to which Gabriel laughed.   "She won't know if no one says anything, but she can use her power to see a vision, and she'll also know we talk to each other," Gabriel explained to me.   "Come back if you're OK; it's near night falls. It's dangerous," Gabriel told me as he teleported back to the palace.   I wish I were as strong as Azura so that I could protect her no matter what, but I was born to be a werewolf.   Maybe I'll stay here until it gets dark because I want to see something, like the moon and fireflies that fly at night. Two hours later, it became dark, and I noticed the moon in the sky; when I turned around, I noticed fireflies.   When I caught one of the fireflies, they moved away from me, and I considered returning to the palace. When I returned there, I didn't see the three beasts; perhaps they had left again.   I entered Azura's room, took a small pouch, placed the firefly I had caught inside, then smiled. Will it be alive when Azura returns home? Can I go to her and hand it over.   I'll see Azura tomorrow! I sat down on the bed and promptly fell asleep.   The following day, I awoke early and immediately took a shower; when I finished, I went out of the room and took the firefly I caught the night before; I went down and saw four beasts eating loudly.   "Zero! Come to eat breakfast with us!" Skyler claims that they catch quite a bit as they eat the bird they caught.   "Perhaps I'll just go hunting outside because I eat something else," I replied to Skyler, and he nodded as I walked away.   The witch's palace was a bit far away; it might have taken me five hours to get there. I usually walk there, but sometimes I run to make sure I get there on time.   Four hours later, as I was walking and running, I came across the Witches' Palace. When I saw Azura practicing her spell, she abruptly stopped and looked at my behavior, which surprised me.   She can feel my presence very fast!   She quickly approached me and pushed me back.   "What are you doing here, Zero?! Why did you leave the palace once more? Do you miss me this much?" Azura asked me.   "I miss you so much, but I'll give you something," I said to Azura, handing her the firefly I had caught, and she took it.   "Zero this beautiful, but you shouldn't come here because it's dangerous; many people will be scared with you because you're a wolf," Azura said to me as I touched her waist.   "I don't care as long as I see you," I told Azura. Her cheeks were flushed all of a sudden.   "All right, get out of here. The queen might see you!" Azura said to me, and she took my hand off her waist.   "I love you," I said to Azura, and she turned to face me.   "I love you too as well, so go ahead and leave!" When Azura told me that, I burst out laughing and instantly transformed into my werewolf form.   I ran fast, and my heart was racing; I wanted to kiss Azura just in case she dismissed me right away, and I couldn't do anything.   I stopped when I was completely away from the palace of witches. I went to a river and drank water there.   Azura's PoV   Zero, fortunately, left right away. I can't believe he came here; it must have taken him four or five hours to get here.   I looked at the small jar with the fireflies in it; It wasn't visible in the light because it was only noon. I put it in my pocket and went back to practicing my water and air spells.   I created a tornado and quickly removed it because it was about to hit the palace; I also made a wind that allowed me to fly. When I stood up, I was startled and quickly fell to the floor.   "How is your training going?" Queen Daesy asked me. Is she had been watching me while I was training?   "It's OK, there's no problem, the spells I read in the book are simple to understand," I said to Queen Daesy, and she nodded.   "I'll give you something if you learn it faster," Queen Daesy promised.   "I'm fine with no reward," I told Queen Daesy.   "All the witches here that are successful in their training with their spells have a reward," Queen Daesy said to me, and I did nothing.   "OK, I'm willing to do whatever you reward me for!" I responded to Queen Daesy, and she smiled back.   "From what I can tell, it appears that you already know the spell combination?" Queen Daesy asked me.   "Yes, I know I found out in the book, I really read it carefully," I replied to Queen Daesy, and she approached me once the water formed.   "Can you see this water? You can create a large monster here," Queen Daesy said to me, and I was surprised when she summoned an octopus with the water spell.   I was even more astounded by what she did; Queen Daesy immediately removed it, and we both got wet. We laughed, and I immediately used the wind spell to dry us off.   "How quickly can you study the wind spell?" I nodded when Queen Daesy asked.   "I put the water ahead of the wind," I told Queen Deasy, and she smiled.   "OK, I'll leave you here. I still have a lot of work to do," Queen Daesy told me, and then she walked away.   I resumed my spell training, attempting to create a large octopus-like Queen Daesy, but I couldn't.   Perhaps I should learn a variety of water spells; I'll be able to do so soon. I quickly grasped the meaning of the book I was reading.   I went back to the palace to rest first, and I even ring the bell near my door to have food brought to me because I was already hungry. I was going to release this firefly that Zero gave me tonight, but it's too late now, so I'll release it in the forest later.   The forest is close to the witches' palace, so I won't have too much trouble getting back.   The night passed, and I pulled my hood over my head; I'm now in the forest, looking for a location where I can release this firefly. I arrived at the large tree and looked up, thinking that it might be an old tree.   I sat down and released the firefly on its own; it flew upwards, and I didn't notice it right away. I took a deep breath and felt the air around me; I saw someone approaching it.   "Is anyone there?" I said boldly, and I saw the foot, and it came out of the light, along with a man wearing a hood and looking at me.   "I should be the one asking you that, care to explain what you're doing here in the ancient tree." When he asked, I quickly stood up.   "Ancient tree? What do you mean? I didn't know there was such a tree," I replied to the man, and he lowered his hood.   I was surprised to see that man had green scales on his cheek. Her eyes are also green, as if he is radiant. Who is he, and why is he so agitated? I didn't do anything to the tree.   "That's why you're unfamiliar with the ancient tree; this tree is my home. You can tell by the look on my face, can't you? This tree has given me power," he told me, and I couldn't say anything.   I'm not sure, but he appears to be friendly; it suddenly wind hard, and my hood came down.   "I'm going now. I'm sorry if I sit here," I said to the man as I adjusted my clothes.   "Just a moment, I'd like to know your name; the nice color of your eyes makes me think you're a demon," The man said.   "You don't need to know my name because I'm a student at the witch's palace," I explained to the man.   "If that so, then I will introduce myself, my name is Clark, and the ancient tree gave me power," Clark introduce himself to me.   "Is your name that short?" I asked Clark, and he nodded.   "It's embarrassing if I don't introduce myself. I'm Azura Alwina Cynthia Feax. I'm an immortal. I have a monster inside my soul and body," I told Calrk, and he spread his arms.   I shook Clark's hand and noticed that the scales on his wrist and cheek were glowing.   "I sense you're in a good mood, you're a rebel, and you want vengeance on your family," Clark said, and I let go of his hand.   "Do you have that kind of power?" I asked Clark.   "One of my talents," Clark replied to me, and I couldn't believe it.   **   
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