Immortal 2 #15

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Azura's PoV   "May I go now?" When I asked Clark, he looked me in the eyes from foot to face.   "I guess not. You need to do something because you let a firefly loose in here," Clark said as if I was wrong for releasing the firefly. That is part of nature.   "There's nothing wrong with that. Firefly is part of nature," I said to Clark. He shakes his head.   "You should only release the firefly if it has fireflies with it," Clark said, so I took a deep breath.   "Would you like me to catch it again?" I said this to Clark and used my strength to jump high, but he suddenly grabbed my foot, causing me to fall.   "Don't because it's gone," Clark said, and I was irritated because my face landed on the ground.   "Follow me," Clark said, and as he got closer to the tree, he touched it and discovered an entrance.   "Stand there," Clark said to me, and I got up right away. I followed him inside, and I saw that it was full of plants, but there was someone inside.   "Wait a minute, why is someone inside the plant?" I asked Clark, and he looked at me.   "Because they are the ones with sinners, they tried to cut down this tree," Clark explained, and I approached one when I noticed it had hair on its body, which surprised me.   "This guy is weird. Is he a werewolf?" I asked Clark, and he nodded immediately.   I just followed Clark as he took something from his desk, and as soon as he was in front of me, I blocked his hand because he could hurt me.   "Why do you seem scared?" Clark said, and when I removed my hand, I saw that he was holding a jar full of fireflies.   "What are you going to do?" When I asked Clark, he handed me a jar full of fireflies.   "I'm giving it to you because you like fireflies," Clark said, and I looked at the jar full of fireflies.   "I just let go of that firefly because my boyfriend gave it to me," I explained to Clark, and he was taken aback.   "Is that so? I thought you were the one catch it, and then you let it go." Clark told me this, and I laughed as he approached me.   I was taken aback when Clark took my hand in his, and he was staring into my eyes. Is this man interested in me?   "You can go now. Come back when you're sad. It will be just here, this ancient tree," Clark said, so I finally got out of here.   Why is Clark suddenly being friendly? Wait, didn't he fell in love with me right away? That's not possible because Zero will become enraged, and if he finds out that someone likes me, he'll be too jealous!   I teleported back to the witch's palace and went inside, but I still held the jar that Clark gave to me; I should have left it there because there was still a way to get back there.   When I got into my room, I put it on my desk, I lay down on my bed, and I'm still thinking about what happened earlier. Clark apparently intended to do something to me earlier, as he held my hand, but why is that man's hand so soft?   Shouldn't a man had a little thick-handed? He could be gay.   Clark's PoV   I noticed Azura was already in the witch's palace. I remembered my vision of what would happen to her if she continued to love her boyfriend now that she will have a tragedy.   I teleported to Azura and noticed she was sleeping. I noticed the jar I gave her and examined it to see if it had been reduced. I gave it to her for protection, but I believe she will also release it.   I approached Azura and examined her face; she is stunning when you look closely. I was about to touch it when I realized someone was staring at me, and when I rolled my eyes, I was surprised to see a man standing on the side staring at me.   "Can you tell me who you are?" I inquired of him.   "I suppose I should ask you, who are you? What are you doing? Going to touch my daughter?" What he said surprised me, his daughter? But why doesn't her daughter appear to be aware that he is here?   "I've been dead for a long time, and I'm just watching her," he said, her blue eyes matching this woman.   This woman is, in fact, his daughter.   "I'm sorry for coming in here; I just want to know about her future," I said, and he came to a halt in front of me.   "You don't have to know that because I'll take care of her; I'm just here next to her all the time," he told me. I'm not sure what's in front of me right now.   But I believe he holds a high position in this demon world.   "May I ask what your name is?" I asked him.   "Caex Feax, I'm an immortal," The spirit of Caex replied to me, which was no surprise given Azura's immortality.   "I'm leaving because I know Azura will notice," I said to Caex's spirit.   "It's too late, and she already knew it," The spirit Caex said to me, and when I turned around, Azura was staring at me, and Caex's soul vanished.   "What brings you here?! And to whom are you speaking?" Azura retorted at me, and she builds a fire in her hand.   "I thought you released the fireflies, so I came here to get it," I said to Azura as I slipped in and turned to face Caex's father, who was now smiling at me.   "Get the hell out!" Azura yelled at me, and I took the jar I had given her and left.   I'm back at the ancient tree, and I'm still nervous; maybe I'll say sorry to Azura when she comes across the Ancient tree again.   Azura's PoV   I looked around and heard Clark talking to someone before, but I didn't know who it was, so I went back to bed and tried to sleep again, but I couldn't sleep again, so I got up again.   I was restless, I didn't know what to do, and I had the feeling that someone was watching over me, so I grabbed my cape and teleported to my palace.   Perhaps Zero and the four beasts are sleeping; I'm sure they won't feel me like I'm here. I went to the mortal world's tunnel, entered it, and went to Dad and Mom's mansion.   I knelt down and carefully examined the mansion; if I had the chance to see them again, I would give them a big hug and tell them how much I love them.   I stood up, but when I raised my head, Clark was standing in front of me?! What brings him here? Is he stalking me?   "Are you following me?" I asked Clark, and he shrugged.   "Are your parents buried here because I felt someone entered the portal to the mortal world?" Clark asked me, and I nodded.   "I'm sorry for what happened earlier; I won't do it again," Clark said to me as I walked past him.   "Don't think about that and forget about me because I still have a lot to do," I said to Clark as I stepped back into the portal.   When I arrived in the demon world, I quickly teleported back to the witch's palace, and I was about to enter when I felt weak.   What happened to me again? I got down on my knees and vomited blood. I needed strength, and I needed it from the four beasts, so I abruptly closed my eyes and breathed in succession.   I opened my eyes and woke up suddenly. Am I in my bed in my palace? Why am I here? Who brought me here?   "Why don't you admit you like Azura?! What exactly did you do to her, and why was she vomiting blood?" I looked at them because I was surprised when I heard Zero yell.   I saw Clark and the three beasts preparing to fight Clark, but Zero didn't do anything. Maybe Clark did bring me here and explain what happened to me.   "My lady, you're awake. He didn't want to answer what happened to you before," Zach said to me, and I could see him passing on his power to me.   "Stop fighting. Clark didn't do anything to me; he just assisted me in getting here because I believe I need the four beasts to rebuild my strength," I said to them, and Zero gave me a look.   "Azura! How are you doing?! Is your breathing normal?" Zero asked. I think he had seen me breathing earlier in the row as if I were a monster that kept breathing.   "I'm fine, let go of Clark," I said to the three beasts, and my three beasts lowered their weapons.   "Thank you, Clark, and thank you for bringing me here; just say what you want in return, a thing or to be an ally," I said to Clark.   "You don't have to pay anymore because I don't want you to die; someone ordered me to save you," Clark told me, and I wondered who had ordered him to save me.   "Who's giving you orders? Did the witches figure it out?!" I was worried to ask.   "Someone whispered to me, and I don't know who it is," Clark said, and I assumed Mom had whispered to him.   I know they are watching over me even when they are not visible, but they can't come down here and be a soul to keep an eye on me.   "Leave now. You have nothing to do here," Zero said to Clark as he took my hand in his.   "Zero, don't be rude; let Clark know if he has anything else to say," I told him, and he remained silent. I believe he is now jealous.   "I have nothing else to say; I'm leaving," Clark said, and it quickly vanished, leaving me to rest deeply and Zach end up empowering.   "Thank you, Zach, Zero, let's talk," I said to Zero, and the four beasts went outside of the room.   Zero still doesn't say anything, and he grips my hand tightly. Did he think I'd be hurt if he grabbed my hand tightly?   "Zero–" I was surprised when he suddenly kissed me, so I forced myself to let go, and I could see jealousy in his eyes.   "What are you thinking? I don't like that! Why are you jealous?" I told Zero, and he looked at me again, and he did not answer.   "If you don't answer, I'm leaving," I said to Zero as I removed my blanket. I was about to stand up when he pushed me, and he was right in front of our faces.   "I'm not sure why I'm like this and feel like this, but I just want you to be mine," Zero said to me as I stroked his cheek.   "I'm yours; I don't fall for other people," I told Zero before kissing me.   As I kissed Zero, I was very close to his neck, and his hands touched my waist. He let go and spread his hand, so I grabbed it, and he assisted me in standing up.   "A kiss would be better and make me calm," Zero said, causing my heart to race and my cheeks to flush.   "I need to return to the witch's palace," I said to Zero.   "I heard you went the mortal world, according to the man who brought you here. Did you go to see them?" I nodded when Zero asked.   "I visited because I thought they were there," I said to Zero, even though that wasn't the case.   "Would you like me to take you to the witch's palace?" Zero said as I exited the room and faced him.   "I don't need to. I can take care of myself; remember that I won't fool you even if I'm far away. You should be as well," When I told Zero, he squeezed my cheek.   "I'm not a cheater. You are simply the best I've ever seen. I adore you to the moon and back," Zero responded to me.   Zero hugged me, and I hugged him back, I left the palace, and he even took me when I came out, and then he gave me something.   It's a blue necklace with a round court; where did he get the money to buy it?   "From where did you get the money to buy it?" I asked Zero.   "When I asked Zach, he was courteous and gave it to me," Zero explained to me.   "It's nice," I said to Zero, and he took it and put it on me.   "All right, they might be looking for you there. Be careful when you miss me; just come here," Zero said, kissing my cheeks, and I immediately backed away.   Zero just smiled at me and teleported right away; I'm already in the palace, my heart rate is racing as if my brain is telling me to return to my palace and kiss Zero.   When I entered the palace, I shook my head; there was a commotion, and the Queen Daesy looked at me.   "Azura, you've already arrived! We've been looking for you for a long time; where have you been?" Queen Daesy asked me.   "I'm sorry if I'm long gone; I just returned to my palace and fainted. I required the strength of the four beasts." They were taken aback when I said this.   "You've got four beasts?" Queen Daesy inquired, and she approached me right away.   "Yes, I'm sorry, and I didn't say it right away," I replied to Queen Daesy, and she couldn't believe it.   "That is not important; what matters is that you're here and that you're fine!" Queen Daesy told me.   "Thank you for being concerned about me; perhaps I'll go back to my room and practice my spells," I said to Queen Daesy, and she nodded.   "All right, when you're hungry, just tell us," Queen Daesy said, and I nodded.   It's now noon, and I was also sleeping when I was taken to my palace; when I entered my room, I sat in the chair and opened the book of water spells.   I read there if I can poison dirty seawater, but it doesn't appear easy because I need a doctor first. Maybe I'll pick something else to study next.     **
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